JRT Topic: Astrology

Past-Life Therapy, Astrology, and Quantum Physics: Case Studies – Dianne Seaman (Is.20)

by Dianne Seaman

Astrology is a tool closely related to physics, for it is a language of energy and cyclical time. This symbolic and mathematical tool–linking both left and right brain functions–explores the mind in a space/time configuration and provides a window into different states and phases of consciousness. Astrology can assist us in exploring various dimensions of the soul by revealing threads of energy/of consciousness linking aspects of an individual’s multiple layers of identity across many incarnations, which intertwine to form the so called present life. Astrology can show the resonance between certain lifetimes–why the particular themes and issues come to the forefront of consciousness at a particular time in a person’s developmental cycle. As such, it is both Read the rest

Astrology and Past Life Therapy – Bert Esser (Is.19)

by Bert Esser

 I intend this article to be an example of the way in which we can combine the two disciplines: “past life therapy and astrology.”

1) On the one side, as we know, past life therapy makes use of an energy that is stored in our so-called cell memory system. Karma determines the direction of our successive reincarnations and the content of every new incarnation.

2) On the other side, we have astrology, which expresses our cosmic interdependence through the birth chart. The horoscope is the blue print of our capacities, abilities and the pattern of our psychic power. This builds up during previous lives, so we can consider the present horoscope as the last link of a … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy, Astrology, and the New Quantum and Space-Time Physics – Dianne Seaman (Is.15)

Dianne Seaman, B.S., C.P.L.T.

Dianne Seaman explores possible relationships between astrology, the new physics of quanta and space-time, past-life phenomena, and transpersonal experiences. As she notes in her article, her explorations raise more questions than can be answered, but her findings are provocative and she links these areas together thoughtfully.

Astrology, quantum physics and past-life phenomena are all complex subjects in and of themselves. Here I am attempting to show links among all three and how a more thorough understanding of each can be gained from exploring the other two – an even more complex undertaking. I am coming to realize that this is a lifelong project, and as I delve deeper into these matters, more questions are raised … Read the rest