JRT Topic: Study

RESEARCH. Past-Life Therapy with the Homeless – Carlos Gris (Is.9)

by Carlos Gris, M.A., C.Ht.

This article reviews some applications of past-life regression as an adjunct to traditional therapy with homeless people. The author presents two case histories illustrating the application of this method, one successful and one unsuccessful. He also identifies four dangers in the use of clinical depossession with any population. His candor in discussing failures as well as successes is laudable.

I would like to share with readers my experiences using past-life therapy with homeless people in San Francisco. At the time of writing, I have been working with Healthcare for the Homeless, one of 18 government-funded programs set up to develop models for delivering service to this population.

We provide medical, mental health and social … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. Mind Mirror Research on the Retrieval of Past Lives – Winafred B. Lucas (Is.7)

by Winafred B. Lucas, Ph.D.

This report covers the first of three extended research sessions with the Mind Mirror. The two further sessions, where the subject matter was extended to include releasement work, recollection of child abuse, and channeling will be reported in a later issue.


The effort to document physiological correlates of inner states is relatively recent. It began with three biofeedback instruments: the temperature meter, the OSE, which measures stress and relaxation through skin resistance; and a simple electroencephalogram. (The first electroencephalographic recordings picked up only one brain wave pattern at a time—the dominant one—and for a while it was not clear that the brain actually produced waves on different levels at the same time). Gradually … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders of Vietnam Veterans: A Proposal for Research and Therapeutic Healing Utilizing Depossession (Is.5)

Submitted by Maurice L. Albertson, Ph.D., Dan S. Ward, Ph.D., & Bill Baldwin, D.D.S., D.Min.

Summarized and Critiqued by Nanette de Fuentes, Ph.D.

This proposal, currently in the process of formulation by the Rocky Mountain Research Institute in Fort Collins, Colorado, will investigate the healing potential of releasement from human-attached consciousness in Vietnam Veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Dr. Edith Fiore, a practicing psychologist, in her book The Unquiet Dead, has described signs and symptoms which indicate such attachment. An early formulation of this research proposal is presented here in order to share with Journal readers the difficulties and evolving clarification of a research study in areas of paranormal healing and past-life therapy.… Read the rest

Healing Relationships Through Past-Life Regression: A New Paradigm – Clyde H. Reid (Is.5)

by Clyde H. Reid, Th.D.

Past-life therapy often deals with issues that involve interpersonal relationships. Connections with mothers or fathers, relationships with children and spouses or with good friends, are often influenced by the information and insight that emerge from a past-life regression. However, the literature on past-life therapy tends to focus on intrapersonal material rather than relationships, which is surprising considering how many people seek therapy because of problems in a relationship.

Conventionally, tracing current relationships to past lives is done with one person, and I will present some examples of this approach and its effectiveness. Following these I will describe a personal experience where several parties to a relationship were regressed together and shared the past-life experience … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. Substance Addiction: Searching for Causes – Joseph Lucas (Is.2)

by Joseph Lucas

Alcohol and drug addictions are the most pervasive public health problems on the American scene today and rank only slightly below heart disease and cancer as killers and disablers. They contribute to escalating crime rates, to business and industrial inefficiencies and waste, to family turmoil and relationship problems, and to accidents at home, in the workplace, and on streets and highways. An ongoing research project called ADDICTO/KARMA has been designed to expiate possible causes for addiction through the use of regressive hypnosis.

Subjects for the project are volunteer alcohol and/or drug addicts who receive regression hypnotherapy in exchange for a written consent to tape sessions. A record is kept of pertinent factors regarding each volunteer’s addiction problems … Read the rest