Archives: JRT Articles

Spirit Release in Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn? – Alan Sanderson (Is.27)

by Alan Sanderson. MD

My title ‘Spirit Release in Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn?’ will seem strange to most psychiatrists, because spirit is a taboo word in the secular, materialist culture in which we are so firmly embedded. I’ve chosen to speak about it because my clinical experience has taught me that spirit attachment is a reality and that release of troublesome spirits works wonders. This is an
exciting development, with tremendous implications, not just for psychiatry, but for everyone. So please, while you reflect on this question, let the new ideas speak freely.



Please close your eyes
And breathe, into the heart.
Place in the heart one person you love.
Now you’re in the presence
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What can Regression Therapy do for Highly Sensitive Persons? – Marc Van Hecke (Is.27)

by Marc Van Hecke DO, BSc

Abstract: Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) suffer from the many sensory stimuli that come into their system. Elaine Aron writes in her book “the Highly Sensitive Person” that 20 % of people are born with a highly sensitive nervous system and that’s why they suffer so much. Is this true? Or is hypersensitivity the result of trauma, occurred in early childhood, prenatal, or even has his roots in previous lives? Are the psychoenergetic residues of trauma the cause of a disturbance of the nervous system? This work tries, by focusing on the most sensitive sense of each individual, to regress the client and heal the trauma situation linked to the hypersensitivity. Ten HSP estimated the Read the rest

Transmundo Beings (TMB) in Regression Therapy – Richard Stammler (Is.26)

by Richard Stammler, Ph.D.


The transpersonal therapist, familiar with past lives and future lives, finds in the extended regression experience an aspect which is revealed in the transpersonal therapeutic environment that is not of, or has not originated from, planet Earth, but somewhere else. The present study deals with this aspect of transpersonal therapy and is collectively called the transmundo experience or the transmundo being (TMB). There are two basic types of these non-Earth experiences, one appears to be a part of the extended self of the client and the other type is not. It is the part-of-self TMB experience that is often not extraordinary, fitting into the tapestry of other facets of the self and is the TMB Read the rest

Love Materialized at the Taj Mahal Excerpt – Nancy L. Eubel (Is.26)

Nancy L. Eubel, MBA, MHt, QHHT, Rt


In this article Nancy shares her experience of remembering both a past-life vow and a traumatic imprint while attending the 2nd World Congress on Regression Therapy in India. Both the vow and imprint were created in a former incarnation after the death of her husband and when she was subsequently thrown on his funeral pyre by other villagers. She leads you through the transformative process of clearing them beginning with an intuitive message she received about the impending death of her current-life husband. It continues with his subsequent passing and then his materializing in front of her while she was visiting the Taj Mahal with others attending the conference. During Read the rest

Your Soul Remembers: Accessing Your Past Lives Through Soul Writing – Joanne DiMaggio (Is.26)

by Joanne DiMaggio


In 2010-11, author and past life specialist, Joanne DiMaggio, conducted a research project combining past-life regression and a form of inspirational writing she calls Soul Writing. With the help of fifty volunteers, ranging in age from 23 to 81, DiMaggio regressed each to the past life that was having the most impact on them now. After the regression—but while they were still in an altered state of consciousness—she placed a pen in their hand and a journal on their lap and instructed them to ask their soul for information about that lifetime that eluded them in the regression. While they wrote, she also wrote, asking her Source for information she could share. The results were astonishing.Read the rest

All Time is Now Even in the Hypnotherapist’s Office – Barbara Pomar (Is.26)

by Barbara Pomar


Much has been written about time, all time is now in past life therapy. Dr. Pomar combines the two conflicting ideas into a coherent simultaneous theory. As quantum theory has found that there is only the now, (the present moment) Dr. Pomar has expanded the theories into a string of Nows. What is experienced in past-life recalls or experiences are layers of the present. Therefore it is possible to go to that point in time-space where the beginning, the original event happened, change a concept and have the present and future change almost immediately.

 So many good philosophies can be derived out of these four words, All Time is Now. Yet, they can be counter-intuitive. … Read the rest

Curses, Oaths and Vows—and other Attachment Issues – Don Carlson (Is.26)

by Don Carlson


In his work with spirit releasement, the author discovered that any curses, oaths, or vows spoken or thought by the clients seemed to bind them to others in an unending cycle of Karmic ties.  Through work with special prayers of forgiveness aimed at releasing these vows or oaths or curses, the client can be freed of the Karmic obligations.  Forgiveness is the key.

Many aspects of past life therapy such as hauntings, spirit attachment, alien activities, and past life recall healings have been more than adequately investigated, reported upon, and their findings published in the many excellent books available for both the lay practitioners and the professionals engaged in past life work. One aspect of the … Read the rest

A Road Less Traveled – Albert J. Marotta (Is.26)

by Albert Marotta


The author calls to the therapists/readers attention the importance of history and expanded thought in the therapeutic processes. He presents a series of timely suggestions based on research, experience and historical information encouraging the expansion of transpersonal regression therapy.


“For in the past, nothing is irretrievably lost,
but everything irrevocably stored…”
Victor Frankl

The provocative information illustrated in this article distinctly alludes to parallels in ancient healing knowledge and techniques that have existed for thousands of years. Perhaps our present day knowledge and healings, (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) are an attempt at playing catch-up with the timeless wisdom, which is limited by ego based observations, based on materialism and our five senses, of the … Read the rest

How Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts, Demons and ETs Can Affect Your Clients and the Six Steps to Take to Release Them – Peter Wright (Is.26)

by Peter Wright


This article discusses how to recognize the presence of four kinds of spirit attachments: earthbound spirits, ghosts, demons (negative entities) and extraterrestrials. You will find information on how these entities gain entrance into us as well as reasons why these spirits should be removed. This is followed by an extensive examination of various protocols that can be used to release earthbound spirits, ghosts, negative or dark force entities and extraterrestrials. The article concludes with several client histories, four key elements that can increase susceptibility for entity attachment and some protection tips for you and your clients when working with these kinds of spirit attachments.

10 Most Common Signs of Spirit Attachments

  • Low energy level or sudden
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Measuring the Therapeutic Effects of Past-Life Regression – Heather S. Friedman Rivera (Is.25)

by Heather S. Friedman Rivera, R.N., J.D., Ph.D.


Previous research on the healing benefits of past-life regression is mainly based on anecdotal and individual case studies. There is a need to collect and analyze a broad cross-section of data on past-life regression and therapeutic results. A study is being conducted to collect and analyze the beneficial outcomes and healing reported by past-life experiencers. For this study, a web-based survey was created and launched for wide exposure to a broad audience. To date, 180 confidential surveys from respondents of various ages, gender, religious upbringing, and experiences have been obtained and analyzed. Analysis revealed that there are measureable and consistent beneficial effects as a direct result of past-life regression. The Read the rest