JRT Topic: Trauma Release

Sacred Aspects in the Treatment of Trauma – Gail Carr Feldman (Is.13)

by Gail Carr Feldman Ph.D.

In the following paper the author describes using past-life and spirit releasement therapies with clients who have been severely abused in childhood. Dr. Feldman refers to the work of Shengold and his concept of “soul murder” in discussing these clients and their courage in therapy; she also points out that with these clients, therapists are “called upon to be guardians of their souls.”

Judith Herman (l992) reportedly said, “No one can face trauma alone.” The therapist is called upon to bear witness to a crime. I believe that no one can face recovering from trauma alone. The therapist is also called upon to bear witness to a healing. I believe that it is a sacred … Read the rest

The Spirit of Transformation in Past Lives – Marilyn Gordon (Is.12)

by Marilyn Gordon, C.C.Ht.

This article combines transformational healing with past-life therapy. It puts forward a three-step process for experiencing, releasing, and transforming the root causes of human predicaments, with particular application to the root causes found in past-lives. The author discusses the principles of this approach, highlights various techniques, and gives examples from cases.

I recently saw a film called “Baraka,” the Sufi word for “blessing”. In frame after frame, I saw images of the wonderful and terrible aspects of human existence, juxtaposed with the prayers of those who pray everywhere—the Sufi Dervishes, the Hebrews, Christians, the tribes of Africa and Native America.

I saw massive traffic jams and huge inhumane factories processing live chickens, as … Read the rest

Agoraphobia: Trauma of a Lost Soul? – Dr. Marianne de Jong (Is.10)

by Marianne de Jong

APRT is, indeed, fortunate to count among its members a growing number of colleagues in other countries who bring new understanding and perspectives to our work. We welcome their contributions. Dr. de Jong presents the reader with an exciting theory based on her work with agoraphobia.

As a psychotherapist with many phobic clients, I have found regression therapy to be an effective method for overcoming a specific fear. Agoraphobia, however, puts special demands on the therapist.

Staats (1975) defines a phobia as a defective stimulus or response control. For example, if the stimulus is a quiet street and the response is panic, fear, avoidance, and running away, clearly the response is not one that is normally … Read the rest

Treating the Core Issue – Trisha Caetano (Is.9)

by Trisha Caetano

Core issues underlie behavior, says this author. When using past-life regression therapy (PLRT), she advises, it is important to address the client’s case from an overview position, using the client’s response to a theme to focus the session on a search for the core of a behavior pattern instead of the surface presenting problem. The purpose of PLRT then is to remove the subconscious reactive part of a traumatic past-life experience, putting the individual in present time in a position of conscious choice instead of reactive programming.

A core issue may be defined as a viewpoint or feeling that motivates behavior. A core-issue incident is an experience that causes an individual to form a viewpoint, feeling or … Read the rest

Treating A Past-Life Hangover – Hans Ten Dam (Is.8)

by Hans Ten Dam, M.A.

While regressing to the causes of psychological and psychosomatic problems, says this author, we sometimes find chronic adverse conditions, rather than specific traumas. In his own practice, he has found that these cases call for a somewhat different treatment—that instructions to relive the adverse conditions can actually worsen the symptoms. This article differentiates “hangovers” from “traumas,” presenting some general insights into hangovers and a method of dealing with them. A case history is offered in illustration.

In regression therapy we look for the unassimilated experiences whose repercussions have carried over into present life. These are usually called “traumas.” But that label does not fit a whole range of repercussive conditions I have seen in … Read the rest

Principles and Techniques of Regression to Childhood – Irene Hickman (Is.7)

by Irene Hickman, D.O.

Depressed feelings and thoughts often arise from other lifetimes, but they can also originate in the childhood of the subject’s current life. The process of recall and healing is the same, both for traumas originating in childhood and for those involving other lifetimes. Even if the source of a trauma is not found in a current lifetime, review of childhood memories is often helpful as a springboard to recall similar traumas from other lifetimes. This review is especially useful in the case of subjects who in their waking consciousness object to the idea of exploring past lives. Because of the trepidation often expressed by such subjects, I avoid beginning with past-life exploration and ask only … Read the rest

Creative Source Therapy in Past Life Exploration – Errol Schubot (Is.4)

by Errol Schubot, Ph.D.

Again we have a striking innovation in method presented by Errol Schubot. Those of you who attended his workshop at the Fall Conference in Sacramento were moved by his powerful and loving method of working through personality tie-ups initiated in past lives. In considering both the article and the work, we are confronted with a common difficulty in clinical research. Which variables were responsible for the successful outcome of the experience? Was it the loving energy generated by the group? Was it Errol Schubot’s strikingly creative use of transformational imagery? Or was it his skillful method of contacting the Creative Source? Probably all three contributed to Ginny Pryne’s resolution. Be sure to read the open Read the rest