
Love Materialized at the Taj Mahal Excerpt – Nancy L. Eubel (Is.26)

Nancy L. Eubel, MBA, MHt, QHHT, Rt Abstract In this article Nancy shares her experience of remembering both a past-life vow and a traumatic imprint while attending the 2nd World Congress on Regression Therapy in India. Both the vow and imprint were created in a former incarnation after the death of her husband and when she was subsequently thrown on his funeral pyre by other villagers. She leads you through the transformative process of clearing them beginning with an intuitive message she received about the impending death of her current-life husband. It continues with his subsequent passing and then his materializing in front of her while she was visiting the Taj Mahal with others attending the conference. During a group regression led by Hans TenDam on the last day of the World Congress she relived the funeral pyre experience and was guided in taking the necessary steps to release it.

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Your Soul Remembers: Accessing Your Past Lives Through Soul Writing – Joanne DiMaggio (Is.26)

by Joanne DiMaggio Abstract In 2010-11, author and past life specialist, Joanne DiMaggio, conducted a research project combining past-life regression and a form of inspirational writing she calls Soul Writing. With the help of fifty volunteers, ranging in age from 23 to 81, DiMaggio regressed each to the past life that was having the most impact on them now. After the regression—but while they were still in an altered state of consciousness—she placed a pen in their hand and a journal on their lap and instructed them to ask their soul for information about that lifetime that eluded them in the regression. While they wrote, she also wrote, asking her Source for information she could share. The results were astonishing. In 2006, I enrolled in Atlantic University and began a three-year Masters in Transpersonal Studies program. Since I was a professional writer, I opted to follow the creative writing track

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All Time is Now Even in the Hypnotherapist’s Office – Barbara Pomar (Is.26)

by Barbara Pomar Abstract Much has been written about time, all time is now in past life therapy. Dr. Pomar combines the two conflicting ideas into a coherent simultaneous theory. As quantum theory has found that there is only the now, (the present moment) Dr. Pomar has expanded the theories into a string of Nows. What is experienced in past-life recalls or experiences are layers of the present. Therefore it is possible to go to that point in time-space where the beginning, the original event happened, change a concept and have the present and future change almost immediately.  So many good philosophies can be derived out of these four words, All Time is Now. Yet, they can be counter-intuitive. I remember vividly the party last week and I am excited about my vacation in a couple of weeks. Does this mean I am still at the party, on my vacation

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Curses, Oaths and Vows—and other Attachment Issues – Don Carlson (Is.26)

by Don Carlson Abstract In his work with spirit releasement, the author discovered that any curses, oaths, or vows spoken or thought by the clients seemed to bind them to others in an unending cycle of Karmic ties.  Through work with special prayers of forgiveness aimed at releasing these vows or oaths or curses, the client can be freed of the Karmic obligations.  Forgiveness is the key. Many aspects of past life therapy such as hauntings, spirit attachment, alien activities, and past life recall healings have been more than adequately investigated, reported upon, and their findings published in the many excellent books available for both the lay practitioners and the professionals engaged in past life work. One aspect of the work that has received little or no mention is the field of Curses, Oaths, and Vows. This was one of the major aspects that emerged as our work progressed. My

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A Road Less Traveled – Albert J. Marotta (Is.26)

by Albert Marotta Abstract The author calls to the therapists/readers attention the importance of history and expanded thought in the therapeutic processes. He presents a series of timely suggestions based on research, experience and historical information encouraging the expansion of transpersonal regression therapy.   “For in the past, nothing is irretrievably lost, but everything irrevocably stored…” Victor Frankl The provocative information illustrated in this article distinctly alludes to parallels in ancient healing knowledge and techniques that have existed for thousands of years. Perhaps our present day knowledge and healings, (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) are an attempt at playing catch-up with the timeless wisdom, which is limited by ego based observations, based on materialism and our five senses, of the great truths that extend beyond three dimensional thinking. There are many diverse views and techniques in the healing professions. I believe everyone has a piece of the whole. Here are

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How Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, Demons and ETs Can Affect Your Clients and the Six Steps to Take to Release Them – Peter Wright (Is.26)

by Peter Wright  Abstract This article discusses how to recognize the presence of four kinds of spirit attachments: earthbound spirits, ghosts, demons (negative entities) and extraterrestrials. You will find information on how these entities gain entrance into us as well as reasons why these spirits should be removed. This is followed by an extensive examination of various protocols that can be used to release earthbound spirits, ghosts, negative or dark force entities and extraterrestrials. The article concludes with several client histories, four key elements that can increase susceptibility for entity attachment and some protection tips for you and your clients when working with these kinds of spirit attachments. 10 Most Common Signs of Spirit Attachments Low energy level or sudden loss of physical energy Character shifts or mood swings Inner voice(s) speaking to you – especially if these voices are negative Abuse of drugs (including alcohol) Impulsive behavior Memory problems

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Measuring the Therapeutic Effects of Past-Life Regression – Heather S. Friedman Rivera (Is.25)

by Heather S. Friedman Rivera, R.N., J.D., Ph.D. Abstract Previous research on the healing benefits of past-life regression is mainly based on anecdotal and individual case studies. There is a need to collect and analyze a broad cross-section of data on past-life regression and therapeutic results. A study is being conducted to collect and analyze the beneficial outcomes and healing reported by past-life experiencers. For this study, a web-based survey was created and launched for wide exposure to a broad audience. To date, 180 confidential surveys from respondents of various ages, gender, religious upbringing, and experiences have been obtained and analyzed. Analysis revealed that there are measureable and consistent beneficial effects as a direct result of past-life regression. The analysis also revealed the major types of benefits, degrees, and demographic influencers. The most prevalent beneficial outcome reported thus far by respondents is that death no longer holds as much fear

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Acuregression Therapy – Jeffrey Jay (Is.25)

by Jeffrey Jay Abstract Jeffrey Jay, a licensed Oriental Medicine practitioner, has created and developed a new acupuncture format, which will access and reveal an individual’s past-lives. Acuregression Therapy is an energetic technique that provides a connection into the full expression of a human’s mind, spirit, and “soma” or body experience. An Inner Time Machine Hypnosis, a tool usually practiced by Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists, and Regression Therapists, is not necessary in Acuregression Therapy procedures. During Acuregression Therapy, a patient remains fully cognizant of his or her recalled experiences during this specialized therapy. This approach therefore can heal energetic dysfunctions more “whole”-istically, with a broader understanding of the human phenomenon from the past into the present. An Asian Perspective It is generally understood that Acupuncture and Oriental Herbology, along with a few specific massage modalities, comprise the primary care of Oriental Medicine. The “Nei Ching” or “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine,”

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Spirit Attachments – New Approaches – Andy Tomlinson (Is.25)

by Andy Tomlinson Abstract Andy is an international trainer in regression therapy and shares his thoughts and experiences about “spirit attachments,” something that should be of concern to all past-life and regression therapists. He reviews the current techniques and goes on to explain how to deal with high energy spirit attachments which he calls “dark energy” that require a new approach and techniques.   Introduction There is still a debate in regression and past-life therapy about the reality of spirit attachments. Michael Newton, who introduced the amazing spiritual world between lives in his book Journey of Souls (1994), takes the position that spirit attachments do not exist. This was based on the accounts of thousands of clients who, in their life between lives, never mentioned they had a spirit attachment removed. Indeed, I witnessed many debates between his graduates on the internet on this very subject. Some followed Newton’s reasoning

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Past Life – Twin Souls Reunite – Dorothy Neddermeyer (Is.24)

by Dorothy Neddermeyer, Ph.D. Abstract  It is believed that Twin Souls need to reach the highest level of independence to be ready to reunite. My research of Twin Souls aka Twin Flames reuniting has revealed only personal accounts. These personal accounts of Twin Souls reuniting are believed to be brought together with the help of divine forces. In my many years of working in Past Life Regression this case is the first, to my knowledge, of a therapeutic intervention to prepare Twin Souls to reunite. Twin Souls do not necessarily recognize their twin half at once when they meet. However, when recognition is realized it is an intense moment. In this case of Twin Souls reuniting, one half of the Twin Souls has the behind the scenes transformation, knowledge of their journey, and Past-Life history from beginning to present.  In Twin Souls, authors, Patricia Joudry and Maurie Pressman state that

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I Can See from Both Sides Now – Virginia Waldron (Is.24)

by Virginia Waldron Abstract Using recalled details of a past life regression, Waldron’s client finds proof of a previous lifetime in the 1800’s. In this article the reader is presented with the details and insights of this unique case from the perspectives of both the client and the therapist. Introduction In June of 2010 Kathy Talada came to see Virginia Waldron, a certified past life regressionist in Fayetteville, NY. Her goals were to figure out a few things about herself – about her purpose and some issues that she was struggling with in her personal life. She had been raised Catholic, but she needed to find a closer connection to her own spirituality and felt past life work would help her with that goal. Together she and Virginia embarked on a deep and transformative journey and Kathy proved to be an excellent subject for this level of deep inner work.

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Some Considerations about the Dynamics of Biology in Reincarnation – Richard Stammler (Is.24)

by Richard Stammler, Ph.D. Abstract Those who accept the concept of reincarnation are aware that much is unknown about the mechanism of how it happens, but there are tantalizing hints that physical biology and personality dynamics can be passed from one to several reincarnations. This article shows some interesting data points that lead to the conclusion there is continuity between lives beyond the karmic influences that regressionists work with regularly. This article points to the work of Walter Semkiw and Adrian Finkelstein with prominent personalities and their support for isotropic morphology in reincarnation. It includes the classic work of Ian Stevenson and his protégée, Jim Tucker, at the University of Virginia to support the notion of the similar nature of reincarnation in sequential lives. Finally, the article summarizes an interesting idea from the Greek therapist, Athanasios Komianos, who hit upon the idea of using birthmarks as a vehicle to access

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Positive Past Lives – George Schwimmer (Is.24)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D. Abstract Recalling significant positive past lives can be even more powerful than returning to past lives where issues originated. The feeling of having lived a past life of purpose and spiritual accomplishment is extremely valuable for every person. In September of 1985, I attended a weekend Psychosynthesis training workshop in Amherst, Massachusetts, during which I mentioned my regression work to one of my fellow students, who immediately asked me to regress her. As it turned out, we had no free time that weekend, so I said I’d make a regression tape for her, and the next week I did. It was very structured, utilizing all the elements I use in past-life therapy. Before sending her a copy, I decided to regress myself with it, to make certain it worked OK. I put the regression tape in a tape player, then put a blank tape in a

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Soul Detective Regressions – Barbara Stone (Is.24)

by Barbara Stone, Ph.D., L.I.S.W., D.C.E.P. Abstract This article presents an innovative approach to complement regression therapy with trauma desensitization tools from the new field of energy psychology. The “Soul Detective Protocols” developed by the author use muscle testing rather than hypnosis to gather identifying information about past lives and invoke sacred space by asking archangels to form a pyramid of light around the therapy. After a brief description of the mechanics of meridian tapping therapies used for emotional relief and references for research on the subject, the author outlines the three basic steps in the energy psychology approach to therapy: ready–getting centered; willing–clearing limiting beliefs; and able–utilizing one of many energy psychology protocols. The article concludes with a case study in which a client cleared three interference patterns blocking her goals in a single session: one earthbound spirit attachment and two past life traumas. Introduction The Soul Detective approach

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Can We Establish An Ethical and Scientific Basis for Regression Work? – Jan Erik Sigdell (Is.23)

by Jan Erik Sigdell Abstract In a European group much controversy recently arose about questions of ethical and scientific aspects of regression and even “elitist” claims in that respect. The discussion about this concerns everyone everywhere who works with regressions and needs to be taken to a public level in the professional community. I herewith wish to give answers to criticism and outline a basis for our work. What are souls? One point of criticism is that everyone speaks about souls and even soul fractions and yet no one seems to be able to define them. If there is no self that survives the death of the body, there is no reincarnation and past-life regression is nonsense. The only valid form of regression is the attempt to go back into memories from the childhood and, at most, the prenatal state in the womb. But what is a soul? Since we do

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“Remote” Self-Exploration: A Shaman at the Center – Yasha J. Dalheimer (Is.23)

by Yasha J. Dalheimer Abstract This article suggests a method for frustrated regression therapists to see their own past-lives, if they themselves have not yet been able to have a successful regression. The method involves using a “surrogate” who knows little to nothing about the therapist personally. Although past-life therapists often help others improve their current lives, with knowledge of their past-lives, some therapists are unable to take their own journeys. There is a technique, using other people, to facilitate learning about the therapist’s own previous lives. We may connect dreams of others about us, and we may follow Dr. Irene Hickman’s techniques of “remote” regressions. Perhaps because of some karmic debt I, as an accomplished past-life regressionist, have not been able to be hypnotized deeply enough for a satisfactory past-life regression. However, two experiences in 1997 have given me the past-life insights that “standard” hypnotic regressions did not. In

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Speaking With The Higher Self – George Schwimmer (Is.23)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D. Abstract Speaking with the higher self of a client during regression, immediately after a past-life recall, will not only clarify the issue a client has brought but also offer insights and advice from the higher self which often can not be accessed in any other way. The higher self is the most critical “player” in past-life recall and therapy. The lower self has a very limited perspective—its job is to deal with the current physical life. So the lower self is normally unable to see beyond the needs of survival, unless its view is somehow refocused and repositioned. The higher self, however, has a limitless perspective, is able to view any point of the time/space continuum and to access knowledge not available to the lower self. It is the best source for getting accurate answers for important questions facing anyone. It’s not totally clear to me

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Reincarnation and Ecology: A Contribution to the Coming Generations – Athanasios N. Komianos (Is.23)

by Athanasios N. Komianos Abstract  “As you sow, so shall you reap” This is a plea to all regression therapist colleagues to contribute to a deeper and better understanding of our relationship with the environment in terms of reincarnation. According to all the incoming scientific data, it is more than evident that human activities have a deep impact on Mother Earth. Our species, Homo Sapiens, is pushing the planet to its limits. What we do today has a direct and probably irreversible effect on the fate of the planet. We are poisoning the habitat of the coming generations. However, what most of us have never thought about is that it is we who will harvest the problems that we plant today. It will be us in different bodies, our future incarnations, who will reap the subsequent disasters in the future. Our descendants will be none other than us.  The most

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Remote Regression and Past-Life Therapy For Children up to 9 Years – Herbert Van der Beek (Is.23)

by Herbert Van der Beek Abstract It is one thing to work with willing children who come to our offices seeking help. It is another thing entirely when parents and concerned adults wish to help the child but are restricted due to issues of locality, the child’s very young age, the child’s willingness, or even incarceration due to the child’s behavioral problems. This article offers a new approach using the willing adult acting as a surrogate for the child in the therapy process. As always, it is important to verify the parent’s inner experience in the surrogate role by observing the child’s actual behavioral change. My son had nightmares for many months. After two sessions with a colleague by me they stopped. I heard similar complaints of other parents whose children experienced sleep problems and nightmares and soon the first childhood issue came to me. Word-of-mouth did the rest. After

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Remote Regression Therapy – Greg McHugh (Is.23)

 by Greg McHugh C.C.Ht. Excerpted From Remote Regression and Remote Spirit Releasement: A Manual For Clinical Hypnotherapists Abstract This article is an excerpt from McHugh’s book Remote Regression and Remote Spirit Releasement: A Manual For Clinical Hypnotherapists. It describes 1) the use of a surrogate in regression therapy and spirit releasement in the physical absence of the client, 2) the basic requirements for the therapist and the surrogate, and 3) the need for deepening of the client/surrogate’s kinesthetic and feeling experience in the regression events. Additionally, the author illustrates the use of higher resources of the Light in “recontextualizing” trauma events that had been visited in the remote regression therapy process and the use of angels in the remote regression sessions for retrieving lost or fragmented parts. Remote Work Remote Work is the term used for the combined use of regression therapy and spirit releasement through a surrogate. The client

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