by Hazel Denning, PhD
This regression took place during three days of research on the Mind Mirror at the Brentwood Psychological Center in Los Angeles. Senior therapists regressed each other or volunteers with both therapist and subject attached to Mind Mirror biofeedback monitors. In this regression Dr. Hazel Denning regressed Dr. Chet Snow.
After a brief relaxation and balancing of the chakra centers, Dr. Snow was asked to repeat vigorously a phrase which had been identified previously as disturbing to him: “It is unfair!” This phrase took him back to a scene in 1772 in a French village called Angers. As a budding journalist of 26, he saw his father, an intolerant scientist, being refused church burial, all because of his having spat on a hypocritical priest who had come to give him absolution when he was dying. As a consequence of the spitting incident, not only was the father refused burial in the churchyard, next to his wife, but the whole family was ostracized from the community. He felt that this treatment of his father was totally unfair.
During the following years the young journalist waged a vitriolic attack against the Catholic Church. This attack became so effective that more than a decade later, when a change of government made direct attack on the church possible, he became indirectly responsible, because of his writing, for all the priests being killed. Their bodies were thrown in the river. At that time, he experienced great satisfaction because they did not get properly buried either, but the incident left him feeling deeply guilty and led to a disastrous end.
Therapist: So you really started a hornet’s nest?
Subject: Yes. They started it.
Therapist: They really did, of course. Let’s move on in your life now. How long did you live?
Subject: Forties.
Therapist: Oh, you didn’t live much longer then? What did you die of?
Subject: Hanging.
Therapist: Who hanged you?
Subject: The ones who were left.
Therapist: I see. So all of them were not killed then?
Subject: You can’t kill a whole nation.
Therapist: No. you can’t. Were there that many people against you?
Subject: I went too far. They got scared.
The journalist described his suffering in prison, and the agony of being hanged. As his spirit left his body, he described his dominant feeling as one of remorse.
Therapist: You’re remorseful, then? You feel that that’s the strongest emotional feeling that you have?
Subject: I’m sad for my little girl.
It turns out that he was survived by one child and a wife. Because he had been able to get out of his body during the hanging, he had bypassed many feelings and experienced only remorse and a sensation of having been stupid.
Therapist: You feel it was a stupid thing to do. Let’s call on your intuition here, on your Higher Mind, your Spirit Guide if you like, your Higher Self. Tell me how that incident has affected your life today. What do you think is the relationship of that experience, with your feeling today that all things are not fair.
Subject: I feel it’s all my fault.
Therapist: So when you respond to any situation with a feeling that it’s not fair, your emotional reaction and response come from guilt?
Subject: It’s my fault I didn’t do enough…I get mad at myself because somehow or other I didn’t do it right.
Therapist: Now how can we let that go? You really don’t have to go on living as though you were that man who made that mistake—what is it, three hundred years ago? You really don’t have to express it in this life as though it were happening all over again when something doesn’t go right. How can we get rid of it? Would you like to leave it back there?
Subject: I would like not to be so mad at myself.
Therapist: It would be nice not to be so mad at yourself. How about looking at that man? Let’s meet him face to face. Can you see him? Do you know what he looks like?
Subject: Yes.
Therapist: He really was…let’s say, his motives in the beginning weren’t so bad. He really felt that that was an injustice didn’t he?
Subject: Yes, he felt it was an injustice but it still went too far.
Therapist: It almost got out of hand, didn’t it?
Subject: It did get out of hand.
Therapist: Look at him now. Let’s have a conversation with him, Is he angry still? If you meet him…Let’s put him out in front of you. Face him. Look at him and tell him what kind of expression he has on his face.
Subject: Bewildered.
Therapist: Why do you think he’s bewildered?
Subject: He doesn’t know why he’s here.
Therapist: So you’ve called him up, haven’t you? Do you feel that he’s another part of yourself?
Subject: We’re related.

Therapist: You are related, aren’t you? You feel that there’s a relationship between the two of you. Do you really? I don’t want to put words in your mouth…okay. Approach him now—if you can do this—I don’t want you to do it unless you feel comfortable about it—tell him, if you can, that you’re very sorry that that had to happen. You’re very sorry you did it, sorry that it occurred, but it did. It’s over and done and there’s nothing you can do about it to change it. Absolutely nothing. You can’t change it and he can’t change it. It’s a happening and it’s over and done. And you would like to leave it in the past. Tell him, if you can, that now you forgive him and accept him unconditionally, love him unconditionally, and you’d just like to leave that whole incident back there where it belongs and go on from there. Can he respond to this, or how does he respond to this?
Subject: Don’t believe it.
Therapist: You don’t or he doesn’t?
Subject: I don’t.
Therapist: You don’t believe that you can leave it in the past?
Subject: I don’t believe all the rest that you said.
Therapist: All right. What can you believe? What can you say to him honestly?
Subject: He’s paid enough.
Therapist: Yes. That’s a good answer. I would certainly go along with that. He’s paid enough. Can you forgive him?
Subject: Yes.
Therapist: Can you love him?
Subject: Yes.
Therapist: All right. Then you can forgive him and you can love him and therefore you can leave it back there where it belongs.
Subject: It can be changed.
Therapist: It can be changed.
Subject: Yes.
Therapist: How can it be changed? Can you change it?
Subject: No, he can.
Therapist: How can he change it?
Subject: I don’t know yet.
Therapist: Okay. Ask your Higher Self, or have him ask his Higher Self how he can change it. Can you rewrite the script?
Subject: He can.
Therapist: Ask him to do it, please.
Subject: I want to go back to before my father died.
Therapist: How would he like to rewrite the script?
Subject: Send for a different priest.
Therapist: Your father spit in the priest’s face when he was dying. Let’s send for another priest, then, who will be more understanding and will not arouse your father’s anger. Is that okay?
Subject: Yes.
Therapist: Can you see that other priest coming?
Subject: Yes, he’s down here.
Therapist: Good. He has more understanding. How does he help your father die now, so that your father is more comfortable about it?
Subject: He listens.
Therapist: He listens. All right. And what does your father do or say?
Subject: The priest takes his hand.
Therapist: He takes his hand and helps him die? Good. Your father dies in peace then?
Subject: Yes.
In the rescripting, his father is buried in the church yard, next to his mother and the young journalist has no call to be vitriolic. He drowns at exactly the same age at which he died in the original recall.
Therapist: His destiny was to die at that time in his life. But he didn’t get hanged.
Subject: It’s not important one way or another.
Therapist: What is important?
Subject: That he didn’t kill all those people.
Therapist: That’s the important part, isn’t it? So he doesn’t have to feel guilty. How do you feel about all that? Do you feel it’s taken care of?
Subject: Yes, It’s okay.
Therapist: So from now on it won’t be necessary for you to react when something doesn’t go the way you planned it or the way you think it ought to be. You won’t have that tremendous surge inside of you, of emotion which is upsetting to you and which makes you feel, “It’s not fair!” Do you feel that that’s taken care of?
Subject: Yes, it’s all right.
Therapist: Okay. Very good. Are you ready to come back?
Subject: Yes.
At the close of the regression, Chet reported that he had once touched on this prior lifetime when he was in France and went through the village of Angers, though he did not get any details. He was with a girlfriend, and they both became agitated while in the village. His strong impression was that this friend had been his daughter in that past life.