JRT Topic: Attached Spirits

Clients Suffering from Spirits: Transpersonal Regression Therapy as an Alternative to Traditional Healing and Modern Psychiatry – Kamla Nannan Panday-Jhingoeri & Hans TenDam (Is.32)

by Kamla Nannan Panday-Jhingoeri and Hans TenDam

Abstract—In this article, Kamla Nannan Panday-Jhingoeri and Hans TenDam describe the potential detriments of solely utilising traditional psychiatric approaches to resolve spiritual problems; particularly psychological, physical and psychosocial issues pertaining to individuals embedded within societies who adopt and embrace cultural beliefs of a transpersonal nature. Through descriptive analysis and the sharing of theory and case studies the authors explain and evidence the benefits of transpersonal therapeutic approaches and techniques to assist patients with presenting clinical problems of a spiritual nature; including but not limited to the influences of spirits, ancestors and curses. The authors conclude that combining transpersonal regression therapy with regular psychiatry, and allowing patients to uniquely attend to their particular … Read the rest

Spirit Attachments – New Approaches – Andy Tomlinson (Is.25)

by Andy Tomlinson


Andy is an international trainer in regression therapy and shares his thoughts and experiences about “spirit attachments,” something that should be of concern to all past-life and regression therapists. He reviews the current techniques and goes on to explain how to deal with high energy spirit attachments which he calls “dark energy” that require a new approach and techniques.



There is still a debate in regression and past-life therapy about the reality of spirit attachments. Michael Newton, who introduced the amazing spiritual world between lives in his book Journey of Souls (1994), takes the position that spirit attachments do not exist. This was based on the accounts of thousands of clients who, in their … Read the rest

TERMS: Is it Possession or “Attachment”? (Is.10)

An article written by Louise Ireland-Frey which appeared in the Fall 1986 issue of the Journal prompted a letter from George Schwimmer. The topic is an important one and those whom he mentioned in his letter were invited by the Journal to pen a response. We are pleased to share with our readers both Dr. Schwimmer’s letter and the comments of Dr. Ireland-Frey and Dr. Baldwin.

 A letter from George Schwimmer, Ph.D.

To The Editor:

I should like to comment on the Journal article, Clinical Depossession, by Dr. Louise Ireland-Frey, as well as on aspects of spirit therapy in general.

To begin with, I feel that therapists should not use the word “possession.” “Possession” implies that the attached entity … Read the rest

How Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, Demons and ETs Can Affect Your Clients and the Six Steps to Take to Release Them – Peter Wright (Is.26)

by Peter Wright


This article discusses how to recognize the presence of four kinds of spirit attachments: earthbound spirits, ghosts, demons (negative entities) and extraterrestrials. You will find information on how these entities gain entrance into us as well as reasons why these spirits should be removed. This is followed by an extensive examination of various protocols that can be used to release earthbound spirits, ghosts, negative or dark force entities and extraterrestrials. The article concludes with several client histories, four key elements that can increase susceptibility for entity attachment and some protection tips for you and your clients when working with these kinds of spirit attachments.

10 Most Common Signs of Spirit Attachments

  • Low energy level or sudden
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Dealing With Attaching Souls and Entities – Jan Erik Sigdell (Is.21)

by Jan Erik Sigdell

A workshop at the first European Summer School of the European Association of Regression Therapists in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, August 22-24, 2006


This article discusses cases in which it is found that the client has an attaching foreign soul or entity, how this can be discovered and what we can then do about it. It also discusses a theological background relating to the world view of the Gnostic Christians, which fits very well to not only cases of this kind but also to regression experiences in general. The question is dealt with why souls and entities sometimes attach to persons, and the role of the aura in this respect. A possibility to free another Read the rest

Alleviating Voices using Releasement Therapy – Eric Christopher (Is.21)

by Eric Christopher, M.S.


Eric Christopher, M.S., has applied the techniques of entity Releasement Therapy, as taught by numerous professionals, to patients on a psychiatric unit who are hearing unwanted voices. He has observed that the disturbing voices are immediately eliminated in certain circumstances, offering great relief to the patient. Here is an account of his experiences employing this modality. He encourages any person or professional who works with people who hear unwanted voices to consider research with this efficient process.

Exactly twenty years ago, Louise Ireland-Frey wrote an insightful 17 page article for the fall edition of the first volume of The Journal of Regression Therapy called “Clinical Depossession: Releasement of Attached Entities From Unsuspecting Hosts.Read the rest

Spirit Releasement Therapy – Jan Erik Sigdell (Is.19)

by Jan Erik Sigdell

Sometimes, in the course of regression therapy, we discover that the client has an excarnate soul or even an entity attached to him (occasionally even more). It is important for a therapist to recognize such cases and have methods to deal with them. Here I will describe approaches that I have found helpful.

Possession and “circumsession”

In medieval literature about exorcism a discrimination is made between possession (Latin: possessio) and “circumsession” (Latin: circumsessio). In the case of possession, a soul—or rather an entity—wants to take over the body of the person and gain complete control over it. In the case of “circumsession” it influences the person who does not loose his sense of self. … Read the rest

Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Releasement Therapy – William J. Baldwin (Is.14)

by William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D.

The problem of correctly diagnosing various kinds of entities is one that confronts all practitioners of Spirit Releasement Therapy. In this new paper, Baldwin presents some specific questions to ask clients and tells us what the possible answers to them might mean; along the way, he gives us some tips on what to do next. This paper might be considered a continuation of his paper in the 1995 Journal, “Soul-Mind Fragmentation and Recovery.”


This article addresses the differential diagnosis of sub and alter personalities and the three types of attached entities which are most often discovered in clinical sessions. These three types of attached entities are: 1) human entities, which … Read the rest

Past-Life Report: Therapy in the Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorders by Kardecist Healers In Brazil – Stanley Krippner (Is.12)

by Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.

Dr. Krippner originally presented this topic as the keynote speaker during the banquet at the October, 1993 convention of the Association for Past-Life Research and Therapy in San Francisco. The importance and scope of his address were such that we asked him to share his comments, observations, and research with our readers.

The emergence of past-life report therapy is one of many harbingers of what many philosophers have called the “postmodern age.” “Modernism” or “modernity” holds that the methods of “objective” natural science will reveal “the external world” and lead to unanimity of belief regarding “natural laws” and their implications. However, this glowing vision has never been actualized. The search for “objective” methods has revealed … Read the rest

Report of a Study: Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spirit Possession Syndrome – William J. Baldwin (Is.10)

by William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Dr. Baldwin is no stranger to our readers. The concept of spirit possession is controversial. The term itself can evoke rapid reaction. It is a subject of intense and continuing investigation and exploration by many, including Dr. Baldwin, who shares with us the results of his research. The information contained in this article formed the foundation of his doctoral dissertation in clinical psychology and was submitted in the spirit [No pun intended! Ed.] of sharing both his theories and his research with us, and inviting further comment and investigation.


The ancient concept of spirit possession may be quite valid, though largely ignored in modern, scientifically oriented, materialistic society. Clinicians in various countries … Read the rest