Article Keyword: chakras

Restructuring A Past-Life Body – George Schwimmer (Is.10)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D.

Dr. Schwimmer proposes that the impacts and the memories of both physical and mental traumas – from either past or present lives – become lodged in individuals’ chakras. These energies and images, along with their concomitant feelings, are symbols (often expressed as symptoms in the present life) for an underlying issue/lesson that an individual’s Higher Self is using to prod the Lower Self to work upon. However, the traumas are very real in an individual’s being, and therefore the negative images must be replaced by positive ones and the underlying disorder in the human chakras must be healed, in order to provide the individual with the psychic energy necessary to learn the needed lesson and Read the rest

Healing The Past-Life Personality – George Schwimmer (Is.8)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D.

Recollections of events, which shocked or traumatized an individual in a past life, very often re-traumatize the present personality during regression, this author finds. He advocates visualization healing and other techniques to relieve a client of such traumas, which are usually symbols of the client’s core issue.

The principal dictum—both spoken and unspoken—of many past-life therapists is, “To relive is to relieve.” In my own experience as a therapist in this field, reliving is just one part of the PLT process, and in some instances merely reliving a past life can be deleterious—it usually shocks the present personality’s emotional body, the nervous system, the glandular systems, and the electromagnetic systems, replaying the entire inner tape … Read the rest