Introduction by Viviana Zenteno, M.D.
This article reflects an overview of the experiences of seven Chilean therapists, each from a different professional field, in their journey of learning and healing through past-life therapy (PLT). All of them demonstrate important changes that have evolved in their therapeutic practices and in their personal lives as a result. Even though their individual conclusions come from the perspective of their original professions, they all agree that regressive therapy can be used as a tool for global evolution as the training of therapists in PLT spreads to others throughout the world and the beneficial results gained becomes common knowledge.
[Ed. – this article serves to introduce an organization in a charming and insightful way that is in a country we don’t here much about and want to learn more.]
The Transplants Nurse
by Cecilia Tutera
Observing the changes and transformations in the transplanted patient, and finding a coherent explanation
As a recently graduated nurse I was on the first Chilean team to work with human organ transplant recipients. In the post-transplant follow up, members of the team noticed that some of the patients had unexplained sensations and surprising transformations. Patients started to experience feelings or energies that seemed strange to them; their desires, appetites, things they liked and their interests changed; they begin to feel emotions such as hate, fear or anger that they had never felt before.
Observing these reactions led me to reflect on what we did as a medical team in regard to both of the patients: the receiver and the giver of the organs for transplant. I began to question what happened with that subtle matter we call the soul, essence, spirit, or that beyond the physical when a transplant occurred.
Because of these experiences I decided to study Past Lives Therapy (PLT). During the training I learned, and it coincided with my own observations, that there are very subtle energies called “lost souls” or “entities attachment” that can be affecting the receiver of the transplant. It made sense to start asking the question, “Are there any energies intruding on your vibrational field?” Not surprisingly, the answer is frequently “yes”.
In investigating further, patients may describe depression or addiction experiences that are related to lost souls interfering with their development. When these interfering energies are released, patients begin to recover their health and see life from a more peaceful and harmonious perspective.
Because of my own experiences in learning and applying this information, I am motivated to share experiences with, and receive cases from, other colleagues who can add to this body of knowledge and give us a broader vision of the human condition.
Registered Nurse
Chile / E-mail: [email protected]
After graduating from University as a nurse Cecilia joined the experimental surgery team of Hospital Naval in Valparaiso for heart transplants with Dr. Jorge Kaplan and for liver transplants with Dr. Gregorio Cenitagoya.
Then, she worked at the Clinical Thoracic Department of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.
Experiences with the donor and the recipient of organs deeply impacted her and moved her in the direction of holistic healing. Then, she obtained a Master in Reiki, studied Sintergetics with Dr. Jorge Carvajal (Colombia), and Activation of the Pineal Gland with Fresia Castro (Chile).
She studied Past Life Therapy in Chile with Dr. Viviana Zenteno, and in Argentina with Dr. José Luis Cabouli, obtaining certification in 2011.
Cecilia continues to treat patients with Sintergetics and incorporates Regressive Therapy as a powerful instrument of healing.
The Artist
by Conchita Hidalgo
A therapeutic work born from the journey of the soul from past to the present
After attending a regression workshop taught by Dr. Viviana Zenteno I decided to apply for the PLT course in Chile. Because of a near-death experience during a complicated childbirth and other life experiences, I felt an abiding interest in this topic. Then I had two spontaneous regressions in a time of crisis which made me realize the therapeutic possibilities of the information that can arise during a regression.From a very early age I knew that reincarnation is an incontrovertible truth and that this is not the only life experience of my soul. For me, this knowing was neither formed nor restricted by any religious beliefs.In addition to expressing myself as a painter, I participate in activities that lead to personal growth and help provide me with an objective view of human behavior. This has been useful in providing focus in my work as a therapist. As an artist, my technique was close to hyperrealism. To find a pictorial motif; connect with it; and interpret it with my hands was exciting and a recognized technique. During the last level in my training as a therapist, however, I started to lose enthusiasm for painting. Something unexplainable made me abandon my new projects or finish them with great effort. I felt that the model was not outside, but, instead, it was inside of me. At the same time, during my PLT training, I began an introspective journey integrating and reconnected with knowledge held in my subconscious. Then, one day I finally dared to paint what was resonating within me and created an abstract painting that was totally different from anything I had done before. Since then my creative enthusiasm has returned.Since obtaining the “Therapist in Past Life” degree, I have developed my own way of doing PLT that, like my painting, comes from my essence, from my experiences including my soul’s travels to get to this point – without abandoning the fundamentals learned. And it will continue to evolve because I grow up with every person who comes for a consultation. These people are my masters as I walk in the healing journey of a regression.
Conchita Hidalgo
Artist aquarellist, BA in French
Chile / E-mail: [email protected]
Conchita Hidalgo studied Obstetrics and Agronomy prior to opting for Art. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of the Universidad Austral de Chile and was an artist in the studio of watercolor artist Humberto Molina, participating in numerous exhibitions.
She graduated in 1991 from the joint program of the Ministery of Education and the French Embassy for teachers.
Conchita studied and graduated in 2009 from the Training Course in PLT, led by Dr. Viviana Zenteno.
She mainly works with PLT and has lectured on this topic at Valdivia and other cities from the south of Chile. For the last four years she has conducted a personal growth workshop.
At the present time she is Southern Zone Director of the Chilean Association of PLT Therapists (ACHTEVIP)
The Social Worker
by Monica Figueroa
Healing the soul of society through therapeutic work with individual souls
Since childhood I have perceived that life is more than my physical eyes could see. I felt that I was more than my body, and did not understand the concept of sin taught by religions. I felt that this existence was more than just accumulating information, and that there was something very important in experimenting with emotion. I tried to address these concerns through painting, singing, and by connecting with others.At first I focused on my career as a social worker, connecting with others through concrete service, but my heart told me there was so much more that could be done. When I learnedPLT it gave me an enriched vision, a new paradigm for working with others, and confirmed what I sensed when I was a child. This new vision of interacting marked a “before” and “after” in my life as a woman and as a professional. Since then I have been integrating into my profession the work of the soul, and I have observed with glee how human beings have a valuable inner world that can be explored to aid them in their life’s journey. Integrated or healed incarnated souls can make great contributions to their mates, family, at work, in school, and ultimately to society.The past history conditions and marks the present and the future. Beliefs, judgments, fears, and loneliness can cause suffering or pleasure in all of humankind. If an individual person is sick this will affect the global community. A healthy society needs healthy individuals. Society is the individual, and the individual is society. For a change to be made in society, we must change as individuals. The individual’s vibratory resonance affects the environment; therefore, a happy person transmits happiness to his family, his people, his nation, society, and humanity as a whole. When working to liberate the Samskaras (impressions embedded in the subconscious) through Past Life Therapy the individual is helped in a way that benefits the overall welfare of society.As a social worker and PLT therapist I have the satisfaction of an integrated work: one that makes a real contribution to producing a kinder, more tolerant and cooperative society, and where separation is an illusion. If the other person feels bad, something within me is not in alignment, and if the other person feels good a part of me is in sync. The work of PLT therapists can certainly help heal our society.
Social Worker
Chile / E-mail: [email protected]
Monica Figueroa holds a degree as a social worker from Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso in 1983, working since then in public and private institutions.
In 2005 she began her journey in learning the medicine of body-mind-spirit, and became a therapist in alternative medicine and a lecturer for personal and spiritual growth courses.
In April 2011 she was certificated as a PLT therapist, by Dr. Viviana Zentenond became a
In 2012 she was trained as a Deeksha Giver, a technique from India, where she traveled to be certificated as a Oneness trainer in the Oneness University of India.
In her therapies she combines PLT with energy work. She leads workshops and lectures on this in Viicated as a Oneness trainer in th
Currently she is in charge of the Ethics and Dissemination Committees of ACHTEVIP (Chilean Association of PLT).
The Educator and Academic
by Omar Barria
To provide teachers with access to the knowledge of PLT to help create a new world that is conscious and balanced
I am a professor of physics and mathematics, and have worked as a high school teacher and as a director of educational establishments. In addition to this academic background, I’ve always had spiritual concerns.
I studied indigenous ancestral wisdom for many years. Then I felt motivated to study to be a healer and therapist, and, as a result, became a Reiki Master in 2006. Regression also called to me because it has the potential to heal diseases, phobias, traumas, etc. This motivated me to take training in past life therapy.
PLT has opened a new world that, for me, has no limits. What I have learned over many years has been ratified and extended through regression therapy, and greater understandings are waiting to be discovered. It has changed my personal and professional life.
As an educator I can say that if teachers of all levels could avail themselves of the information provided through Past Life Therapy, the shape and substance of education could significantly change worldwide. It would be the beginning of a new world that is conscious and balanced. If children were taught the spiritual value of Karma, the result would be less sick people, more unconditional love, and a better understanding of the interrelationship of all people. And if future mothers were taught to hold this thought as they birth each new baby born in the coming generations, a new, fairer, society, one that is more harmonious and evolved in every sense of the word, would evolve.
Bachelor’s Degree in Education
Professor of Physics and Mathematics
Chile / E-mail: [email protected]
Jose Omar Barria obtained his degree and title from the University of Santiago, Chile in 1983. After teaching at the university level for 30 years and serving as a Director of educational establishments for 15 years, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Reiki. He also received teachings in indigenous ancestral knowledge, learning the philosophy of Good Medicine of the Cherokee people from The Good Medicine Society.He acquired his diploma in PLT between 2012 and 2013 and since graduation, has dedicated himself exclusively to his profession as a therapist.
He is currently the president of the Committee on Research of the Chilean Association of therapists in PLT (ACHTEVIP).
The Clinical Psychologist
by Valeska Bittner
Changing the paradigm and therapeutic approach by observing the soul beyond the person
The vision that I have had as a clinical psychologist about human nature, the meaning of suffering, and about life and death has expanded to the extent that I have been learning new paradigms and therapeutic approaches.
During the first years of my career I tried to help people with tools learned from my undergraduate studies. From a humanistic approach, we were taught to delve into the person’s inner world through imagination therapy, reflection sessions, and analysis of the symbolic world of dreams. I assessed patients through personal and family history, personality traits, symptoms and mindset, and their emotional world to determine a specific diagnosis. That is what I understood at that time.
Years later, when I pursued a postgraduate degree in Systemic Family Therapy, I began to understand that the individual is not just a part of several systems, but is also influenced by invisible threads that bind several previous generations through a familial culture and complex history that must be considered. This transgenerational approach broadened my point of view and my work.
After that, I studied Past Life Therapy for a year with Dr. Viviana Zenteno. This learning process which gave me a new way of understanding of life and death caused a deep personal and paradigm shift. It changed my point of view about human beings, my patients, and my way of doing therapy. Now the person in front of me is not just an individual, or a human, with a personal, family, and transgenerational history. Now I see a soul.
The problems or symptoms that require healing are not exclusively explained by the patient’s history in this life. They are also linked with past experiences that the patient cannot remember, with emotional Samskaras, or emotional memories that he has and for some reason are presenting now, and the connection with a group of souls who most likely have been together for hundreds of years.
This approach views each human being as a unique and complex world in itself, and I can no longer see just the person who is physically sitting in front of me. Even though my view is focused on the patient, it is as if I can intuit in his environment a world of beings, stories, different dimensions, and spiritual masters that are not held in the conscious mind.
Now I know that what I see is only a drop in the ocean of experience of that soul, and that my work is a small contribution to the immense journey of its development and growth.
Clinical Psychologist
Chile / E-mail: [email protected]
Valeska Bittner obtained her psychologist degree from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in 1991, specializing in the Humanist Approach. She has participated in workshops of Gestalt Therapy, becoming the class assistant at the university. In 1993 she studied post-graduate courses in Classical and Ericksonian Hypnosis at the Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology of Santiago. In 1999 she obtained a post-graduate degree in systemic Family Therapy. Additionally, she has been coordinating various pharmacological studies of Neuroscience. She also has two levels in Reiki and has studied Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu. Between 2010 and 2011 she was certified in Past Life Therapy by Dr. Viviana Zenteno´s Academy.Currently, she treats patients with Regressive Therapy, and is an Assistant Teacher in the Professional Training Course in PLT with Dr. Zenteno.
The Psychiatrist
by Vilma Ojeda, M.D.
Leaving for a moment the scientific training to approach the spiritual sphere and to guide patients to accept another reality
My curiosity guided me to take PLT training. I had always been interested in past life issues, but I had not intended for it to be used in my profession as a psychiatrist. However, since taking it, regression therapy has become more a part of my work than I expected.Actually, it has not only been a valuable therapeutic tool, it also helped me have a different point of view when I treat patients by understanding that their problems and fears do not always come from this life. I have observed that there is something more to be revealed even when they are taking their medications, and, therefore, it is necessary to ascertain the very origin of the cause. PLT has allowed me to expand my scientific training methods and encompass the spiritual sphere when necessary.When dealing with problems caused by the death of those close to them it is incredible to know that their loved ones can still exist at this earthly level because the patient refuses to let them go. By allowing them to talk about the issue and letting the one who has died move on with love this intervention, which can be done during a single interview, has helped many people by relieving their pain, and the pain of the person who departed. This does not necessarily involve PLT, per se. When a doctor presents this perspective of mourning, I think that it could perhaps distress patients, but at the same time allow them to accept the possibility of another reality, something that many perceive, without having to believe in it.Already the recalling of the past to broaden my vision of life beyond this one has allowed me identify the origin of some conflicts and diseases. This, in turn, has given me the chance to guide patients in this way.Of all the fields associated with PLT, the issue of “attached entities” is one that has been hard for me to accept as real. Especially at the beginning, I felt fear about this. Although I have overcome it, it is still difficult for me to use it to treat with patients as not all are ready for this truth.Personally, I feel that this experience is a point in the growth of my soul that has not surprised me since from the time of my childhood I felt that God gave me little time to learn everything I needed. I have always believed in reincarnation as the way to have enough time for all missions I have to achieve. The experiential training in PLT has confirmed my early intuition. The word “death” doesn’t scare me, although maybe the way of dying does. However, I think I have died many times, so every day I try to make sense of things that happen to me. In that way I can look to the deeper meaning of everyday signs to help me improve my learning in this world. I see my loved ones as a group who decided to be together and help each other in the maturation and growth of our souls so that we might come closer to the divine. Some topics I studied in the PLT training have required me to open my mind to endless possibilities which almost seem like science fiction. It is difficult to accept some of them, but I make an effort to keep an open mind. Even though I have not experienced it personally I try to maintain a balance between the “real” and the “imaginary.” Maintaining that boundary is necessary for me in my profession, but there are some moments when this gets blurred.
Adults Psychiatrist
Chile / E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Ojeda received her medical degree in 1992 from Universidad de Chile. Then she specialized in adult psychiatry at the same university, working in public and private institutions.
She obtained a post-graduate degree in Integrative Psychotherapy and a certification in Hospital Administration, both from Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
She participated in the PLT course between 2008 -2009, and since then has worked with PLT therapy in her clinical practice.
Dr. Vilma Ojeda participates actively in ACHTEVIP, Chilean Association of Therapists in Past Life Therapy, where she is in charge of Public Relations.
The Internist Doctor
by Viviana Zenteno, M.D.
Embracing the human being as a whole using a therapy that works at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
I am a physician, and that was my choice starting childhood. I never had a doubt about what my vocation would be, and it made me very happy to receive my degree and title as a doctor. I chose Internal Medicine as my medical specialty because I wanted to understand the human being in the broadest way possible. Then I chose Rheumatology as a sub-specialization. It has a much broader scope than its name suggests and is directly related to immunology, while at the same time allowing direct contact with the suffering human being.In the process of developing my career, I felt that something was missing in realizing my professional goals. Increasingly I observed that patients triggered the disease or fell into crisis when something significant altered their lives.In university I learned that there was a small group of psychosomatic diseases, but in my experience I observed that all illnesses were influenced by emotions. I maintained an excellent relationship with my patients, and many of them were stabilized or recovered. Nonetheless, I sensed there was something else, something that I could not achieve with conventional methods. My intuition was telling me that there has to be ways of healing that work holistically and treat the whole patient.Looking back, I can now see that I was ready to understand the signals that appeared in my life: A book by Brian Weiss led me to consult Dr. Ronald Schulz, Chilean doctor specialist in Regression Therapy. He conducted me in my first experiences. In this process I found the answers I needed at the time, and then traveled to do my training in PLT with Dr. José Luis Cabouli in Argentina. Regressive Therapy broadened my professional perspective even beyond what I had imagined. It is a therapy that works on all levels of the human being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – without the limits of time or dimension. It work so deeply and with such great integration that it produces faster and more prolonged results than any other method I know.At the same time, my personal life also improved. Everything made sense, and I understood its significance. I acquired new certainties and lost old fears as I came to understand the meaning of many experiences of the present that I had before unjust or inexplicable. After recognizing that I had to strike a balance – not previously managed – between my family and my career I incorporated that concept into my life. It increased the love of and collaboration with my loved ones.The positive results in both my personal and professional life were so great that I realized that this good news has to be spread so that many more people could know and benefit from it. For that reason I have written three books and started the Training School for Therapists of PLT in Chile. I’m happy whenever a patient reports progress in their healing, and every time that a new generation of therapists is certified I feel blessed by life and by providence.
Internal Medicine and Rheumatology
Chile / E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Viviana Zenteno received her medical degree from the University of Concepción, Chile, in 1979. Later, she specialized in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. After 15 years of hospital work and faculty teaching, she began a personal search. This process led her to train in Past Life Therapy. In 1998 she received a degree in Classical, Ericksonian and Familiar Hypnosis from the Instituto de Psiquiatría y Psicología de Santiago de Chile. During 1999 and 2000 she completed her specialization in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a Regression Therapist through Dr. José Luis Cabouli’s School of PLT. In 2005 she founded the Chilean School of PLT, where she gives professional training. In 2014 she and a group of her graduates formed the Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists (ACHTEVIP). She is its current President. She has published two books and a Handbook for Professional Training Courses.