Article Keyword: case study

Positive Past Lives – George Schwimmer (Is.24)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D.


Recalling significant positive past lives can be even more powerful than returning to past lives where issues originated. The feeling of having lived a past life of purpose and spiritual accomplishment is extremely valuable for every person.

In September of 1985, I attended a weekend Psychosynthesis training workshop in Amherst, Massachusetts, during which I mentioned my regression work to one of my fellow students, who immediately asked me to regress her. As it turned out, we had no free time that weekend, so I said I’d make a regression tape for her, and the next week I did. It was very structured, utilizing all the elements I use in past-life therapy.

Before sending her … Read the rest

Soul Detective Regressions – Barbara Stone (Is.24)

by Barbara Stone, Ph.D., L.I.S.W., D.C.E.P.


This article presents an innovative approach to complement regression therapy with trauma desensitization tools from the new field of energy psychology. The “Soul Detective Protocols” developed by the author use muscle testing rather than hypnosis to gather identifying information about past lives and invoke sacred space by asking archangels to form a pyramid of light around the therapy. After a brief description of the mechanics of meridian tapping therapies used for emotional relief and references for research on the subject, the author outlines the three basic steps in the energy psychology approach to therapy: ready–getting centered; willing–clearing limiting beliefs; and able–utilizing one of many energy psychology protocols. The article concludes with a Read the rest

Speaking With The Higher Self – George Schwimmer (Is.23)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D.


Speaking with the higher self of a client during regression, immediately after a past-life recall, will not only clarify the issue a client has brought but also offer insights and advice from the higher self which often can not be accessed in any other way.

The higher self is the most critical “player” in past-life recall and therapy. The lower self has a very limited perspective—its job is to deal with the current physical life. So the lower self is normally unable to see beyond the needs of survival, unless its view is somehow refocused and repositioned. The higher self, however, has a limitless perspective, is able to view any point of the time/space … Read the rest

The Significance of Cross-Verification of Reviewed Past Lives – Athanasios N. Komianos (Is.23)

by Athanasios N. Komianos


In the course of past-life regressions the question of authenticity often arises. The question “Was this a real lifetime?” often overshadows the client’s experience even when that experience was very profound. Presented here are three cases in which one person’s experience in a past-life regression is validated by another person’s past-life regression experience; a person with no knowledge of the experience of the other.


There is a tendency for the majority of professionals in regression therapy to overlook the importance of the association between revealed and relived experiences and real events. There are two major reasons for this.

First, pioneers of our profession argue that what is essential and vital for our clients is … Read the rest

And now please…Focus on Your Birthmark…- Athanasios N. Komianos (Is.22)

by Athanasios N. Komianos


Regression therapists use whatever means are readily available to them in order to tune in their clients with their presenting issue. They may focus on a physical pain, an emotion, a “catch-phrase,” a slip of the tongue, and use it as an affect bridge. In this paper I want to suggest using more of a technique (already in our arsenal), which I find fascinating. That is encouraging our clients to focus on their birthmark (or birth-defect). You will be surprised at how many people around us have birthmarks (not moles). Include a question in your intake form and, if there is one, you may use it as a trigger to produce regression, if you think Read the rest

Regression Therapy As An Adjunct To Marriage Counseling: A Case Study – Esther Iseman (Is.22)

by Esther Iseman, Ph.D.

This case study demonstrates the potential benefits of regression therapy in healing troubled relationships. Each of us presumably brings a variety of memories from other lifetimes into current life relationships. These memories, which are beyond awareness and to which we subconsciously react (e.g., those resulting from trauma), can cause a variety of dysfunctional scenarios. Regression therapy can be a valuable tool in retrieving problematic memories so that the role of these memories can be discovered and used to resolve current issues.


“John” (age 39) initially began individual counseling because he had feelings of remorse resulting, in part, from a recent “drunken” one-time extramarital sexual encounter. He revealed that his wife of 17 years, “Melanie,” … Read the rest

Family/Systems Therapy in the Fourth Dimension: A Theoretical Model for Past-Life Therapy – Paul W. Schenk (Is.22)

by Paul W. Schenk, Psy.D.


The author presents a layered genogram model for conceptualizing and utilizing hypnotic phenomena of the “past-life” type. An earlier article (Schenk, 1999) discussed a different model which bypasses the question of reincarnation by interpreting the client’s “waking dream” as a purely metaphorical projection from the unconscious. The model presented here incorporates reincarnation concepts by adding a fourth dimension to family/systems models of psychotherapy. The article then applies the model to several case studies to demonstrate some of its clinical applications. Whether the hypnotic imagery is understood as factual or symbolic, a growing body of literature indicates that treatment strategies associated with past-life therapy are often effective in treating Axis I symptoms which have Read the rest

Spiritual “Splinter” Removal – Gayla Reiter (Is.21)

by Gayla Reiter


Severe phobias led a young man to several emergency room visits, taking powerful medication and eventually changing jobs. He finally was led through a series of synchronistic events to Past Life Regression Therapy. This article describes his intense regression journey as well as the resultant healing…a healing that resulted in relief of his intense anxiety/phobias as well as lifelong asthma and allergies.

Synchronistically, I recently ran into a man I had worked with over 12 years ago…he recognized me and started recalling the impact the past life regression we had done had upon his life. Indeed, the e-mail he sent me after that encounter noted: “It was an amazing experience and helped me more than any … Read the rest

Following DNA – Diba Ayten Yilmaz (Is.21)

by Diba Ayten Yilmaz


As we speculate about much of the mechanics of the reincarnation process we often wonder and actively search out clues as to the how, when, where, and why we incarnate. It seems that an important aspect of this search and research is the acceptance of the scientifically inclined. Yilmaz presents one recently discovered method of tracing and linking an incarnate client with her past lives using her DNA. She gets help with this from two world renowned organizations that do not yet know they are providing this help: National Geographic and IBM.


From the National Geographic Society (NGS) website:

The National Geographic Society, IBM, geneticist Spencer Wells, and the Waitt Family Foundation have launched … Read the rest

Choosing Your Next Incarnation – Mary Lee LaBay (Is.21)

by Mary Lee LaBay, M.S., C.I.


There is an assumption that we all choose our next incarnation. Another assumption is that we always choose, or have assistance in choosing, the best possible family and environment for the positive forward progression of our soul.

In working with clients over the past 18 or so years both in past life regression and in life between life sessions, I have found that the methods used in choosing an incarnation as well as the suitability of that choice varies between individuals. Our state of being in the physical is closely reflective of the state of being in the astral. While we may gain some breadth of awareness and perspective, we do not … Read the rest