Reviewed by the Editor
In JRT Issue 21, 2007
Dr. Benor offers a four volume series on Healing Research. While this particular volume is not focused on regression research or therapies the focus is on our energetic nature and the many varied approaches to self healing. As such the material contained in this volume is related to our work as energy therapists of sorts.
This volume is loaded with lots of research information supporting the theory and belief of the subtle energies of our bodies and the many varied therapies available today to facilitate healing. Dr. Benor casts a wide net covering healing practices from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Astrology and Dowsing.
He discusses the influence environmental energies exert on our personal energy fields and suggests ways to personally explore, understand, and heal our physical problems that result from the disturbance of our subtle and spiritual energies.
The book is divided up into 5 chapters: Self-Healing, Wholistic Energy Medicine, The Human Energy Field, Geobiological Effects, and Self-Healing Approaches and Exercises. Chapter one, Self-Healing, covers such topics as Personality and Normality, Psychosomatic Disorders, Psychotherapy and Physical Symptoms, Body-Mind Therapies and Spiritual Healing, Biofeedback, Hypnosis, Self-Healing Programs and Spontaneous Healing.. He also includes a preview of an Energy Healing Model.
Chapter two is the meat and potatoes of this volume. Here he covers all of the major Complimentary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) Therapies. There is a short brief on past life regression therapy included in this section. Chapter three focuses on the human energy field and topics such as auras, Kirlian Photography, and measurement of energy fields.
Chapter four concerns Geobiological Effects. “What the heck is that?” Put simply it is the realm of subtle energies detectable by Radiesthesia (Dowsing) and Radionics. There is extensive discussion of these subtle energies that surround us in our environment. Later in the chapter he addresses the role Astrology and the sometimes subtle energies from our Sun, Moon, Planets, and other celestial bodies influence us.
Chapter five details numerous self-healing approaches and exercises. If your practice includes teaching students or clients various methods for self healing, I’m sure you will find a wealth of new methods to add to your curriculum and tool box.
There is an extensive Notes section at the back of the book as well as an extensive References section. Dr. Benor has gone into great detail documenting the research associated with the various subjects in this large volume. Personally I was glad to see the extensive research references, which to me, provide added validity to some of the more non-scientific and, some would say, highly questionable healing approaches and practices.
This is a must-have book for any therapist, coach, or practitioner whose practice is based and focuses on our energetic spiritual nature or who wants to broaden their approach to healing.