Archives: JRT Articles

RESEARCH. Past-Life Therapy with the Homeless – Carlos Gris (Is.9)

by Carlos Gris, M.A., C.Ht.

This article reviews some applications of past-life regression as an adjunct to traditional therapy with homeless people. The author presents two case histories illustrating the application of this method, one successful and one unsuccessful. He also identifies four dangers in the use of clinical depossession with any population. His candor in discussing failures as well as successes is laudable.

I would like to share with readers my experiences using past-life therapy with homeless people in San Francisco. At the time of writing, I have been working with Healthcare for the Homeless, one of 18 government-funded programs set up to develop models for delivering service to this population.

We provide medical, mental health and social … Read the rest

Regression From a Huna Perspective: A Paradigm Shift – Kay McClure (Is.9)

by Kay McClure, C.Ht.

There are many schools of thought which serve as theoretical foundations for practitioners of PLT. One which is perhaps less well-known in Western societies is the ancient Polynesian tradition of Huna. The author has found within its principles important guidelines which she has incorporated into her practice.

A paradigm shift is a major change in the way a person or a group views their reality. Once that shift point is established, nothing is the same, and a whole new range of possibilities exist. Many such shifts have occurred; some by the work of a single person, some by an event or an emerging philosophy and others by the arising of the collective unconscious of man. … Read the rest

The Message of the Mystery Schools – Karl Schlotterbeck (Is.9)

by Karl Schlotterbeck, M.A., C.A.S.

This article describes the psychological power of mystery schools, with examples of how their practices and beliefs affect intrapsychic dynamics, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual development in later lives. Their ideal of integrated and holistic schooling is contrasted with the observed dysfunctional effects when some of their principles are carried over unconsciously and indiscriminately into broader social contexts in subsequent incarnations.

I know of few things that can excite the imagination as much as the mystery schools of bygone times. The very thought of them evokes images of robed candidates and initiates in their cells or courtyards or libraries, preparing for initiation or seeking illumination.

If you could image yourself as one of these … Read the rest

Treating the Core Issue – Trisha Caetano (Is.9)

by Trisha Caetano

Core issues underlie behavior, says this author. When using past-life regression therapy (PLRT), she advises, it is important to address the client’s case from an overview position, using the client’s response to a theme to focus the session on a search for the core of a behavior pattern instead of the surface presenting problem. The purpose of PLRT then is to remove the subconscious reactive part of a traumatic past-life experience, putting the individual in present time in a position of conscious choice instead of reactive programming.

A core issue may be defined as a viewpoint or feeling that motivates behavior. A core-issue incident is an experience that causes an individual to form a viewpoint, feeling or … Read the rest

Spirit World Of The Native American – Lewis E. Mehl (Is.8)

by Lewis E. Mehl, M.D., Ph.D.

The Native American, says this author, does not hold to a linear, wheel-of-karma, reincarnational logic. Rather, he (or she) embraces the concept of a free-roaming spirit that can cross time and space boundaries, mingle with other spirits and enter other lives. His world view is as direct and simple as that of the child whose imaginary playmates are still real. For the culturally intact Native American of today, spirit communication is a practical, everyday experience. Dr. Mehl offers a detailed account of a ceremony in which a woman of mainstream culture experiences and incorporates the Native American way of perceiving.

The Native American world, though sparse in developed theory, is rich in experience, … Read the rest

Two Cases Of Spontaneous Regression – Barbara Lamb (Is.8)

by Barbara Lamb

Editor’s note: Spontaneous recall of past-life experiences has been well documented. The memories may surface readily in childhood, in dreams, in meditation, or during activities that facilitate a hypnotic state. Dr. Marshall Gilula (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol. 1, No. 2) has described his experience of reliving past lives while running. The author of the two reports that follow demonstrates that such recall is also possible when visiting geographical sites where one has had important experiences in former incarnations.

Learning Trust in the Forbidden City

I had heard of people in extreme distress turning themselves over to an unseen power, but the thought had never occurred to me that I might one day do that myself. … Read the rest

Life Before Birth: The Impact of Prenatal Experience – Milton Waldman (Is.8)

by Milton Waldman, M.A.

In this article, the author presents his views on the nature of life within the womb and its psychological impact upon the preborn infant. Two case studies are offered in illustration, one of them showing how the energies of a past-life death experience can affect an individual’s birth experience and subsequent emotional development.

The entrance into the prenatal period constitutes a remarkable transition. The soul moves from a nonphysical condition and infuses itself into a body, which then becomes a vehicle for the soul’s growth in the physical realm. The experiences that follow are generated by the life purpose of the reincarnating soul and extend the learning developed in other lives. The conditions encountered within … Read the rest

The Fallen Angel – Eileen Bennet (Is.8)

by Eileen Bennet, Ph.D.

Editor’s Note: This charming allegory at first glance looks deceptively like a fairy tale for children—hardly the type of material to appear in a professional journal. But on further acquaintance, it becomes so fraught with meaning that we cannot resist bringing it to our readers. Dr. Bennet tells us that it grew out of some past-life therapy work she had been doing with Dr. Hazel Denning, APRT’s executive director emeritus. “This session,” Dr. Bennet says, “was motivated by feelings of deep grief, which had been a core issue for me. In the session, Hazel directed me back to the original cause of these feelings. Since that time, I have experienced a shift in my consciousness Read the rest

The Old Question: Is It Allegory or Reality? – C. Norman Shealy (Is. 8)

by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

Although one can never be certain that the “past-life” images perceived in a state of reverie or light hypnosis portray events that actually happened, this author says that they are often of great use in mirroring, and thus helping patients understand their current dilemmas. He continues to use PLT as a technique for encouraging his patients to resolve longstanding conflicts. This article illustrates his point of view with a few brief case histories.

Since most patients do not present adequate evidence to document their reports of past-life events, and most do not express themselves in a foreign language, we must consider the possibility that their imagery speaks in allegorical metaphors for their current … Read the rest

Treating A Past-Life Hangover – Hans Ten Dam (Is.8)

by Hans Ten Dam, M.A.

While regressing to the causes of psychological and psychosomatic problems, says this author, we sometimes find chronic adverse conditions, rather than specific traumas. In his own practice, he has found that these cases call for a somewhat different treatment—that instructions to relive the adverse conditions can actually worsen the symptoms. This article differentiates “hangovers” from “traumas,” presenting some general insights into hangovers and a method of dealing with them. A case history is offered in illustration.

In regression therapy we look for the unassimilated experiences whose repercussions have carried over into present life. These are usually called “traumas.” But that label does not fit a whole range of repercussive conditions I have seen in … Read the rest