Archives: JRT Articles

Past-Life Regression in Brazil – Daniel W. Miller (Is.11)

by Daniel W. Miller, Ph.D.

Cultural differences may manifest themselves in many ways. Of interest and importance to practitioners of PLT is the awareness of the cultural framework and reference points accepted and understood by the client. Dr. Miller has visited Brazil on many occasions and has used these opportunities to observe and explore some of these culture-specific assumptions as apply to the practice of PLT.

I’d gone to Brazil almost annually since 1981 to participate in Metaphysical Conferences in Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro, conducting past-life therapy and training sessions afterwards. In 1991 I went to Sao Paolo for the Fourth Annual Metaphysical Conference to lecture, and conduct workshops and individual sessions again. From my work with … Read the rest

Regressed Past Lives and Survival After Physical Death: Unique Experiences? – Robert T. James (Is.11)

by Robert T. James, J.D.

After completing a written survey inquiring into demographics and religious beliefs, 104 adult subjects were separately hypnotized in an attempt to regress them to past lives. Eighty-one subjects did regress to what seemed to be past lives. The results were subjected to a Multi-variate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and to other statistical analyses. In this article Dr. James presents a summary of some of his findings.


Whether or not we survive physical death and are reborn again would seem to be two of the most important questions we can ask ourselves. Indeed, the reports from every known society indicate that our ancestors seemed to concern themselves with such questions as far back as … Read the rest

Separation Individuation Throughout The Ages – Daniel Hutt (Is.11)

by Daniel Hutt, C.S.W.

Separation individuation is a cornerstone for good emotional health. Many psychological struggles experienced by people are directly related to this. The purpose of the article is to illustrate its scope and dimension. The interplay between past life and current circumstances will be explored theoretically and in a case study.

I am a traditionally trained psychotherapist who now utilizes past-life regression as part of my practice. It has occurred to me that many of the past-life connections clients experience in the regressed state are related to separation issues. Indeed, much of the work I do with regressive therapy appears to mirror the analytic concept of separation individuation.

The personality theorists define separation individuation as a developmental … Read the rest

A. R. Martin: Pioneer In Past-Life Regression – George Schwimmer (Is.11)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D.

Although past-life regression is considered by many to be a fairly recent technique, A. R. Martin, late author of Researches In Reincarnation And Beyond, began conducting past-life regressions sixty-five years ago, the first person known to do so in the United States. His ground-breaking research, book, and conclusions are important in understanding that the core of life is spiritual, that we come to Earth repeatedly to learn needed lessons, and that the purpose of past-life recall is to help us to grow spiritually. It is hoped that this will be the first of a series of articles about the early “pioneers” in our field.

Most people today probably date the advent of past-life regression … Read the rest

A Brief Report Of The Parks Research and Education Project: A project designed to investigate the power of the mind to heal – Hazel M. Denning (Is.11)

by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.

In 1978, a substantial grant was given to the Parapsychology Association of Riverside, Inc. to conduct a longitudinal investigation into the power of the mind to heal physical pathologies using hypnosis and regression as the primary interventions for healing. While hypnosis was to be used in all cases, the precise nature of the therapeutic intervention was left to each of the researchers involved in the project. The following report gives the reader an overview and summarizes the project. The full project report, including data tables, photographs, and case studies, as well as a bibliography and other materials, has been published as APRT Monograph No. 1, 1993.


The Parks Research and Education Project was … Read the rest

Thoughts On Time: The Connection Between Multidimensionality and Reincarnation – Bettye B. Binder (Is.11)

by Bettye B. Binder, M.A.

When we asked Bettye Binder, as APRT’s new President, to share with our readers a few comments and thoughts which she felt might be of some importance to our readers, the topic was left entirely to her choice. Once more, the concept of synchronicity seems to have asserted itself. Without any prior knowledge of the contents of this issue, she elected to direct her comments to the concept of time, something which two other articles appearing in this issue have also (independently) addressed.

Our past lives can facilitate or block the way we live our present lives because time is “multidimensional.” The past influences the present whether or not we are aware of its influence … Read the rest

The Mystic and the Doctor – Henry Leo Bolduc (Is.10)

by Henry Leo Bolduc

To practitioners of PLT, the names of Dr. Milton Erickson and Edgar Cayce are well-known. Though different in many ways, each, in his own way, has made rich and significant contributions to our field. The impact of their work continues, still teaching, still guiding, still inspiring. In this article, Henry Leo Bolduc examines these two men.

After decades (even centuries) of disdain for, mistrust of, and even downright antagonism toward hypnotherapy and holistic healing (so-called nontraditional medicine), the medical profession is slowly realizing that such alternative techniques to traditional medicine can, in many cases, equal or even surpass the effectiveness of modern medicine. This realization has been brought about by increasing public awareness of the success … Read the rest

“What’s Bad About It?” The Case History of a Pedophile – Louise Ireland-Frey (Is.10)

by Louise Ireland-Frey, M.D.

In her research with a pedophile, Dr. Louise Ireland-Frey was able to trace this history of pedophilia through seven life times. She details the background and therapeutic approaches employed in working with this patient over a period of several years. She discusses the methods of treatment, the employment of PLT techniques, and raises questions worthy of much further thought, discussion, and investigation.


The term “pedophile” is a misnomer, for child-molesters do not love children; they only lust after the sights, touches, and activities involving certain parts of a young child’s body and receive intense pleasure from these. The rush of feeling appears to be neurologic like that of a purely physical orgasm or like … Read the rest

Report of a Study: Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spirit Possession Syndrome – William J. Baldwin (Is.10)

by William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Dr. Baldwin is no stranger to our readers. The concept of spirit possession is controversial. The term itself can evoke rapid reaction. It is a subject of intense and continuing investigation and exploration by many, including Dr. Baldwin, who shares with us the results of his research. The information contained in this article formed the foundation of his doctoral dissertation in clinical psychology and was submitted in the spirit [No pun intended! Ed.] of sharing both his theories and his research with us, and inviting further comment and investigation.


The ancient concept of spirit possession may be quite valid, though largely ignored in modern, scientifically oriented, materialistic society. Clinicians in various countries … Read the rest

Regression Therapy as a Valid Approach in Treating Obesity: A Case Study – Janet Cunningham (Is.10)

by Janet Cunningham, M.S.

The study of obesity has perplexed dieters and professionals alike. This paper presents the research and view that regression therapy and working through the blockages in the unconscious mind can be a major key to success. The research of the author indicates five major reasons for manifesting excess body fat. She identifies those reasons, and documents a case study using childhood and past-life therapy.

In spite of an increased interest in fitness in the 1980’s and 90’s, statistics indicate a shocking reality: eighty to ninety percent of dieters who lose weight gain it back. We continue to emphasize external (diet change, exercise, behavior) and avoid internal factors (thoughts, beliefs, mind patterning, and emotion). Clearly we … Read the rest