Archives: JRT Articles

Karmic Patterns in Family Relationships – Dree Miller-Dunlap (Is.5)

by Dree K. Miller-Dunlap, Ph.D.

It is within the context of the family that our experiences and knowledge of life in a physical body begin. The framework and interactions of the family provide the basis for a substantial amount of learning and are frequently the focus of psychotherapy. It therefore seems highly probable that the family plays a significant role in past-life therapy as well.

It is within the family that the human being goes through the stages of development that bring one from birth to adulthood (and beyond). Consider the possibility that the stages of development observed in the human being may be a reflection of the stages of development of the spiritual being. In looking at how … Read the rest

Core Issues In Relationships – Trisha Caetano (Is.5)

Trisha Caetano, B.S.

The Structure of Core Issue Patterns

A core issue is the result of an incident which causes an individual to form a viewpoint, feeling, or emotion that originates a pattern of behavior. Core issues are basic: anger, fear, control, worth, loss, guilt, etc. There can be one primary core issue active in a specific lifetime, with other issues associated with it or derived from it, or there can be more than one primary core issue in re-stimulation in a lifetime. For example, fear and guilt could be inexorably linked in the present, but could have originated in different lifetimes and therapeutically, must be dealt with individually. Core issues underline behavior, which is why, at best, behavior … Read the rest

Defining Professional Relationships In Past-Life Therapy – Ronald Wong Jue (Is.5)

Ronald Wong Jue, Ph.D.                                                                      

Dr. Jue suggests that the acceptance of past-life therapy as a legitimate therapeutic modality will depend not only on the gradual modification of society’s attitude but also upon the responsible definition of professional relationships and standards of training. The competent therapist must have a conceptual model of the past-life process and an adequate repertoire of clinical skills.

In the last decade past-life therapy has come out of the closet. This change has been due primarily to the efforts of the Association for Past-Life Research and Therapy as well as the effort of various therapist-authors who have been willing to share their experience in working with past-life material. But as a form of therapy, this new … Read the rest

EXPERIENTIAL DATA. Creative Source Experience – Ginny Pryne (Is.4)

by Ginny Pryne

I left my island with its fog and trees, which go right down to the waters of Puget Sound, to come south in September to the APRT Annual Conference in sun-filled Sacramento. In looking over the possible workshops one stood out for me because of its title, “Creative Source,” my favorite words! In a group of about twenty-five participants I was one of three who volunteered to be subjects. Dr. Schubot, the workshop leader, used all three of us to demonstrate how the body is tuned to a Creative Source which knows the answers to questions asked, answers which would lead to our highest good. Answers bypass the conscious mind and are evidenced from the unconscious by … Read the rest

EXPERIENTIAL DATA. Past-Life Recall While Running- Marshall Gilula (Is.4)

by Marshall F. Gilula, M.D.

It is not necessary to have a formal hypnotic induction or sitting meditation for recall of past-life material. For me, my daily hour and a half running has proven an excellent time for recall of such material. One lifetime recovered while running related to a lifelong respiratory problem which began with severe childhood asthma and frequent pneumonia and caused me to seek an activity such as running in order to free myself from the problem. Several years of psychoanalysis during psychiatric training did not do away with this problem, nor did several other types of treatment and self-investigative techniques, including daily regular meditation.

It was while meditating during the early Seventies with different types … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. Healing Prenatal Memories – Clara Riley (Is.4)

by Clara Riley, Ph.D.

It is important to develop new paradigms of healing through experiential learning and clinical research. Therapists have demonstrated that re-experiencing one’s birth in its physical manifestations can be useful in the relief of symptoms, including depression, panic attacks, and other difficulties. Currently we are exploring whether disturbances can be healed at an unconscious level by directed meditational imagery combined with relaxation and stretching. This study attempts to answer this question by comparing responses to a cassette tape for directed meditation as measured by changes in the Cornell Medical Index. Recording of demographic data and diagnosis will be followed by administration of the tape with the following instructions:

“Many people have benefited from participation in relaxation … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. An Exploratory Study Using Regression Therapy with the Homeless – Carlos Gris (Is.4)

by Carlos Gris, M.A.

In order to offer a model for regression research, the Journal is printing in full a proposal by Carlos Gris for exploring the potential of regression work with the homeless. His proposal has a theoretical grounding in the most innovative thinking of our time, out of which grow his hypotheses. A discussion of methods, measurement techniques, and population follows. The homeless are a difficult and sometimes almost intangible group, and many modifications may have to be made in the design, but it is a start. The findings may be negative—that is, psychodynamic techniques may work as well as regression therapy, or even better, but that, too, is a finding. Let us accompany Carlos sympathetically on … Read the rest

Creative Source Therapy in Past Life Exploration – Errol Schubot (Is.4)

by Errol Schubot, Ph.D.

Again we have a striking innovation in method presented by Errol Schubot. Those of you who attended his workshop at the Fall Conference in Sacramento were moved by his powerful and loving method of working through personality tie-ups initiated in past lives. In considering both the article and the work, we are confronted with a common difficulty in clinical research. Which variables were responsible for the successful outcome of the experience? Was it the loving energy generated by the group? Was it Errol Schubot’s strikingly creative use of transformational imagery? Or was it his skillful method of contacting the Creative Source? Probably all three contributed to Ginny Pryne’s resolution. Be sure to read the open Read the rest

Spontaneous Remissions – Winafred Lucas (Is.4)

by Winafred Blake Lucas, Ph.D.

In her ground-breaking book about releasement The Bright Light of Death, Anabel Chaplin, a conservative but innovative social-worker came to feel that physical symptoms that could not be reversed by allopathic medical procedures were at times the result of what she called “shadowing.” By this she meant that entities who had experienced sudden death or who were tied to persons still living by strong feelings such as anger and dependency, not knowing where they were, tended to hover around and influence those they were tied to. This shadowing had many consequences, the most pervasive of which was physical weakening and chronic fatigue in the individual shadowed. Chaplin’s work was primarily with entities who had … Read the rest

A Case of Possession in a Past Life Resulting in Physical Problems – Hiroshi Motoyama (Is.4)

by Hiroshi Motoyama, Ph.D.

Dr. Motoyama relates the process of resolution of a severe intestinal condition in a man who in a previous lifetime had drawn the attachment of an angry feudal lord. Working through the karmic relationship and releasing the attached spirit restored the suffering man to health. Dr. Motoyama outlines the necessary steps in transcending such karma.

I will describe a case in which I was asked to intercede, which is a clear example of a serious ailment caused by a past karmic action or event. In November of 1982 I was telephoned in Tokyo by a Mrs. Y. who was at a hospital in Akashi City, 380 miles away. Mrs. Y’s husband had just undergone his … Read the rest