Sharing anecdotal cases
Anecdote comes from the Greek αν-έκδοτος which means un-published. Some cases are so bizarre or so exceptional that most therapists are not willing to share, either because they are taboo, or, because they are too far-fetched, or both. Here colleagues are encouraged to come up front without fear and express themselves freely. It is time for the skeletons to come out of the closet.
On womb battles
In this issue therapists share some cases from their practice concerning the spiritual dimensions of miscarriages, abortions, as well as the vanishing twin syndrome. As the name depicts, this last syndrome is a condition in which one of a set of twins or multiple embryos dies in utero, disappears, or gets resorbed partially or entirely, with an outcome of a spontaneous reduction of a multi-foetus pregnancy to a singleton pregnancy, portraying the image of a vanishing twin.
CASE I (a miscarriage case) by Marianne Carolus
An old woman had a good career, but she never felt happy with her life at all, never. Why has she always been so unhappy? Could she finally have a better life?
My client is female, born in 1932 and at the time of her session was 74 years old. She said that her parents hated each other but stayed together. But, according to her sister’s testimony, this was a happy family. Her mother was pregnant five times but her first embryo, a boy, was a miscarriage. After that Mary was born, and later on three more children. Mary always had a strong feeling that ‘I missed my destination’ and another strong feeling that ‘I just let things happen without my own free will’. When she turned forty, she tried to commit suicide, but was not strong enough to succeed.
When she referred to her childhood and puberty, she said that, “I was not able to live a proper life. I was too talented as a child; at school it was boring. I never learned to learn. Yet I was always feeling that ‘I can’t’.”
As a young girl she hated men, and for that reason she never had a relationship and always stayed single. Her parents hoped she would get married and have a small farming house. This never happened, but when she turned twenty-eight, she became terribly ill with a perforated appendix. That was terrible and she was taken in the intensive care. There it turned even worse since complications led to pneumonia. So, they put an oxygen tent around her. To make things even worse a thrombosis was found in her pelvis. These three deadly illnesses where almost lethal but she finally survived, and she remained hospitalized for three months.
So, she had a lot of experiences during her stay in the oxygen tent and in the intensive care unit. Furthermore, she decided to stay and studied to become a nurse. She had a good career but inside herself she remained always discontent. Till her sixties she always worked but also felt: ‘You can’t be doing this’.
She even visited Rόdiger Dahlke, a well-known German regression therapist, for two sessions but without any results. She now finally wants to be content with herself and her life.
I started with Ego States by inviting the first time she was discontent as a person in the room. This was her six-year-old inner child that wanted to go to school. But her mother said ‘No, I want to keep you at home another year, because you are a girl and for a girl learning is not so nice, while by being at home you are helpful’. Client was very disappointed and even furious.
Here we went back into that time. Her mother was forty years old and we wanted to find what made her mother so much wanting her eldest daughter an extra year at home. Her wish was in her belly, in her womb, that was empty, like an empty grey ball, and then mother turned like a mask. By asking the mother very gently there appeared a pineapple slice, with a hole in the middle. For a moment it looked like a hare in that hole, but then out of it came the dead unborn brother who was able to appear. He had made this grεy and empty ball in mother’s womb, but he had not died! He then showed her the little boy he had wanted to become: a wonderful six-year-old boy with chubby cheeks. He wanted education and he wanted a family. Here it became clear that he had found a better new place in the body of his sister that was born after him.
At that moment it partly looked like a possession and partly herself: ‘It is me. I am that second unborn self’, the client said. We find that as she turned six years old there was a very strong identification between the soul of the girl and that of her elder brother.
Then we had a look at how it started. The story that was revealed is this: he is the soul that wanted to be born and stayed in the uterus after the miscarriage. He jumped in the body that survived and he was the stronger one, after that miscarriage. Both souls stayed in this new body, but he dominated it, because he had a good plan: to study well and to become a master builder with success and also to marry with a nice wife and have six or seven children with her.
However, by being in the body of a girl, all of this wonderful planning was impossible. In her/his belly since the age of six was growing a deep disappointment.
We worked through the age of twelve, where she started hating boys or relations. Also, it seemed to have been him who had tried to leave the body, by creating the deadly illnesses. He had hoped that the death of Client’s body could set him free. The thrombosis crisis in the pelvis was a very good exit point but it did not work out for him.
Then Client made a new start as a nurse. But also, the need for suicide stayed with him and when she turned forty, he carried out his wish again, but she/he was a coward and it did not succeed.
Finally, he could totally understand his part in the situation during his whole life, and step by step he was able to realize that the body that was the stronger one, was the female body. And also, it was the body of his sister. Now they both realized why he/she always had felt ‘I can’t’ and ‘I cannot live a life like this’. He finally admitted that indeed it was he who wanted to die at forty for that reason.
But suddenly, realizing what a lot was done by this female body, he became an enthusiast! What a great career in nursery he/she made! She did that wonderfully!
After that realization he admired her greatly and he wanted to go to the light! He said that he had always been in the pineapple slice; all the time he had been around her real female self. She had been that little hare in the hole in the centre. They had a fair energy exchange. Now he wanted to go into the light but first he wanted to help her with all his power from the light for the rest of her life. ‘She is great’, he said!
After he was gone the client said that she felt free and happier than ever before. She is well over seventy now, but she smiles and she is strong and still learning, so she says.
This very dramatic life was caused by a dead unborn child.
CASE II (a twins’ case of the same sex) by Athanasios Komianos
Back in 2007 when I was practicing in Corfu a British citizen living in Corfu came to visit for a session with me. She was thirty-six-year-old, single with no children. She had not been hypnotized in the past but she was fighting with obesity and for this she had resorted to gastric bypass surgery. She also had confidence issues and depression. She had undergone total anaesthesia for leg surgery and lung surgery. After being bullied at seven she started gaining weight. She had abrupt changes of behaviour, emotional episodes of crying, mood shifts, her mind was constantly jumping around and she drank a lot of alcohol when she went out to parties.
As soon as I facilitated trance, I established ideomotor signals to ensure a direct contact with her subconscious mind and proceeded with the session. This was a very long and tenuous session which lasted almost three hours. The first parts of the session seem to be irrelevant for the case but at some point, we came to the crucial question that I ask when I think there might be an attachment: ‘Is there anybody else in this body but you?” The answer was a clear and adamant yes. She felt a little scared and I proceeded to ask more questions to clarify the situation. My client bursts to tears and another part of herself seems to reply that it always had been there from birth. It felt like a parasite that was flowing in the bloodstream and it seemed to be the bad part of Client. Bad Marina is five years old and she does not deserve being around because she “threw everything out.” Then we are notified that the mother wants the bad Client to be there. So, then we end up in the womb whereas we discover two identical twins in it. Marina is attached to the good Client in the womb. It becomes more than evident then that we fell upon the vanishing twin syndrome where the souls of both foetuses remained in the body of the “good Client”. Then she has recollections of a past life of the bad Client who killed her husband and was executed at stake for this. She also recollected two more lifetimes which I have no idea on which of the two parts they belonged to.
This was the first time I ran into the phenomenon of womb wars and foetus cannibalism. I tried to work by parts therapy but it was not fragmentation but instead it was two different souls fighting for attention and love. I think I made a mistake. Instead of trying to help bad Client to go to the light and conduct a formal spirit release, I chose to integrate them into one. That was a critical mistake that led to the failure of the session. My client never showed up again and the opportunity to solve the problem was lost once and for all.
CASE III (a dizygotic twins’ case) Athanasios Komianos
Not an anecdotal story anymore since I have this case included in my latest book Unveiling Spiritual Intrusions published in 2023.
Sometime in 2015, a foreign woman from South America called me on the phone and asked for my help. I made the appointment but explained to her that the possibility of her starting to speak her native language, when she goes into hypnosis, is very high. So, I begged her to bring a friend along who speaks Portuguese and also Greek, so that I could have her as an interpreter. So, she did, and one morning a very attractive woman, Client, came for our session with her girlfriend, who was at least head over heels for me (I’m 5’11”). She had a very thin waist, and she was wearing size 46 heelless sneakers. It was clear as a day that my interpreter was a transgender individual.
Of course, I had no say in the matter, and I worked with her as I would with any other client. The session went great. The client actually spoke to me in Portuguese, as I expected, and the translation was excellent. When we finished the session the client went to the bathroom, and the interpreter said to me: “You know Nassos, we have not been completely honest with you; we have been hiding something from you”. And I said: “What, that you were a man before you became a woman?” “How did you know?”, she said to me. “Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs,” I replied. But what they didn’t tell me was that these two have been a couple for many years, and even have a child together…
Then I told her to relax and close her eyes a little and asked her to tell me what she saw. Immediately she saw her mother working with her belly rolled over in the fields of her homeland, and as she was straining, there was suddenly a sharp pain in the uterus and a heavy bleeding started, and then the amniotic sac slipped and fell into the ploughed field. The poor mother had just lost her child, actually one of them, because the other was sitting in my zero-gravity chair describing the scene to me. The mother was carrying twins and lost one of them. Let’s get our imagination working. So, what’s the key to our story? The soul of his unfortunate sister was trapped in the body of her twin brother. And of course, she was seeking to experience, express and enjoy her feminine nature. So, by pressuring her unsuspecting twin brother, she led him down the road of no return, to irreversible sex change surgery.
My hands were tied. There was nothing I could do. If the session had been done before the surgery was performed, I believe that with my intervention I would have been able to send his little sister’s soul into the Light, and Chris would not have had to resort to gender reassignment surgery.
Nowhere else is the phenomenon of spirit attachment more blatant and flamboyant than in incidents of gender dysphoria and transsexual phenomena. Here, the materialist reductionist model utterly fails to provide explanations and fails to address the issue effectively.
The moral of the story: If you know a friend, a friend’s friend, or a friend’s child, who is suffering from gender dysphoria, send them to a certified colleague for help. Chances are very high that with regression therapy the sufferer will be cured.
Further Reading.
Gabriel, M. & Gabriel M., (1992). Voices from the womb: Adults relive their pre-birth experiences. Aslan Publishing, CA.
Bauer D., Hoffmeister M., Hartmut G., (2005). Children who communicate before they are born. Temple Lodge.