Article Keyword: emotional release

Aspects of Past-Life Bodywork: Understanding Subtle Energy Fields Part I: Theory – Roger Woolger (Is.3)

by Roger J. Woolger


A striking aspect of much past-life therapy, when seen for the first time by an observer, is the obvious physical involvement of the client in the story that is being relived. In many sessions the client doesn’t just sit or lie passively recounting an inner vision of a past life with his or her eyes closed. Instead he or she may be subject to the most dramatic convulsions, contortions, heavings, and thrashings imaginable. One client may clutch his chest in apparent pain as he recounts a sword wound, another may turn almost blue during a choking fit as she remembers a strangulation, while yet another may become rigidly fixed with arms above the head as … Read the rest

Creative Source Therapy: Pathways for Healing the Inner Child – Errol D. Schubot (Is.7)

by Errol D. Schubot, Ph.D.

The Creative Source is the inner wisdom and guidance that is most often accessed in spiritual, creative, or deep trance states. In a previous article in The Journal of Regression Therapy (Schubot, 1987), I demonstrated how Creative Source Therapy can be a very effective pathway to uncover and heal past-life experiences. This article further elaborates the procedures for using the Creative Source and demonstrates its effectiveness in healing the Inner Child.

Creative Source Therapy uses the methods of Behavioral Kinesiology (Diamond, 1979; Callahan, 1985). It is a procedure that gives instant feedback of the body’s response to a stimulus through muscle testing. The client holds his arm out to the side with his palm … Read the rest

Using Rescripting to Transform Patterns and Address Core Issues – Treelight Green (Is.5)

by Treelight Green, Ph.D.

Through the years of involvement in past-life work, spontaneous regressions, guiding myself, and being guided by others, I have created a style of working with past lives which to my knowledge is unique and effective. Reliving a past life can be a cathartic experience in releasing emotions and identifying thought patterns and beliefs from which one is operating. However, simply identifying the patterns and releasing the emotions is not always sufficient. A transformation of the past needs to take place in order truly to impact a person’s current life and insure that old patterns and beliefs do not repeat themselves. This can be done through transformational imaging and rescripting.

Though each regression is a dynamic … Read the rest