JRT Topic: Past-life Therapy

The Origin of the Victim Role in Past-Life Guilt – Dree K. Miller (Is.6)

by Dree K. Miller, Ph.D.

It is commonplace for therapists to hear the variety of ways in which their clients are victims. Some clients are victims of child abuse or dysfunctional family backgrounds. Some are victims of abusive relationships with mates, friends, employers, family. Others are the victims of circumstances, never being able to succeed in school, find and hold a job, or have even an adequate living environment. Occasionally there seem to be those who are just “victims of life.” Or could it be that they are the victims of past life? Within the context of past-life therapy the concept of victimization shifts from an external experience to an internal design. Being a victim is no longer a … Read the rest

The Application of the Psychosynthesis Technique of Forgiveness to Past-Life Therapy – Nanette de Fuentes (Is.6)

by Nanette de Fuentes, Ph.D.

The technique of embracing forgiveness for oneself is built upon a thorough understanding of guilt. Guilt is a pervasive emotion which when unresolved, can impair one’s psychological and spiritual growth. It is classically defined as “self-reproach and feelings of culpability” or “deserving of blame.”

The various schools of psychological thought view the etiology and purpose of guilt in different ways. From a psychodynamic viewpoint, neurotic guilt emerges from an overly punitive or overly developed superego, from the constrictions of which therapy should be able to free one. This viewpoint contrasts with Reality Therapy, wherein guilt is seen as a valid reaction to a real transgression. Existentialists, on the other hand, view guilt not as … Read the rest

Therapist Safety and Protection in Past-Life Therapy – David Hammerman (Is.9)

by David Hammerman, Ph.D.

To take care of oneself is both prudent and vital. As the author of this article so rightly points out, therapists tend to be so attentive to the needs of our clients that they sometimes fail to practice appropriate measures to adequately protect themselves. The author, a licensed psychologist, has developed an interesting technique for therapists to use.

While much work has been done in hypnotherapy around safety and protection for the client, little has been done around safety and protection for the therapist. There has been recent clinical attention paid to spirits attaching themselves to people and the depossession work that was required to release them (Ireland-Frey, 1986). The following report illustrates the need … Read the rest

Pardon My Research – Stanley Richardson (Is.9)

by Stanley Richardson, D.D.S.

Research is the cornerstone of science. The rigors of professionalism demand objectivity and substantiation/validation. If PLT is to gain broad acceptance, then it must keep itself open to an ongoing process of objective and rigorous examination. It must be subjected to the cold, impartial scrutiny of research and controlled experimentation. Where no satisfactory method exists, new ones need to be developed. Results of research need to be carefully studied and discussed. With this in mind, Richardson has focused his attention on the validity of hypnosis as a tool for past-life research.

The object of this project was to investigate the validity of being able to bring back past lives through the use of hypnosis, … Read the rest

The Reincarnation of James – The Submarine Man – Rick Brown (Is.9)

by Rick Brown, Hypnotherapist

Those who would challenge the validity of PLT often point to the lack of information which can be empirically validated. Their cry is, “Give us data! Give us names, dates, places!” For this reason, this contribution, in which a careful and methodical follow-up was conducted to validate the data obtained during the regression, is an important study. We would be interested in hearing from other PLT practitioners who have done similar studies and validations.

On February 11, 1942, the U.S. Submarine Shark, on which James Edward Johnston was a crew member, was depth charged and sunk by the Japanese Destroyer Amatsukaze. All hands including James drowned. The spirit that occupied the body of James appears … Read the rest

Resolving Sexual Karma: A Case Study – Vivian J. Frazier (Is.9)

by Vivian J. Frazier, L.C.S.W.

The continuing influence of a past-life experience upon the present one is a phenomenon well-known to those who practice PLT. This case study illustrates an important but often overlooked point that carry-over may not be from one life time but rather from several.

Sexual karma may sometimes be the most powerful kind of karma people can create for themselves. This would not be surprising, considering the primal nature of sex and the deep emotions it can engender in people. Because of the crucial role sex can play in a person’s life, if the expression of sexuality is seriously thwarted for some reason, feelings of self worth and sense of identity can sometimes be greatly … Read the rest

Treating Children’s Nightmares with Past-Life Report Therapy: A Case and a Discussion – Thelma B. Freedman (Is.9)

by Thelma B. Freedman, M.A.
Case studies are an important method which professionals in many disciplines use to share and illustrate information and techniques. In this one, the author suggests the use of past-life reports as a technique which she found helpful in dealing with a recurrent nightmare-apparition.

Evelyn Fuqua, in her article in Volume IV, 1, of the Journal, suggests the use of past-life report therapy with children’s recurrent nightmares. She discusses her young client Ben, who suffered from a recurrent nightmare of being shot by Germans during World War II. Ben had realized at the age of nine that his recurrent nightmare might have a basis in a past life and requested appropriate therapy. Fuqua tells us … Read the rest

The Message of the Mystery Schools – Karl Schlotterbeck (Is.9)

by Karl Schlotterbeck, M.A., C.A.S.

This article describes the psychological power of mystery schools, with examples of how their practices and beliefs affect intrapsychic dynamics, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual development in later lives. Their ideal of integrated and holistic schooling is contrasted with the observed dysfunctional effects when some of their principles are carried over unconsciously and indiscriminately into broader social contexts in subsequent incarnations.

I know of few things that can excite the imagination as much as the mystery schools of bygone times. The very thought of them evokes images of robed candidates and initiates in their cells or courtyards or libraries, preparing for initiation or seeking illumination.

If you could image yourself as one of these … Read the rest

The Fallen Angel – Eileen Bennet (Is.8)

by Eileen Bennet, Ph.D.

Editor’s Note: This charming allegory at first glance looks deceptively like a fairy tale for children—hardly the type of material to appear in a professional journal. But on further acquaintance, it becomes so fraught with meaning that we cannot resist bringing it to our readers. Dr. Bennet tells us that it grew out of some past-life therapy work she had been doing with Dr. Hazel Denning, APRT’s executive director emeritus. “This session,” Dr. Bennet says, “was motivated by feelings of deep grief, which had been a core issue for me. In the session, Hazel directed me back to the original cause of these feelings. Since that time, I have experienced a shift in my consciousness Read the rest

The Old Question: Is It Allegory or Reality? – C. Norman Shealy (Is. 8)

by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

Although one can never be certain that the “past-life” images perceived in a state of reverie or light hypnosis portray events that actually happened, this author says that they are often of great use in mirroring, and thus helping patients understand their current dilemmas. He continues to use PLT as a technique for encouraging his patients to resolve longstanding conflicts. This article illustrates his point of view with a few brief case histories.

Since most patients do not present adequate evidence to document their reports of past-life events, and most do not express themselves in a foreign language, we must consider the possibility that their imagery speaks in allegorical metaphors for their current … Read the rest