Article Keyword: anger

EXPERIENTIAL DATA. Creative Source Experience – Ginny Pryne (Is.4)

by Ginny Pryne

I left my island with its fog and trees, which go right down to the waters of Puget Sound, to come south in September to the APRT Annual Conference in sun-filled Sacramento. In looking over the possible workshops one stood out for me because of its title, “Creative Source,” my favorite words! In a group of about twenty-five participants I was one of three who volunteered to be subjects. Dr. Schubot, the workshop leader, used all three of us to demonstrate how the body is tuned to a Creative Source which knows the answers to questions asked, answers which would lead to our highest good. Answers bypass the conscious mind and are evidenced from the unconscious by … Read the rest

Improvement of Diabetes in Conjunction with Regression Therapy – Lewis Mehl (Is.4)

by Lewis E. Mehl

Dr. Mehl feels that for accurate theorizing about health it is necessary to consider individual belief systems and help clients step outside these beliefs. The goal of the therapist is to help the patient in a journey toward the reconstitution of beliefs and a consequent embracing of life. Various techniques, including past-life recall, are used in this effort. He traces the process through the successful treatment of a diabetic young woman.

For accurate theorizing about health it is necessary to consider individual belief systems. These represent the formulae that individuals use to put together their conceptions of how things work and how to fit into the world. Therapy is a process that involves helping clients step … Read the rest