Der Sinn von allem was einst war – Das holographische Modell der Regressionstherapie by Erika I. Schäfer

Reviewed by the Editor
In IJRT Issue 29, 2017


The sense of all that has been – The holographic model of Regressiontherapy
In her third book “The Sense of All that Has Been“, Erika provides insights into her work and lays down her roughly 40 years of experience in Regressiontherapy.

Erika I. Schäfer

She encompasses case reports, explains the therapeutic process and provides us thus with an easy-to-read textbook on Regressiontherapy.


256 pages, hardcover, 35.-Euro; published by Synergia in the German language.
Therapie-, Lehr- & Forschungszentrum Eisenbuch – Eisenbuch 8, 84567 Erlbach
Mail: [email protected], Tel.: 08670/986699, Fax: 08670/9187971