Author: Pinar Gogulan

Pinar Gogulan is a graduate of Essex University, Department of Financial Economics. She lived in London for thirteen years and in New York for one year and worked in various leading financial companies and banks in managerial positions. After the near-death experience she had while giving birth to her second son, Can Leo, she realized her psychic abilities and said goodbye to the world of finance.
Having experienced the positive effects of regression in her own life, Pinar Gogulan received her Regression Counseling diploma from Radianced school, which provides training approved by IBRT (World Association of Regression Therapists) and EARTh (European Association of Regression Therapists.
She received Recall Healing training from the Institute of Recall Healing and founded Institute of Recall Healing Turkey with Gilbert Renaud. Being a member of EARTh, Gogulan had the chance to attend the trainings and seminars of many doyens such as Hans TenDam, Tricia Caetano, Marion Boon, Andy Tomlinson, Christine Alisa, Neeta Sharma, Marc Van Hecke.