Archives: JRT Articles

Death Comes to Marie-France – Chet Snow (Is.3)

by Chet Snow, Ph.D.

During the years I have been commuting between the United States and France I have made friends and lost track of many Parisians, but an exception was Marie-France, who remained a valued friend for over twenty years. As a well-known pianist she followed the vagaries of my changing career from graduate student at the Sorbonne, to researcher for the U.S. Air Force, to regression therapist and researcher into past-life experiences.

Marie-France had undergone a lengthy psychoanalysis and from her long experience in introspection became interested in the idea of other lifetimes and the survival of the soul beyond physical death. This interest led her to do a session with me in which she discovered a recent … Read the rest

Comments On Healing – Norman Shealy (Is.3)

by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

Past-Life Therapy: A Tool for Releasing the Subconscious

I began using past-life therapy in 1972 and consider it the single most important psychotherapeutic tool we have. Unfortunately, not every patient is open to considering it. After all, 35% of Americans are fundamentalists and reject everything, including themselves! Even those who are somewhat open to the possibility of past lives sometimes are hesitant to open what they consider a Pandora’s can of worms. Furthermore, it is somewhat time consuming but I believe that in general the benefits far outweigh the time involved and I know of no other tool that will yield such rapid progress. A single case report from my files may serve … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy Reexamined – Edith Fiore (Is.1)

by Edith Fiore

Past-Life Therapy is an extremely effective treatment for the full range of problems that are brought to a mental health counselor’s office. Through the years, I have found that many physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual symptoms and conditions are either alleviated or totally eliminated, often after other therapies, including suggestive hypnosis, have failed. When it is allowed to work, it results in a permanent cure.

After using Past-Life Therapy exclusively for several years, I thought that this treatment resulted in a cure rate of greater than ninety percent. Now, eight years after conducting my first past life regression. I have lowered the figure substantially. Thinking back over my case load for the past year or so (approximately … Read the rest

The Psyche and the Body: Partners in Healing – Barbara Findeisen (Is.3)

by Barbara Findeisen, M.A., M.F.C.C.

The mind-body dichotomy has been entrenched in Western thought for so long most medical doctors have felt little need to concern themselves with the psyches of their patients. Conversely, traditional psychotherapy has shown little concern with physical problems. Recently the popularity and effectiveness of body therapies have prompted the acceptance of a concept of partnership between body and mind and a realization that they are not separate entities.

The majority of my clients enter therapy for psychological reasons, only to discover that change in the psyche affects the body, also. Conversely, colleagues who practice physical therapies frequently tell me that body work effects emotional breakthroughs and psychological insights. The two modalities are emerging as … Read the rest

Post-Accident Trauma Release: Release of Body Trauma From Current and Past-Life Traumas -Paul Hansen (Is.3)

by Paul Hansen, Ph.D.

Patients occasionally appear in a psychotherapy practice who are suffering the residual effects of accidents or other body trauma that occurred in a previous period of their lives. According to medical feedback, the body has healed, or should have healed, but for some reason it has not yet released the memory of the event. Such patients typically have chronic pain or strange body reactions and are frequently referred for psychotherapy to deal with the somatic complaint. They “know” that there is something the matter with their bodies, even though most practitioners cannot find or treat the problem. It was in an effort to understand and treat this phenomenon that the technique of post-accident trauma release … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. Substance Addiction: Searching for Causes – Joseph Lucas (Is.2)

by Joseph Lucas

Alcohol and drug addictions are the most pervasive public health problems on the American scene today and rank only slightly below heart disease and cancer as killers and disablers. They contribute to escalating crime rates, to business and industrial inefficiencies and waste, to family turmoil and relationship problems, and to accidents at home, in the workplace, and on streets and highways. An ongoing research project called ADDICTO/KARMA has been designed to expiate possible causes for addiction through the use of regressive hypnosis.

Subjects for the project are volunteer alcohol and/or drug addicts who receive regression hypnotherapy in exchange for a written consent to tape sessions. A record is kept of pertinent factors regarding each volunteer’s addiction problems … Read the rest

Clinical Depossession: Releasement of Attached Entities From Unsuspecting Hosts – Louise Ireland-Frey (Is.2)

by Louise Ireland-Frey

Through the ages the belief has persisted in many cultures that disembodied spirits or psyches can enter and take possession of a living person’s body and dispossess that person’s mind. In the Catholic priesthood the occurrence of possession is taken for granted and priests are taught how to exorcise the invading spirits.

In modem times more and more therapists, especially hypnotherapists, are turning to this once common assumption that discarnate entities can and often do invade living persons. Sometimes this change in therapists’ attitudes is due to the spontaneous complaints of clients and sometimes to the suspected presence of an invading entity from various clues presented by the client, who himself may be entirely unsuspecting.… Read the rest

Humanistic Considerations in Regression Therapy – Edward Reynolds (Is.2)

by Edward Reynolds

The humanistic approach to therapy, as developed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, shifted the focus in the therapeutic process from the patient as an object to be “fixed,” to the relationship between therapist and patient as a powerful agent in producing therapeutic results. Nearly half the research in psychotherapy and thirty-five years of observing and documenting the process, ground these humanist assumptions. In a new modality such as regression therapy where the dominant legacy comes from an authoritarian approach, namely, hypnotic induction, it is important that the gains in psychotherapy as a total field are not overlooked or lost.

In every stage of regression work there is a choice between the non-authoritarian humanistic approach and authoritarian … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy: The Experiences of Twenty-Six Therapists – Helen Wambach (Is.2)

by Helen Wambach

Introductory Note:

Helen Wambach became famous because her pioneering spirit and indomitable curiosity about what lies behind everyday life problems led her to continually explore ahead, opening new windows on truths of the human condition. This survey, conducted among her peers, demonstrates once again the debt we owe her and our duty to continue to investigate past lives and similar phenomena concerning human consciousness at the same high levels of originality, integrity, and scientific method.

 It has been my privilege to have worked intimately with Dr. Wambach for two years and to have enjoyed her trust and affection. In adapting and presenting this article to our mutual colleagues and peers I feel I am repaying a small Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy and Arthritis – Dree Miller Dunlap (Is.1)

by Dree Miller Dunlap

While participating in a past-life training session with Dr. Edith Fiore, I was regressed to try to find out why I have arthritis. I have had various minor attacks of arthritis since my early twenties and at the age of thirty-two have developed gout—another form of arthritis. I seem to be particularly affected in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands.

As the regression took place I found myself as a male sixteenth century Italian physician. I was treating a young girl (about eight years old) who had broken her arm at the elbow. It was necessary to put the bones back in place to set the arm. I violently twisted the child’s arm. Bone grated against … Read the rest