JRT Topic: Hypnotherapy

The Passionate Pilgrim & The Soul’s Journey – Elaine Childs Gowell (Is.19)

 Elaine Childs Gowell, Ph.D.

How many of us have ever thought to compare a journey, such as a long air trip, to a shamanic journey or other rite of passage? In this article, Elaine Childs Gowell, Ph.D. relates her personal experiences during vacation journeys she has taken and points out the similarities of both journey types.



Welcome Pilgrim. So, you are passionately engaged in planning a pilgrimage. You are planning a trip; you are going on a tour, a Tourist. You are looking forward to “seeing” more of your past, to “seeing” at a higher level of consciousness. You have been saving up your money. You are going back to the old homestead, where you may be … Read the rest

Past Life Exploration – Henry Leo Bolduc and Marjorie V. Reynolds (Is.19)

by Henry Leo Bolduc, C.Ht. and Marjorie V. Reynolds, M.Ed., C.Ht.

The following script for working with regression is a combination of earlier scripts written by Henry and Marjorie individually. As with any script, it is meant to be adapted to individual clients. The first part, before formal trance work begins, could be the basis for a discussion to provide background information and some understanding of the work of regression.


Basic Script

Introduction and Background

Thank you for completing the Intake Form regarding your background information. You say here that…(refer to items listed). What else is important? (Have the client add any additional information). Thank you for signing permission.

You state here that you would like to … Read the rest

What’s in a Word? – Henry Leo Bolduc (Is.16)

Henry Leo Bolduc

Henry Leo Bolduc returns to the Journal’s pages with some wise advice about the uses of language in hypnosis. Although he focuses his remarks on hypnosis, his special field, all that he says can be applied to working with any altered state of consciousness, no matter what it may be called.

We, as hypnotherapists, are involved in a unique profession with vast opportunities. However, some of the terms used in the field of hypnosis itself might be misinterpreted by the public. How do we maximize our field’s therapeutic strengths while minimizing memories of the vaudeville era?

Our professional language is in dire need of renovation. Many words and phrases employed by hypnotists in past decades are now … Read the rest

Quantum Physics and its Application to Past-Life Regression and Future Life Progression Hypnotherapy – Bruce Goldberg (Is.11)

by Bruce Goldberg, D.D.S., M.S.

Time: is it linear or simultaneous? Is there a past, present, and future, as has been accepted by traditional thought? Does Quantum Physics suggest that perhaps the very concepts of time and space need to be reexamined and redefined? Dr. Goldberg, author, practitioner, and lecturer, places before our readers some thoughts and ideas on this controversial subject.

Throughout this article I will be referring to the work of Fred Alan Wolf, a quantum physicist. Although other physicists with specialties in quantum mechanics will be mentioned, most of my references will be to Wolf’s work. While Wolf doesn’t speak for all quantum physicists, I find his theories and conclusions particularly applicable to my work with … Read the rest

The Mystic and the Doctor – Henry Leo Bolduc (Is.10)

by Henry Leo Bolduc

To practitioners of PLT, the names of Dr. Milton Erickson and Edgar Cayce are well-known. Though different in many ways, each, in his own way, has made rich and significant contributions to our field. The impact of their work continues, still teaching, still guiding, still inspiring. In this article, Henry Leo Bolduc examines these two men.

After decades (even centuries) of disdain for, mistrust of, and even downright antagonism toward hypnotherapy and holistic healing (so-called nontraditional medicine), the medical profession is slowly realizing that such alternative techniques to traditional medicine can, in many cases, equal or even surpass the effectiveness of modern medicine. This realization has been brought about by increasing public awareness of the success … Read the rest

Understanding the Request for Past-Life Regression: A Case Example – David Hammerman (Is.10)

by David Hammerman, Ed.D.

Practitioners of PLT, like all therapists, must be constantly mindful that clients who seek our services may not be aware of what they actually need. In other cases, they may know but are unwilling to acknowledge or express this openly. In the case of a request for a past-life regression, one needs to be aware that it may be a cover against exploring painful present life issues and concerns. Dr. Hammerman has conducted research in this area with his clientele and presents a case study which addresses this issue, illustrating the multifaceted nature of a request for a past-life regression. It also focuses on how hypnosis, as a clinical tool, facilitates the process.

Discussions of … Read the rest

Therapist Safety and Protection in Past-Life Therapy – David Hammerman (Is.9)

by David Hammerman, Ph.D.

To take care of oneself is both prudent and vital. As the author of this article so rightly points out, therapists tend to be so attentive to the needs of our clients that they sometimes fail to practice appropriate measures to adequately protect themselves. The author, a licensed psychologist, has developed an interesting technique for therapists to use.

While much work has been done in hypnotherapy around safety and protection for the client, little has been done around safety and protection for the therapist. There has been recent clinical attention paid to spirits attaching themselves to people and the depossession work that was required to release them (Ireland-Frey, 1986). The following report illustrates the need … Read the rest

The Reincarnation of James – The Submarine Man – Rick Brown (Is.9)

by Rick Brown, Hypnotherapist

Those who would challenge the validity of PLT often point to the lack of information which can be empirically validated. Their cry is, “Give us data! Give us names, dates, places!” For this reason, this contribution, in which a careful and methodical follow-up was conducted to validate the data obtained during the regression, is an important study. We would be interested in hearing from other PLT practitioners who have done similar studies and validations.

On February 11, 1942, the U.S. Submarine Shark, on which James Edward Johnston was a crew member, was depth charged and sunk by the Japanese Destroyer Amatsukaze. All hands including James drowned. The spirit that occupied the body of James appears … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy with Difficult Phobics – Johannes M. Cladder (Is.2)

by Johannes M. Cladder

There are many books and articles dealing with regressions in trance to so-called past lives. Some include fascinating case histories using past-life therapy. Others attempt to establish the authenticity of reincarnation and the reality of past lives, though the question of whether reincarnation is or is not a possibility can best be determined by lines of investigation other than hypnotic regression, such as the work of Stevenson. Systematic research to determine the possible use of past-life regression with certain kinds of patients is just beginning.

Experimenting with past-life regressions in the hypnotherapy of difficult phobics gives the impression that patients are flooded with traumatic material from the hypothesized past lives and cannot avoid experiencing strong anxiety … Read the rest

Using Past-Life Concepts in Child Therapy – Evelyn Fuqua (Is.7)

by Evelyn Fuqua, Ph.D., M.F.C.C.

The primary goal of therapy with children is to strengthen self-esteem. In working with children I do not advocate using regression therapy except in cases where all other methods have failed to help the child. One must always use caution since the ego strength of children is quite fragile. Children need to develop a sense of their unique personality and talents of this lifetime. However, the metaphysical concepts of past lives can at times be used very effectively with children.

I have found four major methods of using regression concepts in working with children: 1) Using hypnotherapy, with the therapist giving suggestions to the child; 2) Encouraging a child to talk about a past … Read the rest