Healing States by Alberto Villoldo and Stanley Krippner
Reviewed by Julianne Blake, Ph.D.
In JRT Issue 4, Fall 1987
Spectacular Brazilian spirit mediums and Amer-Indian shamans—are they the bizarre fringe of psychic phenomena or the leading edge of spiritual healing? Villoldo and Krippner guide the reader through an exploration of some of the least understood and most intriguing forms of healing in the world today. As participant-observers of shamanic journeys and spirit-incorporation by mediums, through interviews, photographs, and accounts of their personal experiences, they bring us as close as possible to a direct experience of what has for many people been inconceivable. They implement this experiential data with their scientific expertise in documenting and validating and explaining the phenomena. In conclusion, they offer thought-provoking theoretical formulation, … Read the rest