JRT Topic: Future Prediction

Beyond the Millennium – New Age or Brave New World? – Chet Snow (Is.28)

by Chet B. Snow

From time immemorial humanity has had a special fascination with knowledge of the future. Sages and seers across the ages have used many different rituals in an attempt to know what tomorrow would bring. A rare few have become enshrined as the great prophets of major world religions. Others, like Nostradamus, still confound us with arcane predictions which seem to match crucial events centuries later.

Edgar Cayce, an American photographer who lived between 1877 and 1945, is among the most celebrated 20th century psychic predictors. Known widely as “The Sleeping Prophet,” he had phenomenal success at mental medical diagnosis and nontraditional therapy. Over 12,000 transcripts of his psychic readings, given while he slept in a self-hypnotic … Read the rest

“Your Problem May Come From Your Future”: A Case Study – Bruce Goldberg (Is.8)

by Bruce Goldberg, D.D.S., M.S.

The concept of progression hypnotherapy is discussed. Theoretical and clinical foundations are presented to illustrate the validity of guiding patients into future lifetimes through hypnosis to resolve self-defeating sequences.

Jung theorized that there are periods in which the past, present, and future merge in a kind of timeless state. He termed this phenomenon synchronicity. Ego analysts see the ability to relate past, present, and future appropriately as a function of the ego, termed integration (Pressman, 1969). It seems logical that some tasks necessitate clear separation of the time dimensions such as remembering (past), attending (present), and anticipating (future). Other tasks necessitate the binding of all three dimensions, such as planning or organizing; in these … Read the rest

Beyond the Millennium – New Age or Brave New World?-Chet Snow (Is.1)

by Chet Snow

From time immemorial humanity has had a special fascination with knowledge of the future. Sages and seers across the ages have used many different rituals in an attempt to know what tomorrow would bring. A rare few have become enshrined as the great prophets of major world religions. Others, like Nostradamus, still confound us with arcane predictions which seem to match crucial events centuries later.

Edgar Cayce, an American photographer who lived between 1877 and 1945, is among the most celebrated 20th century psychic predictors. Known widely as “The Sleeping Prophet,” he had phenomenal success at mental medical diagnosis and nontraditional therapy. Over 12,000 transcripts of his psychic readings, given while he slept in a self-hypnotic trance, … Read the rest