Reviewed by the Editor
In IJRT Issue 30, 2018
In late 2013, Joseph Mancini, Jr., PhD, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, conducted a series of radio interviews on VoiceAmerica with experts in the field of past lives, past-life regression, and consciousness studies. In this book, created from that series of interviews, the author first relates his own past-life protocol, as well as tips for achieving a successful past-life regression and finding an appropriate regressionist. He then interviews three of his clients about the healing that past-life regression can provide. Next, he discusses the positive and negative implications of what he calls the “old,” time-bound, cause-and-effect notion of Karma that tends to focus on what amounts to predetermined punishment for transgressions committed earlier in the present or in a past life. Opposing this view is a different notion of how present-life arrangements are related to past-life deeds: as a pattern of freely-chosen contracts/choices made with others to try out a different path. Following the chapter on Karma are ten other chapters devoted to the different contexts in which practitioners have accessed past lives; these include interviews focused on children’s past lives with Carol Bowman, past lives and attached entities with Greg McHugh, soul contracts with Linda Baker, past-life regression with intact groups with Janet Cunningham, past lives and natal regression with Tim Simmerman-Sierra, past-life regression to capture lost history with Joanna Prentis and Stuart Wilson, Edgar Cayce and past lives in Atlantis with Nancy Eubel, past lives and life-between-lives with Dee Chips, and research on the positive effects of past-life regression with Heather S. Friedman Rivera. Throughout the text and endnotes, Dr. Mancini comments on the materials presented from the point of view of Seth, the “energy personality essence” channeled by Jane Roberts from 1963 to her passing in 1984. Making this perspective even more concrete are the interviews with two of Jane’s ESP students, Rich Kendall and the late Lawrence Davidson, who share what it was like to have Seth comment on several of their own past lives. This book will appeal greatly to followers of Seth, those interested in the expansion of consciousness, those curious about past lives and related matters, and novice and experienced practitioners of past-life regression.