Regression Therapy; Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual by William Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Reviewed by Roger J. Woolger, Ph.D.
In JRT Issue 11, Fall 1993
William Baldwin’s eagerly awaited manual Regression Therapy; Spirit Releasement Therapy is a brilliant, daring tour de force whose appearance I am delighted to celebrate. What Dr Baldwin has done in this manual is to painstakingly integrate an enormous range of techniques as well as much accumulated wisdom gleaned from Past-Life Therapy, spiritual possession syndrome, soul retrieval, inner child work, multiple personality disorder, and traditional psychotherapy.
The introduction offers a very useful and concise overview of spirit possession syndrome throughout history. Then he traces the development of early dynamic psychiatry and its concerns with multiple personality and the splitting of the psyche as it interfaces with spiritualism from … Read the rest