Article Keyword: subtle body

The Evolution of Subtle Energy Bodies? A Preliminary Inquiry – Robert T. James (Is.17)

Robert T. James, J.D.

Dr. James joins with others in stating that to arrive at an understanding of that part of our individuality that survives our physical death, we must begin with its evolution commencing at the time of the physical evolutionary origins of the human species. He speculates on ways of exploring those origins.

This inquiry is founded upon the actuality of three basic premises:

1) That we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience;

2) That humans in our present form (Homo sapiens) evolved from lesser life forms; and

3) That some form of our individuality survives our physical death, has lived in the past, and will probably live again.

Following ancient practices described … Read the rest

Aspects of Past-Life Bodywork: Understanding Subtle Energy Fields Part I: Theory – Roger Woolger (Is.3)

by Roger J. Woolger


A striking aspect of much past-life therapy, when seen for the first time by an observer, is the obvious physical involvement of the client in the story that is being relived. In many sessions the client doesn’t just sit or lie passively recounting an inner vision of a past life with his or her eyes closed. Instead he or she may be subject to the most dramatic convulsions, contortions, heavings, and thrashings imaginable. One client may clutch his chest in apparent pain as he recounts a sword wound, another may turn almost blue during a choking fit as she remembers a strangulation, while yet another may become rigidly fixed with arms above the head as … Read the rest