Supporting organizations of the International Journal of Regression Therapy are the following:
EARTh (Earth Association for Regression Therapy) is an international organisation that promotes professionalism in regression therapy. Regression therapy is also known as past life regression therapy or transpersonal regression therapy.
For therapists we offer a network of passionate professional and skilled therapists and trainers. We offer annual conventions, trainings and advanced trainings, work exchanges, videos, educational and informative webinars, members-only forum discussions, research, IRT Journal and articles to keep their skills up to date with the newest developments in regression therapy.
For clients and anyone interested in this field, we offer information on regression therapy, on recognised training programs/trainers and a list of professional regression therapists in many countries all over the world.
The International Board for Regression Therapy (IBRT) Inc. is an independent examining and certifying board for past life therapists, researchers, and training programs.
IBRT was founded in response to a need for professional standards for preparation and practice in the field of past life therapy and research. Public interest in these fields is growing rapidly and the public has a right to know that practitioners have met the highest standards. An IBRT certificate ensures that the therapist, researcher, or training program has met those standards and practices in a professional and ethical manner.
La Asociación Chilena de Terapeutas en Vida Pasada nace en respuesta a un anhelo de algunos de los terapeutas precursores de esta terapia en Chile.
- Promover la formación y capacitación profesional de Terapeutas Especializados en Terapia de Vida Pasada y su posterior perfeccionamiento.
- Difundir la TVP como alternativa terapéutica en los diversos estamentos de la Sociedad Chilena, fomentando el acceso sin distinción de nivel socioeconómico.
- Cautelar el ejercicio adecuado de la TVP, velando por su aplicación dentro de los marcos éticos y profesionales de la Asociación.
- Promover la relación armónica entre los socios, creando instancias de intercambio profesional, terapéutico y social y respaldando el desempeño coherente de los miembros.
- Estimular la Investigación en las Áreas de Reencarnación, Vidas Pasadas y Supervivencia más allá de la Muerte.