Archives: JRT Articles

Research in a Strange New Field: The Potluck Principle – Thelma B. Freedman (Is.21)

by Thelma B. Freedman, Ph.D.

Shortly before closing this issue of the Journal, I asked Thelma to share with our readership her thoughts and wisdom on this vital topic. The need to encourage research looms so importantly in my own thinking, that it also became the topic of the Editor’s Page. (Did you take the time to read it?) In a manner so typical of her, Thelma drew from her knowledge and experience, and penned the following. I am not sure whether it is most appropriately called an article, an encouraging lesson, a set of instructions, or an admonishment. Perhaps all four. First and foremost, it presents the reader with thoughtfully prepared and practical advice. Her style is simple Read the rest

Spiritual “Splinter” Removal – Gayla Reiter (Is.21)

by Gayla Reiter


Severe phobias led a young man to several emergency room visits, taking powerful medication and eventually changing jobs. He finally was led through a series of synchronistic events to Past Life Regression Therapy. This article describes his intense regression journey as well as the resultant healing…a healing that resulted in relief of his intense anxiety/phobias as well as lifelong asthma and allergies.

Synchronistically, I recently ran into a man I had worked with over 12 years ago…he recognized me and started recalling the impact the past life regression we had done had upon his life. Indeed, the e-mail he sent me after that encounter noted: “It was an amazing experience and helped me more than any … Read the rest

The Fallacies of Freud: Thoughts about effective regression therapy – Jan Erik Sigdell (Is.21)

by Jan Erik Sigdell


There has been some criticism of Sigmund Freud’s work. A recently published “black book” shows that many of the cases he declared as cured were not cured at all. In the beginning he worked with hypnotic regression, not to past lives, but to traumatic situations earlier in the current life. The results were disappointing to him, wherefore he developed another approach, that of free association. Even then he failed to cure several of his patients. Why did that happen?

 In the author’s view this may well be because he avoided having the patients relive the emotions in the past trauma. However, reliving the emotions and dissolving them is an essential step to catharsis. This is Read the rest

Dealing With Attaching Souls and Entities – Jan Erik Sigdell (Is.21)

by Jan Erik Sigdell

A workshop at the first European Summer School of the European Association of Regression Therapists in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, August 22-24, 2006


This article discusses cases in which it is found that the client has an attaching foreign soul or entity, how this can be discovered and what we can then do about it. It also discusses a theological background relating to the world view of the Gnostic Christians, which fits very well to not only cases of this kind but also to regression experiences in general. The question is dealt with why souls and entities sometimes attach to persons, and the role of the aura in this respect. A possibility to free another Read the rest

Following DNA – Diba Ayten Yilmaz (Is.21)

by Diba Ayten Yilmaz


As we speculate about much of the mechanics of the reincarnation process we often wonder and actively search out clues as to the how, when, where, and why we incarnate. It seems that an important aspect of this search and research is the acceptance of the scientifically inclined. Yilmaz presents one recently discovered method of tracing and linking an incarnate client with her past lives using her DNA. She gets help with this from two world renowned organizations that do not yet know they are providing this help: National Geographic and IBM.


From the National Geographic Society (NGS) website:

The National Geographic Society, IBM, geneticist Spencer Wells, and the Waitt Family Foundation have launched … Read the rest

Choosing Your Next Incarnation – Mary Lee LaBay (Is.21)

by Mary Lee LaBay, M.S., C.I.


There is an assumption that we all choose our next incarnation. Another assumption is that we always choose, or have assistance in choosing, the best possible family and environment for the positive forward progression of our soul.

In working with clients over the past 18 or so years both in past life regression and in life between life sessions, I have found that the methods used in choosing an incarnation as well as the suitability of that choice varies between individuals. Our state of being in the physical is closely reflective of the state of being in the astral. While we may gain some breadth of awareness and perspective, we do not … Read the rest

Treating ADD/ADHD With Past Life Regression Therapy – Saundra C. Blum (Is.21)

by Saundra C. Blum M.S., C.Ht., P.L.R.T.


This article exemplifies two case studies that were originally misdiagnosed as ADD/ADHD in both children. Both showed improvement with PLRT. One had a complete healing and the other a more subtle healing. It gives us an opportunity to rethink how many children have been treated with medication when diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. How many really have the over diagnosed syndrome or could they too have been acting out old patterns from past lifetimes? We need to have more scrutiny with these diagnoses to make sure these behaviors are not coming from something else.

Case Study I: Nightmares and Acting Out at School

In October of 2002 I received a call from a frantic … Read the rest

The Truth of My Soul – Linda R. Backman (Is.21)

by Dr. Linda R. Backman, Psychologist


You are a Soul. You do have Purpose. You are experiencing Soul Progression lifetime to lifetime and between. Through Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Hypnotherapy we gain recognition of our Truth and of The Truth. Presently, our Earth-based Truth is how this life is being lived. Knowledge we are a Soul affords each of us the opportunity to KNOW our Purity as Love residing at this time in body. If we live each moment and each day holding the understanding that we stem from the Divine, we will live in alignment with the Higher Order. Our Soul will travel along the path of attachment to the higher realm mirroring and Read the rest

Alleviating Voices using Releasement Therapy – Eric Christopher (Is.21)

by Eric Christopher, M.S.


Eric Christopher, M.S., has applied the techniques of entity Releasement Therapy, as taught by numerous professionals, to patients on a psychiatric unit who are hearing unwanted voices. He has observed that the disturbing voices are immediately eliminated in certain circumstances, offering great relief to the patient. Here is an account of his experiences employing this modality. He encourages any person or professional who works with people who hear unwanted voices to consider research with this efficient process.

Exactly twenty years ago, Louise Ireland-Frey wrote an insightful 17 page article for the fall edition of the first volume of The Journal of Regression Therapy called “Clinical Depossession: Releasement of Attached Entities From Unsuspecting Hosts.Read the rest

Honoring Pythagoras: Reincarnation Ideas in Classical Greece – Hans TenDam (Is.20)

by Hans TenDam

 A doctoral thesis at Princeton University Press in 1948, documents carefully and scholarly that Greek reincarnation ideas came from no other than Pythagoras; not from his teacher Pherecydes, the Orphics, Egypt, the Celts, or the Thracians. And as two of the most important doctrines associated with metempsychosis appear first in Greece, and only then in India, any transmission would have rather been from Greece to India than the reverse. It is also likely that the Celts acquired the doctrine from the Greeks.  In the Pythagorean view, metempsychosis is an ethical development and memories of past lifetimes are possible. We can still live with that.

Reincarnation or rather metempsychosis ideas were already known in classical Greece. Orphic and … Read the rest