JRT Topic: Research

The Clients Experience Survey: Does Regression Therapy Make a Difference? An Earth Research Report – David Graham (Is.32)

by David Graham

Abstract – The Client Experience Survey was a very wide based research study that sought to explore a range of effects and outcomes as a result of clients’ experiences of regression therapy.  Data was collected via an on-line questionnaire and included questions about clients’ original motives for engaging in regression therapy, the benefits achieved, whether any other treatment, therapy or medication was being taken for the presenting problems or symptoms, and further basic client details including: age range, occupation, religion, marital status and education. One hundred and fourteen cases of regression therapy were collected from 29 different countries, with submissions dominantly from women (79%) compared to men (21%). Data analysis determined that 51% of survey participants’ original … Read the rest

Research Report on the EARTh Special Interest Survey – Paula Fenn (Is.31)

by Paula Fenn

An EARTh Research Committee Report

AbstractThis Research Report provides an overview of intentions and findings associated with the EARTh Special Interest Survey. A survey launched in May 2017 by the EARTh Research Committee in order to determine problem areas specialized in by Regression Therapists, and other methods and techniques which they integrate within their practice of Regression Therapy. The survey had a global reach and responses were received from 105 therapists in 28 countries. The dominant countries represented were the USA and the Netherlands. Members from 27 Professional Bodies completed the survey. The dominant bodies represented were EARTh and the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association. 73% of the survey respondents were female, 27% were male. In Read the rest

Development of Life Quality by Past Life Regression Therapy together with an Integrated Psychological Approach (Is.29)

by Tayat Sriplung * and Thawatchai Krisanaprakornkit**


The purpose of this study was to determine whether past-life regression therapy can lead to better quality of life, more profound belief about moral consciousness, and better psychological well-being. This quasi-experimental research included a control group designed to test these hypotheses. Each experimental participant underwent three past life regression sessions facilitated by two qualified regression therapists, plus seven days of life improvement practice between each session. Participants in the experimental group had better scores in quality of life than those in the control group. Within the experimental group, scores on moral consciousness as well as quality of life and psychological well-being improved and was statistically significant. The roles of past life experiences Read the rest

Research Study: What Does Not Work in Regression Therapy – Paula Fenn (Is.29)

by Paula Fenn

an EARTh Research Committee Report


This Research Report conveys a range of findings determined from a research study conducted with 15 regression therapists who were dominantly members of EARTh (80% EARTh, 20% non-EARTh). The topic of the study was, ‘What Does Not Work in Regression Therapy’ and the data was collected via questionnaires. The intention of this study was to generate data on this particular topic which would contribute to the field of knowledge within regression therapy also creating a reflective awareness about practice. The findings were analyzed using simplified versions of thematic and content analysis.

This methodological approach was adopted to structure the data into meaningful themes of problematic areas within which the study respondents Read the rest

Toward a Research Agenda for Regression Therapy – Hans TenDam (Is.29)

by Hans TenDam


In this article the author discusses the requirements and issues involved with research in the regression field.
Why would we do research—if at all? I can think of five general aims:
1. To satisfy our curiosity.
2. To improve our practice.
3. To improve our training programs.
4. To convince outsiders this is working, as good or better than many other modalities.
5. To convince outsiders that our clients have real experiences that give real solutions to real problems. This may imply—just by the way—that discarnate spirits do exist, that obsessive entities do exist, that reincarnation does exist, that extraterrestrial civilizations do exist, that superhuman presences do exist.

Aim number 5 is a tall order. More … Read the rest

Brain Research, Meditation and Regression – Hans TenDam (Is.28)

by Hans TenDam, MA, CRT

The author discusses the research into the neurological correlates of meditation practices. There seem to be two general types of meditation, each with its own neurological signature. These are compared to regression therapy, which is hypothesized to be a third type. During meditation brain activity changes: in frequency, in location, in coherence. Meditation practices of the concentration-type eliminate all mental content, emptying the mind of everything besides the concentrating mind itself. Meditation practices of the mindfulness-type stay with the actual moment and all that entails, inside and outside. These practices focus on or contemplate what is present, while being as calm and complete as possible.

Regression seems a third road, though the results may Read the rest

Transmundo Beings (TMB) in Regression Therapy – Richard Stammler (Is.26)

by Richard Stammler, Ph.D.


The transpersonal therapist, familiar with past lives and future lives, finds in the extended regression experience an aspect which is revealed in the transpersonal therapeutic environment that is not of, or has not originated from, planet Earth, but somewhere else. The present study deals with this aspect of transpersonal therapy and is collectively called the transmundo experience or the transmundo being (TMB). There are two basic types of these non-Earth experiences, one appears to be a part of the extended self of the client and the other type is not. It is the part-of-self TMB experience that is often not extraordinary, fitting into the tapestry of other facets of the self and is the TMB Read the rest

Measuring the Therapeutic Effects of Past-Life Regression – Heather S. Friedman Rivera (Is.25)

by Heather S. Friedman Rivera, R.N., J.D., Ph.D.


Previous research on the healing benefits of past-life regression is mainly based on anecdotal and individual case studies. There is a need to collect and analyze a broad cross-section of data on past-life regression and therapeutic results. A study is being conducted to collect and analyze the beneficial outcomes and healing reported by past-life experiencers. For this study, a web-based survey was created and launched for wide exposure to a broad audience. To date, 180 confidential surveys from respondents of various ages, gender, religious upbringing, and experiences have been obtained and analyzed. Analysis revealed that there are measureable and consistent beneficial effects as a direct result of past-life regression. The Read the rest

Research in a Strange New Field: The Potluck Principle – Thelma B. Freedman (Is.21)

by Thelma B. Freedman, Ph.D.

Shortly before closing this issue of the Journal, I asked Thelma to share with our readership her thoughts and wisdom on this vital topic. The need to encourage research looms so importantly in my own thinking, that it also became the topic of the Editor’s Page. (Did you take the time to read it?) In a manner so typical of her, Thelma drew from her knowledge and experience, and penned the following. I am not sure whether it is most appropriately called an article, an encouraging lesson, a set of instructions, or an admonishment. Perhaps all four. First and foremost, it presents the reader with thoughtfully prepared and practical advice. Her style is simple Read the rest

Past Life Memories: Reality or Fantasy? – Esther Iseman (Is.19)

by Esther Iseman, Ph.D.

Often, past life therapists confront the following situation: The client emerges from the altered state and says, “Was that real or a made up a story?” In response to this question, the author created an instrument, the purpose of which is to address the needs of these clients who express doubts about the reality of their memories. This instrument has the potential to provide a subtle suggestion, or “convincer,” that the client’s past life memories are, in fact, credible.


It is generally recognized that there is great potential for healing via past life therapy (Gerber, p. 399, Shealy, p. 35, Weiss, p. 23, and Woolger, p. 82). Regardless of the perception of reality of … Read the rest