Reviewed by Sydney S. Heflin, Ed.D.
In JRT Issue 19, 2004
“Imagine…what if you had access to a simple yes-or-no answer to any question you wished to ask? A demonstrably true answer. Any question…Think about it.” So begins Dr. David Hawkins’ book, Power VS Force. Impeccably researched over 20 years, and with scientifically derived and objectively organized truths, the information in this book is like a bucket of ice water in the face of the discerning reader.
The author of many scientific papers, Dr. Hawkins co-authored Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobelist Linus Pauling. He also has an extensive background as a therapist and teacher. Extrapolating from the initial work of Dr. John Diamond in the late seventies, in the field of what Diamond called “Behavioral Kinesiology”; Dr. Hawkins brings the illumination of decades of research and insight to the realm of the layperson. This is the book, endorsed by Mother Teresa before her death, that Wayne Dyer, Ph.D., calls the most important book he has read in the past 10 years, and for which work Dr. Hawkins was knighted by the Danish Crown, in 1996.
Dr. Hawkins’ research, which he painstakingly details in this book, demonstrates that science, in all of its critical analysis, is confirming what saints and mystics have continually affirmed is truth about the nature of reality, the self, and spirituality. Would you, the reader, like to be able to confirm, without doubt, the truth of a specific past life of yours? Perhaps you would be interested in discovering the level of truth (or lies) in your most or least favorite political situation? Do you have a critical life decision to make, and want to know the better decision for you? Would you like truly to understand the “why” of what is now happening on the planet?
This book is not for the faint of heart. However, the incredible rewards of sticking it out and reading to the very end are undeniable. Make it over to Chapter III, and the Map Of Consciousness Scale, with its amazingly clear-cut definitions, figure out approximately your own vibrational energy level and how that compares to folks like Einstein, Hitler, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and others, and I strongly suspect you will not only be hooked, but will be intrigued enough to find a partner with whom to work and begin to answer your questions!