Archives: JRT Articles

Principles and Techniques of Regression to Childhood – Irene Hickman (Is.7)

by Irene Hickman, D.O.

Depressed feelings and thoughts often arise from other lifetimes, but they can also originate in the childhood of the subject’s current life. The process of recall and healing is the same, both for traumas originating in childhood and for those involving other lifetimes. Even if the source of a trauma is not found in a current lifetime, review of childhood memories is often helpful as a springboard to recall similar traumas from other lifetimes. This review is especially useful in the case of subjects who in their waking consciousness object to the idea of exploring past lives. Because of the trepidation often expressed by such subjects, I avoid beginning with past-life exploration and ask only … Read the rest

EXPERIENTIAL DATA. Loneliness From Another Lifetime – Barbara Lamb (Is.5)

by Barbara Lamb, M.F.C.C.

In a demonstration to an APRT training group in March 1986, Dr. Ronald Jue regressed me into a past life which dealt with a current life problem concerning inappropriate grief. After the breakup of my first marriage I had adjusted and begun to enjoy my freedom as a single person, believing that I would probably never marry again. I had just become comfortable in this set when at a California dinner party arranged by friends, I met Warren, the man who is my current husband.

Warren was then on an around-the world business trip from his home and office in London. As he entered the doors and we were introduced, we each experienced a powerful … Read the rest

EXPERIENTIAL DATA. The Roots of Becoming a Therapist – Edward Reynolds (Is.5)

by Edward Reynolds, Ph.D.

A philosophic thread runs through most of my past lives. The less I have been involved with others, the stronger and clearer this seems to be, so my task seems to be to gain the ability to hold onto this thread while being involved with the world. Also, in looking over these lifetimes, it seems as though I work on one facet at a time, holding onto each facet as well as possible while going on to something more difficult. It sometimes has appeared that the earlier lifetimes were the more harmonious, but scrutiny of them shows that there were fewer challenges, and staying centered and philosophical was easier.

In an early life in Rome … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders of Vietnam Veterans: A Proposal for Research and Therapeutic Healing Utilizing Depossession (Is.5)

Submitted by Maurice L. Albertson, Ph.D., Dan S. Ward, Ph.D., & Bill Baldwin, D.D.S., D.Min.

Summarized and Critiqued by Nanette de Fuentes, Ph.D.

This proposal, currently in the process of formulation by the Rocky Mountain Research Institute in Fort Collins, Colorado, will investigate the healing potential of releasement from human-attached consciousness in Vietnam Veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Dr. Edith Fiore, a practicing psychologist, in her book The Unquiet Dead, has described signs and symptoms which indicate such attachment. An early formulation of this research proposal is presented here in order to share with Journal readers the difficulties and evolving clarification of a research study in areas of paranormal healing and past-life therapy.… Read the rest

Healing Relationships Through Past-Life Regression: A New Paradigm – Clyde H. Reid (Is.5)

by Clyde H. Reid, Th.D.

Past-life therapy often deals with issues that involve interpersonal relationships. Connections with mothers or fathers, relationships with children and spouses or with good friends, are often influenced by the information and insight that emerge from a past-life regression. However, the literature on past-life therapy tends to focus on intrapersonal material rather than relationships, which is surprising considering how many people seek therapy because of problems in a relationship.

Conventionally, tracing current relationships to past lives is done with one person, and I will present some examples of this approach and its effectiveness. Following these I will describe a personal experience where several parties to a relationship were regressed together and shared the past-life experience … Read the rest

Rescripting in Past Life Therapy: Personal Experiences – Chet Snow (Is.5)

by Chet B. Snow, Ph.D.

There is no doubt that the concept of “rescripting,” or client intervention within the regression therapy process to alter seemingly “fixed” past life events and/or attitudes, is both controversial and exciting. Borrowed from the lexicon of hypnotherapy where such intervention into “real” or “imagined” events from the client’s current childhood is commonplace and often quite effective in leading to symptom removal, rescripting takes on new philosophical dimensions when applied to a past-life scenario. It seems to call into question such fundamental human issues as free will, karma, or the law of “cause and effect,” and even the chronological order of time itself. With such important matters involved, it is not surprising that this technique … Read the rest

Rescripting: An Opinion – Hazel Denning (Is.5)

by Hazel Denning, Ph.D.

Rescripting is a comparatively recent concept introduced by hypnotherapists to describe an intervention with clients who have painful memories. Suggesting that they rewrite the unpleasant event in their past, clients imagine the event to be as they would have liked it to be. For example, if their mothers rejected them at birth, they create a story in which they were lovingly accepted. This technique has been adopted by some past-life therapists to deal with traumatic events in a past life. Clients may or may not respond favorably to this suggestion, but when they do create their own version of the experience, there is often a feeling of relief and satisfaction.

I had not favored this … Read the rest

Regression Using Rescripting: Dr. Denning Regresses Dr. Snow – Hazel Denning (Is.5)

by Hazel Denning, PhD

This regression took place during three days of research on the Mind Mirror at the Brentwood Psychological Center in Los Angeles. Senior therapists regressed each other or volunteers with both therapist and subject attached to Mind Mirror biofeedback monitors. In this regression Dr. Hazel Denning regressed Dr. Chet Snow.

After a brief relaxation and balancing of the chakra centers, Dr. Snow was asked to repeat vigorously a phrase which had been identified previously as disturbing to him: “It is unfair!” This phrase took him back to a scene in 1772 in a French village called Angers. As a budding journalist of 26, he saw his father, an intolerant scientist, being refused church burial, all because … Read the rest

Using Rescripting to Transform Patterns and Address Core Issues – Treelight Green (Is.5)

by Treelight Green, Ph.D.

Through the years of involvement in past-life work, spontaneous regressions, guiding myself, and being guided by others, I have created a style of working with past lives which to my knowledge is unique and effective. Reliving a past life can be a cathartic experience in releasing emotions and identifying thought patterns and beliefs from which one is operating. However, simply identifying the patterns and releasing the emotions is not always sufficient. A transformation of the past needs to take place in order truly to impact a person’s current life and insure that old patterns and beliefs do not repeat themselves. This can be done through transformational imaging and rescripting.

Though each regression is a dynamic … Read the rest

Time Travel – Henry Leo Bolduc (Is.1)

by Henry Leo Bolduc

Time travel, or age regression, is a tool for better understanding one’s self, for obtaining greater insight into soul origins, life purposes, and skills. With greater self knowledge it is possible and relatively easy to put the past to work in building a brighter, more rewarding future. Many excellent books written by nationally known psychologists, counselors, therapists, and physicians who use past life research to discover the origins of patients’ fears, anxieties, habit patterns, and health problems, are now available. Past-life therapy is being used more every day and is becoming an innovative and important tool in the field of mind sciences.

Even people who do not believe in past lives can achieve results and insight … Read the rest