Jeffrey Jay*, a licensed Oriental Medicine practitioner, creator, and developer of “Acuregression Therapy”, was first introduced to Oriental Medicine through Dr. Rolla J. Pennell and Dr. Gordon D. Heuser and their “Professional Seminars on Acupuncture Techniques” in the mid 1970’s. Further oriental educational exploration followed from Tri-State College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine with graduate studies focusing in Chinese Herbology with Dr. Ted Kaptchuk and trigger point acupuncture called “Acupuncture Physical Medicine” with Dr. Mark Seem. During this period of time Jeffrey Jay also studied at the Gestalt Institute for Psychotherapy and the Reichian Psychotherapy Institute in New York City. With a bodywork background in Esalen, Shiatzu, Reflexology, and Rolfing massage therapies, this added further depth into the dimensions of the human psyche and supplied the base for further exploration into human psychogenesis and spirit energetics.
* Bios are listed here as they last appeared in the latest publication of the Journal of Regression Therapy.