JRT Topic: Study

Spiritual Nomads: Research into Past Lives – Judy Bertrand/ Jim Charleston (Is.13)

by Judy Bertrand, M.S.W., and Jim Charleston, M.Div., M.S.W.

Editors’ Note: This research study was discovered by our Editor (and APRT’s Ambassador to Cyberspace), Russ Davis, through a chat group on America Online. Bertrand and Charleston had had no awareness of APRT before Russ found them but they had courageously pursued their research because they believed it was important (as it is). They are to be commended, and also, welcome to APRT to these two new members! They used past-life regression to examine connections between present life preferences and past-life experiences in other civilizations.


Our desire to explore past-life therapy began when Ms. Bertrand was working at a county department of social services with physically and sexually abused … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy for Phobias: Patterns and Outcome – Thelma B. Freedman (Is.13)

by Thelma B. Freedman, M.A.

The following paper presents the results of a small research study that the author carried out in partial fulfillment of the requirements for her Ph.D. at Saybrook Institute. The author examined the past-life and interlife reports of phobic people, looking for any significant patterns and also for therapeutic outcome. Her results seem heartening to our field.


I became interested in examining past-life therapy for phobias in part because I had seen its effectiveness in my own practice. Treatment of phobias is mentioned by almost all writers on past-life therapy methods, and Clark (1995) found, in her survey of therapists, that nearly all (93%) placed phobias high on their lists of successes.

However, this … Read the rest

Verifiable Past Lives: Readily Available? – Robert T. James (Is.13)

by Robert T. James, J.D., C.Ht.

In the Journal, VII, 1 (1993), Dr. James presented the “first wave” of his research on the prevalence and types of past-life phenomena among the general population. In the paper below, he continues that research with a new group of subjects and includes new data about the kinds of past-life experiences reported. There are surprising connections between some of Dr. James’ findings and those of Ms. Lamb as reported elsewhere in this issue of the Journal.


In 1991-92, prior to conducting the research I wish to report on in this article, I worked with 107 healthy, adult subjects, conducting a general research project investigating the phenomenon that most people, when in a … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy Research Project – Part II – Rabia Clark (Is.12)

by Rabia Clark, M.A.

This article is a continuation of an article on page 97 of the December 1993 issue of The Journal of Regression Therapy. It gives additional findings from Rabia Clark’s research project on past-life therapy as it is practiced today.

Just what is past-life therapy? Is it a legitimate therapeutic technique–or is it more allied to spiritual healing? And, if it is a part of the psychological therapies, how can it be integrated into the “mainstream?” How can the spiritual views of the field be integrated with the more traditional cathartic methods? How has past-life therapy been researched so far?

Early studies on past-life therapy (PLT) were focused on the idea of proving the validity of … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy Research Project – Rabia Clark (Is.11)

by Rabia Clark

Rabia Clark has already made many important contributions to our field and to our association. Now, in pursuit of her doctorate, she has undertaken an extensive study of past-life therapists which, when completed, will provide us with significant insight into contemporary PLT practices as well as the underlying theoretical assumptions of its practitioners. The first phase of that undertaking—the preparation, distribution, and collection of a data questionnaire—has now been completed. While the data is still being processed and evaluated, we have asked her to prepare for this issue a brief preliminary report of what has been accomplished to date. What now follows is her response to that request: in essence, a brief summary of her first impressions Read the rest

Regressed Past Lives and Survival After Physical Death: Unique Experiences? – Robert T. James (Is.11)

by Robert T. James, J.D.

After completing a written survey inquiring into demographics and religious beliefs, 104 adult subjects were separately hypnotized in an attempt to regress them to past lives. Eighty-one subjects did regress to what seemed to be past lives. The results were subjected to a Multi-variate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and to other statistical analyses. In this article Dr. James presents a summary of some of his findings.


Whether or not we survive physical death and are reborn again would seem to be two of the most important questions we can ask ourselves. Indeed, the reports from every known society indicate that our ancestors seemed to concern themselves with such questions as far back as … Read the rest

A Brief Report Of The Parks Research and Education Project: A project designed to investigate the power of the mind to heal – Hazel M. Denning (Is.11)

by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.

In 1978, a substantial grant was given to the Parapsychology Association of Riverside, Inc. to conduct a longitudinal investigation into the power of the mind to heal physical pathologies using hypnosis and regression as the primary interventions for healing. While hypnosis was to be used in all cases, the precise nature of the therapeutic intervention was left to each of the researchers involved in the project. The following report gives the reader an overview and summarizes the project. The full project report, including data tables, photographs, and case studies, as well as a bibliography and other materials, has been published as APRT Monograph No. 1, 1993.


The Parks Research and Education Project was … Read the rest

Regression Therapy as a Valid Approach in Treating Obesity: A Case Study – Janet Cunningham (Is.10)

by Janet Cunningham, M.S.

The study of obesity has perplexed dieters and professionals alike. This paper presents the research and view that regression therapy and working through the blockages in the unconscious mind can be a major key to success. The research of the author indicates five major reasons for manifesting excess body fat. She identifies those reasons, and documents a case study using childhood and past-life therapy.

In spite of an increased interest in fitness in the 1980’s and 90’s, statistics indicate a shocking reality: eighty to ninety percent of dieters who lose weight gain it back. We continue to emphasize external (diet change, exercise, behavior) and avoid internal factors (thoughts, beliefs, mind patterning, and emotion). Clearly we … Read the rest

Research in a Strange New Field: The Potluck Principle – Thelma B. Freedman (Is.10)

by Thelma B. Freedman, M.A.

Shortly before closing this issue of the Journal, I asked Thelma to share with our readership her thoughts and wisdom on this vital topic. The need to encourage research looms so importantly in my own thinking, that it also became the topic of the Editor’s Page. (Did you take the time to read it?) In a manner so typical of her, Thelma drew from her knowledge and experience, and penned the following. I am not sure whether it is most appropriately called an article, an encouraging lesson, a set of instructions, or an admonishment. Perhaps all four. First and foremost, it presents the reader with thoughtfully prepared and practical advice. Her style is Read the rest

Pardon My Research – Stanley Richardson (Is.9)

by Stanley Richardson, D.D.S.

Research is the cornerstone of science. The rigors of professionalism demand objectivity and substantiation/validation. If PLT is to gain broad acceptance, then it must keep itself open to an ongoing process of objective and rigorous examination. It must be subjected to the cold, impartial scrutiny of research and controlled experimentation. Where no satisfactory method exists, new ones need to be developed. Results of research need to be carefully studied and discussed. With this in mind, Richardson has focused his attention on the validity of hypnosis as a tool for past-life research.

The object of this project was to investigate the validity of being able to bring back past lives through the use of hypnosis, … Read the rest