Heather S. Friedman Rivera, R.N., J.D., Ph.D. was born in Los Angeles, California in 1963. She writes fiction and non-fiction for adults and books for young readers under the name Heather Rivera. She has written fourteen books and is an Amazon best-selling author. Heather is a contributing author in seven books and has written for magazines. She has been featured in print, radio, and web television. She is a retired clinical hypnotherapist who specialized in past life regression. Dr. Heather trained under Dr. Brian Weiss at The Weiss Institute. When not writing or coaching writers, she enjoys hiking and cycling close to her cottage in the Hawaiian jungle. Heather is deaf and has cochlear implants. Her superpower is bionic hearing. For information on her work seeĀ www.drheatherrivera.com
* Bios are listed here as they last appeared in the latest publication of the Journal of Regression Therapy.