JRT Topic: Psychotherapy

Sacred Aspects in the Treatment of Trauma – Gail Carr Feldman (Is.13)

by Gail Carr Feldman Ph.D.

In the following paper the author describes using past-life and spirit releasement therapies with clients who have been severely abused in childhood. Dr. Feldman refers to the work of Shengold and his concept of “soul murder” in discussing these clients and their courage in therapy; she also points out that with these clients, therapists are “called upon to be guardians of their souls.”

Judith Herman (l992) reportedly said, “No one can face trauma alone.” The therapist is called upon to bear witness to a crime. I believe that no one can face recovering from trauma alone. The therapist is also called upon to bear witness to a healing. I believe that it is a sacred … Read the rest

Past-Life Scenes in Spiritual Emergence – David Edwards (Is.13)

by David Edwards, Ph.D.

David Edwards is a newcomer to our pages, and a welcome one. He documents a process of intensive altered states psychotherapy as he works through the difficulties his client, “Marian,” encounters on her road to growth. Using breathing and bodywork interventions, he accesses and processes past lives related to the spiritual crises Marian was facing in her life. Dr. Edwards examines some ideas from psychoanalytic theory as they may relate to past-life therapy and spiritual emergence.

I am indebted to “Marian” for giving permission for the use of the material of her psychotherapy as the substance of this paper.


Stanislav and Christina Grof use the concept of spiritual emergence to refer to intensive processes … Read the rest

PLT: A Multi-Modal Therapy – Paul Hansen (Is.12)

by Paul Hansen, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.

 Over the years there has been much discussion about the basic philosophy of Past-life Therapy, what it is and what it should or can be. Is Past-life Therapy a therapeutic modality, a spiritual discipline, some combination of these or something else? Some of APRT’s senior members, Ron Jue, Roger Woolger, Hazel Denning, and Winafred Lucas have done much to help shape the philosophy of APRT and its members at this time.

Certainly, Dr. Lucas’ monumental work in her two volume Regression Therapy: A Handbook For Professionals will provide a substantial foundation for Past-life Therapy for many years to come. I wish to join the long line of those who congratulate her on her … Read the rest

The New Age, The Mythic, and Legitimization of Regression/Releasement Therapy – Carl Silver (Is.11)

by Carl Silver, Ph.D.

Belief systems and theories, together with empirical data, are foundation stones upon which thought leads to knowledge and understanding. Within the therapeutic setting, “beliefs” may be more important to achieving an outcome than “science.” Dr. Silver directs his thoughts towards an interesting and provocative exploration of this topic.

My readings in the area of past-life regression therapy et al reveal occasional reference to altered states and their relation to the mythic, but always as tangential to some other focus rather than as a central theme. I propose that a grasp of the following two conclusions are central to eventual acceptance of this therapy into the mainstream of psychotherapeutic intervention:

A personal mythology and its requisite … Read the rest