Article: Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Releasement Therapy – William J. Baldwin (Is.14)

by William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D.

The problem of correctly diagnosing various kinds of entities is one that confronts all practitioners of Spirit Releasement Therapy. In this new paper, Baldwin presents some specific questions to ask clients and tells us what the possible answers to them might mean; along the way, he gives us some tips on what to do next. This paper might be considered a continuation of his paper in the 1995 Journal, “Soul-Mind Fragmentation and Recovery.”


This article addresses the differential diagnosis of sub and alter personalities and the three types of attached entities which are most often discovered in clinical sessions. These three types of attached entities are: 1) human entities, which include the earthbound spirits of deceased persons, spirits of a terminated pregnancy (whether by miscarriage or abortion), and mind fragments of other living persons (Baldwin, 1995); 2) dark force entities (DFEs), the classic demons; and 3) extraterrestrials (ETs), or alien beings, usually nonphysical. Subpersonalities and alter personalities are distinctly different from these attached entities. Each type requires a different treatment and releasement procedure. Differential diagnosis can be made through a specific series of questions.


Spirit possession! The very words spark fear in many minds. William Blatty’s movie, The Exorcist, intensified the mythology and superstition surrounding the subject. It also reinforced the notion that the Holy Name of Jesus could be used to cast out any nefarious spirit which attempted to take up habitation in an innocent human. The Holy Names may have a certain power over dark force entities (DFE’s) or demons after nearly 2000 years of battling with Christian exorcists and, in later centuries, deliverance ministers. However, someone who dies in the gutter of a large city and attaches to an unsuspecting passerby doesn’t care one whit about being told to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. It simply doesn’t work. He’s found a warm, comfortable place to bed down, and his typical retort might be a sullen: “Go away, leave me alone.”

For the contemporary transpersonal clinician who chooses to deal with the spiritual aspects of a client’s psyche, the issue of entity identification is vital. It matters greatly if an entity is a subpersonality, a minion of Lucifer (or any corresponding metaphor), an earthbound spirit of a deceased human, or a non-physical alien from another place. Differential diagnosis is crucial in the course of Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT).

There are six separate and distinct steps in the process of SRT. The first step is discovery: Uncovering a consciousness that is not a part of the client. The second step is differential diagnosis: What kind of entity is it? Is it a human entity, a dark force entity (DFE), or an extraterrestrial (ET) being? Other forms of energies may also be discovered, but this article will deal with these three general forms. Different types of entities require different treatment (step three) and releasement procedures (step four). After the releasement, there is a sealing meditation of light to metaphorically fill the space left by the departing entities (step five). Ongoing therapy (step six) consists of releasing other layers of attached entities, recovery of soul-mind fragmentation, subpersonality integration, healing the vulnerability which allowed the attachments, ego strengthening, and assistance with adjusting to a new way of being after the attached entities are released. This last can be a major factor in therapy. A not-uncommon question after an intense session of SRT is, “Who am I?”

Diagnosis of Human Entities

An attached entity can often be discovered during a past-life regression. If the past-life character does not experience going into the Light after leaving the body at death, but describes hanging around the scene, wandering in a gray place, or moving into another body nearby (especially a newborn in the nursery of a hospital), the therapist can suspect an attached earthbound spirit rather than a past life of the client. If the past-life character describes coming into its next body when that body has already been born, or during some traumatic event, this is not the contracted spirit, this is someone else (Baldwin, 1991).

Several specific questions can help to identify the nature of the entity. One early and pertinent question to direct toward the character speaking is:

Therapist: “Are you part of (client’s name) or someone else?”

A past-life personality, a subpersonality, or an alter personality will know it is part of the person, part of the family of parts or fragments. The goal of treatment for sub and alter personalities is well established: Integration. But the goal of SRT is to release any and all attached entities, as an attached entity cannot be integrated. However, a fragment of consciousness (sub or alter personality) can mistakenly be sent to the Light. This would be a significant clinical error and can be rectified if it does occur.

An attached entity will usually reveal its separateness in response to the question above. Once an entity expresses its first words, through the client’s voice, classification may be obvious. If not, this is the primary diagnostic question:

T: “Have you ever been alive in your own human body? Have you ever been human in your own physical body?”

The earthbound human spirit will immediately reply in the affirmative. Non-human entities will usually reply with an emphatic “NO!”

The body scan is another effective method for discovering attached entities. After the client has completed relating the nature of the presenting problem, she/he is directed to focus within and visually and/or kinesthetically scan the body and describe anything present:

T: “Focus inward. Notice any shapes or shadows, faces or forms, tightness or tension, pain or other sensation, any emotional holding, any disruption of energy, anything at all, anywhere in the body. Describe these right out loud.”

The eyes close and the client moves deeper into an altered state as the focus turns inward. Sensations and images usually emerge and are described clearly, such as “a pain in my lower back,” or “tightness in the neck.” The therapist uses the exact words of the client in the next questions:

T: “If that pain in your lower back wanted to talk, what would it say right now?” or “If that tightness in the neck could speak, what would it say, right out loud?”

Different kinds of entities will give surprisingly specific and consistent responses to such queries.

The pain in the spine might be a subpersonality who split away when the client’s father delivered a severe spanking in childhood. It hid in the spine so the father could not find it. It is still there, still maintaining the age of the split, and still holding the pain, fear, and anger. Its words are typically something like:

Client: “Go away. I’m hiding. He can’t find me here. I’m not coming out. Don’t hurt me!”

The tightness in the neck might be an entity who died of a neck injury and subsequently joined this person when she/he was burdened (yoked) with too much work, or suffered an emotional “pain in the neck.” That kind of situation creates a vulnerability to spirit attachment.

C: “Ow, it hurts. I can’t move.”

T: “As you focus on that pain, what image comes (visual), what are you experiencing (kinesthetic)?”

It may turn out to be a past-life death scene of the client or, just as likely, the death experience of an attached entity. The afterdeath behavior will reveal which it is. The event (usually traumatic) is worked to resolution and completion (going into the Light after death).

Each of these two, the subpersonality and the entity in the neck, will know if it is part of the client or someone else, a separate being, and can be asked. They are both obviously human. It is not always so clear. The spirit of a terminated pregnancy is also aware of being human, though it has no experience of being born. The mind fragment of a living person replies immediately, and is sometimes a bit indignant at being asked about such an obvious fact.

The diagnostic questions continue in this order:

T: “Are you male or female?”

Usually, the earthbound recalls its gender. A terminated pregnancy knows its gender. The mind fragment will insist it is presently alive in its own physical body. It is certain of its gender.

T: “How old are you?”

The answer is usually immediate. A terminated pregnancy has no age in years. Such a spirit does know how many months along it was inside its mother. The mind fragment of another living person knows its age.

The sub or alter personality of the client will state the age at which it split off from the main personality. Without therapy and resolution of the precipitating event, it remains at that age. With therapy and healing, it seems to grow up and finally merge or integrate with the core personality at the present age. This mind fragment of the client can also find the empty place, the hole it escaped from and move right in, like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

T: “What year is it for you?”

The earthbound spirit is fixated in the year of its death. There is no passing of time in spirit. The terminated pregnancy is not aware of the date. The mind fragment of a living person knows the present date.

T: “What is your name?” or “How do people address you?” or “When someone calls you by name, what name do they use?”

Different forms of this question can help a confused spirit recall its name. The more time that passes after the physical death of the human, the more difficulty the spirit has in recalling its former name. The mind fragment does not hesitate to proudly disclose its name. A terminated pregnancy has no name; this spirit was never named. The therapist offers such a spirit the chance to choose a name for itself. The little one may take a name like White Cloud, or Pink Rose, or Peace.

It is important to find the circumstances leading to the attachment in the current life. If the circumstances of the attachment represent a continuation of past-life conflict, past-life therapy may assist in bringing about resolution.

T: “How old was (client’s name) when you joined him/her in this life?”

The earthbound spirit and mind fragment will know the person’s age at that time. The spirit of an unborn child usually does not know the age of its mother. It simply stayed with her after the termination. It can also attach to the fetus in a subsequent pregnancy. Thus can a baby be born with an attached entity, the spirit of a terminated sibling. The spirit of a deceased twin can attach to the surviving fetus. This entity is often angry, resentful about being denied its chance to live.

The therapist can gain information about the circumstances of the attraction and attachment through the following questions:

T: “What attracted you to her?”, “Was it mutual in any way?”, “Did she invite you to come in?”, “Did she give you permission to join?”, “What was the opening that allowed you to get in?”, “How was she vulnerable to you?”

The answers are often surprisingly honest and clear and contribute to the diagnosis of an earthbound spirit. This is important information and becomes the focus of ongoing therapy, as healing this vulnerability may help prevent new attachments in the future.

T: “Where were you before you joined her?”

A sub or alter personality will have no history, no memory in this lifetime prior to the traumatic event which caused it to emerge or split away, although it may have a memory of another lifetime when it was the manifesting personality. The earthbound will have a clear memory of its own life, its death and the events between that moment and the attachment to the host. The mind fragment of another living person will know it was with its own body. A terminated pregnancy will usually describe the Light.

Diagnosis of Non-Human Entities

Dark Force Entities

After the body scan descriptions, the therapist may ask:

T: “If that black blob in your gut had a sound, what would it be?”

The black blob will have a sound the client will attempt to mimic. It will be a growl, a snarl, or a hiss. This is very likely a dark force entity (DFE). The therapist directs another question, using the specific sound as a descriptor and a name.

T: “You, (growl or other sound), if you could speak, what would you say right out loud?”

This entity knows it has been discovered. That is grounds for punishment on the dark side. The entity is angry, hostile, belligerent, arrogant, and resentful toward the therapist. It takes this question as a challenge, which it is not. The therapist must remain in a neutral place, not engaging with the ego in a battle of wits with the DFE. There is one typical reply to this question which, although rude, is nearly a diagnostic certainty:

C: “F—- you!”

Another aspect of the DFE mentality is ownership of another being. They themselves are controlled absolutely by their superiors and they often maintain that attitude toward the person they are plaguing. The DFE may say:

C: “Go away, I’m not leaving. She’s mine!”

After either of these replies, one more question confirms the diagnosis. When asked if it has been human, the DFE will answer with a derisive “NO!” indicating disdain for such a possibility. At this point, diagnosis is clear: This is a dark force entity, classically termed “demon,” of which there are many levels and strengths. The next step is the procedure for treating and releasing DFEs which is firm, specific, effective, and permanent (Baldwin, 1992).

Further interrogation of the DFE will uncover its commander and higher commander, located elsewhere. After they are bound in light, they may reveal a team or network of DFEs which have been plaguing the family, perhaps through generations, both genetically and reincarnationally. Release of these dark networks will bring relief to many other people as well as the client.


Another question to ask after the body scan is:

T: “If you could expand your awareness of that metal band squeezing around your head above your eyes, what would you perceive?”

The metal band around the head, just above the eyes, is almost always an alien device, placed by extraterrestrials (ET’s) for the purpose of monitoring, communicating with, and controlling a human being. There are many kinds of implants, but this device causes pain when discovered in a session.

T: “Expand your awareness. Describe the band.”

There may be wires or connectors coming off it, going into the body at many different points, and other wires leading up to a “craft.” The client at this point realizes this is an ET device. Fear and impotent anger often bubble up. This may lead into a memory of an alien abduction, but the purpose of this particular session is to discover and remove the device and the alien technician(s) who are operating it and influencing the client, and anything else involved.

T: “To you, the one operating this device, what’s the first thing you would say to us?”

C: “Why are you interfering? What do you want? I have my job to do. We are gathering information.”

T: “Where are you from?”

C: “Far away.”

T: “What color is the light in your place far away?”

They will describe a color such as pink, green, lemon-silver, blue-green, or something else. These are the final diagnostic questions which establish this one as an ET entity.

ET’s are not belligerent or openly hostile as the DFEs are. The reply often shows impatience and a low tolerance for humans, even a condescending attitude as if toward inferiors. The image arises of a white rat challenging the white-coated lab technician on the maze experiments. ET’s usually prefer not to speak further to the challenging “rat,” the therapist. However, questions which challenge their information-gathering research project, or which even insult the ET and its superiors, will usually provoke the entity into communication. For example:

T: “How much data do you need? How long have you been here gathering information? Aren’t you aware of the Prime Directive: Non-interference with a sentient species? Aren’t you aware of the ‘experimenter effect’? You are sitting in the experimental subject. You are affecting the results. Your entire research project is flawed. Your data is meaningless. Your group has expended resources fruitlessly. Your findings are a joke. What will your peer review committee say about this faulty design and the wasted effort? Where is your science officer? Who is the one in charge of this farce?”

Somewhere during this series of insulting questions, the ET may answer defiantly, defending the project. It might even capitulate with a surprised acceptance of the intelligence of this lab rat who is questioning the white-coat. It is as if these thoughts had never before occurred to this diligent (and often bored) technician.

Usually, the entire experiment turns out to be a cover for the activity of DFEs. The experiments are ostensibly designed to study human emotions and behavior. There are implanted devices which control the emotions of anger or fear, others which control appetites for food or alcohol or sexual desire. The technician simply turns up the volume and records what happens with the human subject. This behavior or emotional outburst causes anguish in the human, and this is the desired result for the DFEs, who control the technicians.

The energy emanation of this anguish is harvested by the DFEs. It is used as fuel, sustenance, food; Monroe calls this “loosh” (Monroe, 1971). This is the purpose of the “research” conducted by the aliens. The technician is usually unaware of the DFE. The science officer or the ship commandant will channel through the client, as will the commander of the space station, or the ruling council of the home world. The council members are aware of the dark lords in charge. They acknowledge that they, or their predecessors, struck a pact with the darkness long before for the purpose of gaining personal and political power. However, once that was established, the DFEs exerted power over them. They are grateful for assistance in separating the dark forces from their citizens. Following this total release, they gladly order the removal of the implants, devices, headbands, and the technicians, and order the return of all the craft orbiting this world and any other, and the space stations involved in this hideous project. A tremendous piece of work is completed in a very short time. The effect on consciousness cannot be measured.

A very few attached ET’s seem to be abandoned or retired here (Fiore, 1989), causing no such influence. Some claim to be from a home world which was destroyed. This sort of ET attachment may appear as a “dual identity,” a human/ alien blending. The person may have the entire memory of the human life, and also the sense of being an alien with knowledge and memory of the home world, its own people, the spacecraft and its activities aboard.


Three categories of attached entities have been described and discussed: The human spirit; the dark force entity; and the extraterrestrial. The first two types can be found in nearly everyone if the therapist is aware of and alert for the signs. The third type can be found in a significant portion of the population. This is confirmed by many therapists who utilize the methods of SRT. The diagnostic techniques outlined above can assist in the discovery and identification of many attached entities. Using the appropriate releasement procedures will bring welcome relief to the client, often from longstanding conditions which have defied other treatment methods. The work may be beneficial to many other beings as well. It is a life-changing and eye-opening experience for the therapist and for the client.



Baldwin, W. Newsletter of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies, 11(4), 1991.

Baldwin, W. Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, 2nd ed. Enterprise, FL: Center for Human Relations, 1992.

Baldwin, W. Soul-mind fragmentation and recovery. Journal of Regression Therapy, 9(1), 65-82, 1995.

Fiore, E. Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of Abductions by Extraterrestrials. New York: Ballantine, 1989.

Monroe, R. Journeys Out of the Body. New York: Doubleday, 1971.

Wickland, C. Thirty Years Among the Dead. Newcastle, England: Newcastle, 1924/1974.


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