JRT Topic: Healing

A Brief Report Of The Parks Research and Education Project: A project designed to investigate the power of the mind to heal – Hazel M. Denning (Is.11)

by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.

In 1978, a substantial grant was given to the Parapsychology Association of Riverside, Inc. to conduct a longitudinal investigation into the power of the mind to heal physical pathologies using hypnosis and regression as the primary interventions for healing. While hypnosis was to be used in all cases, the precise nature of the therapeutic intervention was left to each of the researchers involved in the project. The following report gives the reader an overview and summarizes the project. The full project report, including data tables, photographs, and case studies, as well as a bibliography and other materials, has been published as APRT Monograph No. 1, 1993.


The Parks Research and Education Project was … Read the rest

Healing The Past-Life Personality – George Schwimmer (Is.8)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D.

Recollections of events, which shocked or traumatized an individual in a past life, very often re-traumatize the present personality during regression, this author finds. He advocates visualization healing and other techniques to relieve a client of such traumas, which are usually symbols of the client’s core issue.

The principal dictum—both spoken and unspoken—of many past-life therapists is, “To relive is to relieve.” In my own experience as a therapist in this field, reliving is just one part of the PLT process, and in some instances merely reliving a past life can be deleterious—it usually shocks the present personality’s emotional body, the nervous system, the glandular systems, and the electromagnetic systems, replaying the entire inner tape … Read the rest

Imaginal Techniques in Past-Life Therapy – Roger Woolger (Is.1)

by Roger Woolger

The notion that physical and psychological illnesses may be derived from the psychic residues of events in previous lives is accepted in a great many non-western cultures. The opening lines of the classic Buddhist text, the Dhammapada, sums up this view succinctly: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” It hardly need be added that in the Buddhist world view, earlier thoughts can most certainly belong to earlier incarnations.

In the West, however, such an idea has never been seriously entertained by orthodox science or by the orthodox versions of Christianity and Judaism (McGregor, 1978 and Langley, 1967) in recent history. On the other hand fully articulated doctrines of karma and reincarnation … Read the rest

Healing the Dying: Contributions to Thanatology – Franklin Loehr (Is. 3)

Death Preview: A New Direction in Psychography

 by Franklin Loehr, D.D.

Psychography is that branch of psychology which attempts to map out the forces in the human personality and trace their sources. Since heredity and environment as sources of human personality forces have been comparatively well examined by conventional psychological research, psychography concentrates on the less explored areas of past lives, the push from the past, and, to a lesser extent on cosmic purpose, the pull from the future. It pays attention always to the crucial significance of the individual’s own decisions.

The usefulness of past-life recall has already been strikingly demonstrated in the results of those counselors who have used it in their psychotherapy with clients. It is … Read the rest

I Am an Honest Child, I Do Not Lie: It Happened. Regressions to Early Childhood Abuse – Atticus Fleury (Is.7)

by Atticus Fleury*

(Editor’s Note: This actor, writer, and poet was regressed to a period of childhood abuse following a year of therapeutic work with Dr. Afton Blake. His three regressions illustrate the importance of establishing an atmosphere of trust before retrieving such painful memories. They also make clear the necessity of ongoing work to deepen, transform, and integrate the material recovered, a process which in this patient is not yet complete. Work with childhood abuse cannot be hurried. We thank this author for his candid and courageous sharing).

Forgiveness will reign as the clouds
Will rain, and the tears of my sorrow will
Water this patch of earth, and I shall play
In the spray, in the deep
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Opening The Way For Healing – Ernest Pecci (Is.4)

by Ernest Pecci

Often the emotional state of a patient closes doors to allopathic and other forms of healing. Whatever is attempted to relieve or reverse physical distress will then fail. Expression and healing of the emotions change the energy field of the patient so that help with healing can come through. There is no sudden “cure,” no miracle, but conventional ways of healing open up that are effective. This emotional reframing can take place on any level—in examining current relationships, in looking into childhood or birth distress, or in living through other lifetimes. In the latter case the reframing of the emotional situation in other lives makes possible a more effective intervention in this one.

Les, a young man … Read the rest

Comments On Healing – Norman Shealy (Is.3)

by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

Past-Life Therapy: A Tool for Releasing the Subconscious

I began using past-life therapy in 1972 and consider it the single most important psychotherapeutic tool we have. Unfortunately, not every patient is open to considering it. After all, 35% of Americans are fundamentalists and reject everything, including themselves! Even those who are somewhat open to the possibility of past lives sometimes are hesitant to open what they consider a Pandora’s can of worms. Furthermore, it is somewhat time consuming but I believe that in general the benefits far outweigh the time involved and I know of no other tool that will yield such rapid progress. A single case report from my files may serve … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy in Ongoing Psychotherapy – Clyde H. Reid (Is.1)

by Clyde H. Reid

Marcia rushed into my office not long ago blurting out, “Oh, a lot has been happening since I saw you last week. I was walking down the street yesterday when I was suddenly in a past life—in broad daylight!”

I was not greatly surprised at Marcia’s spontaneous regression. Such regressions are becoming more common in my experience. I believe the reason they are appearing is that we humans are now pushing back the boundaries of our consciousness, and the time boundary is one of the limits we are beginning to transcend. I see this as part of our evolution as we continue to emerge as humans. We are claiming more and more of ourselves, and the … Read the rest