Archives: Book Reviews

Regression Therapy; Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual by William Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Reviewed by Roger J. Woolger, Ph.D.
In JRT Issue 11, Fall 1993


William Baldwin’s eagerly awaited manual Regression Therapy; Spirit Releasement Therapy is a brilliant, daring tour de force whose appearance I am delighted to celebrate. What Dr Baldwin has done in this manual is to painstakingly integrate an enormous range of techniques as well as much accumulated wisdom gleaned from Past-Life Therapy, spiritual possession syndrome, soul retrieval, inner child work, multiple personality disorder, and traditional psychotherapy.

The introduction offers a very useful and concise overview of spirit possession syndrome throughout history. Then he traces the development of early dynamic psychiatry and its concerns with multiple personality and the splitting of the psyche as it interfaces with spiritualism from … Read the rest

Beyond the Ashes: Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom

Reviewed by Amy Shapiro, M.Ed.
In JRT Issue 11, 1993


This book is an anecdotal account of personal stories told to Rabbi Gershom during his work as a spiritual director over a ten year period by hundreds of persons who described to him flashbacks, visions, dreams, and “memories” that appeared to stem from previous lives. What he found particularly interesting was that many of these recollections were made by persons who, in their present life, are not Jewish but were, nonetheless, able to provide detailed information concerning both the holocaust and Eastern European Jewish life and customs—information generally not known in the non-Jewish world.

The author has assembled a collection of these cases and has combined them with some … Read the rest

Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals by Winafred Blake Lucas, Ph.D.

Reviewed by Thelma B. Freedman, M.A.
In JRT Issue 11, 1993


To say that this two-volume compendium is a major contribution to our field is to ridiculously undervalue it. It is, in this reviewer’s opinion, probably the most important single contribution to our field to date. More than ten years in the making, it reflects the precision, thoughtfulness, and thoroughness that one would expect from Lucas.

Both volumes are elegantly organized. The first ten chapters of the first volume, written very sensitively by Lucas, constitute an overview of the field as it has grown and stands today. The first chapter is exactly what it should be: an excellent history of past-life therapy. In the next nine chapters, Lucas … Read the rest

Hypnosis Regression Therapy by Ursula Markham

Reviewed by Thelma B. Freedman, M.A.
In JRT Issue 10, Fall 1992


As the title states, Markham, a British therapist, has written a no-nonsense book about hypnosis regression therapy, and she sticks to the point. She defines that phrase as regression to forgotten events in the present life as well as in a past life. There is no mention of spirit releasement therapy, spirit guides, or protective light circles, although she may use the last two. She is not specific about her regression techniques themselves. The book is written for the lay reader as an information manual, and for a practicing therapist there is probably no new knowledge. But it is a book that therapists might well recommend … Read the rest

Out of this World by I. P. Couliano

Reviewed by Karl Schlotterbeck, M.A., C.A.S.
In JRT Issue 10, Fall 1992


Out of this World is an impressive exposition of the variety of otherworldly experiences in and conceptualizations about the netherworld. Although of tangential interest to past-life therapists, as a survey of world cultures and their beliefs about the world outside of time and space, this history is of central importance to anyone interested in the life of the soul.

Couliano concerns himself with ecstatic experiences of a shamanic nature, whether designated as such or not. His survey covers Egyptian texts, Tibetan bardo writings, legends of gods and goddesses in their otherworldly activities, Taiwanese ghost brides, Taoist priests, Islamic journeys and visions, along with Jewish, Greek, Chinese, … Read the rest

Lifecycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life by Christopher M. Bache, Ph.D.

Reviewed by Daniel Kealey, Ph.D.
In JRT Issue 10, Fall 1992


Dr. Bache, a member of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Youngstown State University, has written a much needed book full of stimulating insights into the contemporary philosophical implications of reincarnation. He correctly states that the belief in the theory of reincarnation is no longer just a religious question, for the impressive accumulation of evidence that has become part of the contemporary intellectual environment makes it essentially an empirical question. Bache backs up this claim with an overview of the research, focusing primarily on the work of Stevenson and the findings of past-life regression. But this is not his main purpose. He notes that as a … Read the rest

Past Lives, Present Decisions: A Pathway to Transformation by Helene Rothschild

Reviewed by Marilyn J. Wulff, M.S.W.
In JRT Issue 10, Fall 1992


Helene Rothschild’s book, Past Lives, Present Decisions, would be an excellent resource for beginning past-life therapists and I believe is designed to serve as a self-help guide to individuals who are ready to learn more about and experience their past lives, as a “pathway to transformation.”

Rothschild, who has a Master’s Degree in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling, and is in private practice in California, describes her approach as being based upon what she calls “Creative Therapy,” saying “…we all make decisions based on our experiences. These decisions or thoughts control our lives,” and adds that another principle of her therapy is “we are all totally responsible … Read the rest

Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys by Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D., with Paul Perry

Reviewed by Rabia Clark, M.A.
In JRT Issue 10, Fall 1992


Past-life therapists often recommend books on PLT to their clients. I have been looking for a book which explains how past-life therapy is done in a simple and non-technical way. Dr. Raymond Moody’s book, Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys is my current favorite.

Dr. Moody uses interesting and brief case histories as illustrations throughout the book which makes it very easy to read. Some of the case histories come from the APRT Journal of Regression Therapy, some come from his own past-life recollections, and others from his clients or other books. APRT members Dree Miller Dunlap, George Schwimmer, and Paul Hansen’s past-life recollections are mentioned, … Read the rest

Elvis After Life by Raymond Moody, Ph.D., M.D.

Reviewed by Fleur Greene, M.A.
In JRT Issue 6, Fall 1988

Elvis Presley was a phenomenon in his life. He may single-handedly have aroused the sleeping eroticism of the entire Western world. (He was known, you may recall, as Elvis the Pelvis). For good or ill, it is obvious that rock-and-roll has liberated us from our Victorian moorings forever!

A legend never dies. It only becomes more magnified with time. We humans love the very idea of one of us unbounded by conventions. And given to magnificence, the legend of Elvis will, without doubt, become more fantastic with time.

As that happens, accurate descriptions of events that took place at the time of his death will become more and … Read the rest

Unconditional Love and Forgiveness by Edith Stauffer

Reviewed by Errol Schubot, Ph.D.
In JRT Issue 6, Fall 1988

“Unconditional love and forgiveness” is the central theme of Edith Stauffer’s approach to healing. She bases her principles and practices on Psychosynthesis and on the concepts of the Essenes, an ancient sect whose beliefs are recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Their practices integrated spiritual principles into everyday living, creating an atmosphere of peace, cooperation, and harmony within the group. Psychosynthesis, developed by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, carries a similar goal of bringing transpersonal concepts and awareness into practical application.

Stauffer understands the original purpose of spirituality, which is to create experiences and guidelines to bring the highest qualities into every aspect of daily life. She teaches the Essene … Read the rest