Archives: JRT Articles

A Theory of De-Hypnosis for Past-Life Therapy – Morris Netherton (Is.17)

 Morris Netherton, Ph.D.

One of past-life therapy’s “old hands” shares with the Journal’s readers his latest thoughts about reaching the deepest levels of healing. Drawing upon his experience with clients, he especially stresses the effects of past physical traumas on the well-being of the body, mind, and spirit today.

As a client-centered process, a past-life session is determined by the unique needs and abilities of the client. In my own sessions, I use techniques which most efficiently access unconscious trauma and eliminate it from present-day living. A session starts by locating trauma using either body sensations, strong emotions, or words and phrases that are impactful. The process finds words and gives them emotions or finds emotions and gives … Read the rest

Homosexuality and Regression – Michael G. Millett (Is.17)

Michael G. Millett Dip, C.H.P.

Michael Millet, of Great Britain, discusses the choice of a homosexual life and suggests some reasons for this choice. Michael presents the concept of “life-themes” and they are very positive themes indeed; true growth-creating goals that may sometimes be best served by a homosexual life. This is his first appearance in the Journal.

Homosexuality can stem from several different causes, or so the “experts” say. Nobody really knows! However, reincarnation offers some possible answers. Past-life regression during hypnosis is a way of discovering how past lifetimes are interconnected to our present life, relationships, situations, goals, pursuits or problems encountered in this lifetime. So why do we pick one kind of life rather than another … Read the rest

The Evolution of Subtle Energy Bodies? A Preliminary Inquiry – Robert T. James (Is.17)

Robert T. James, J.D.

Dr. James joins with others in stating that to arrive at an understanding of that part of our individuality that survives our physical death, we must begin with its evolution commencing at the time of the physical evolutionary origins of the human species. He speculates on ways of exploring those origins.

This inquiry is founded upon the actuality of three basic premises:

1) That we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience;

2) That humans in our present form (Homo sapiens) evolved from lesser life forms; and

3) That some form of our individuality survives our physical death, has lived in the past, and will probably live again.

Following ancient practices described … Read the rest

Opening the Doors to the Self: Relationships and Regression Therapy – Isa Gucciardi (Is.17)

Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D.

Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D., has appeared in the Journal’s pages before. She is exploring the many connections between hypnosis and past-life regressions, and the diversity of effects both of these therapeutic modalities have on clients. In this article she examines some relationship problems that had roots in past lives.

Recently I heard an interview on National Public Radio’s program, Fresh Air, with the Dalai Lama’s official translator. The interviewer, Terry Gross, asked him if there were ever western concepts he had trouble translating into Tibetan. The translator said the hardest concept he had ever tried to convey emerged from a conference on Buddhism and psychology held in the United States. He had enormous difficulty trying to translate … Read the rest

On the Timelessness of Time: A Personal Past-Life Exploration – Melissa Bowersock (Is.17)

Melissa Bowersock, C.Ht.

Melissa Bowersock, an author new to the Journal but not to PLT, takes us into the mysterious realms of time through her own experiences. She finds that past, present, and future are interlocked and continuously interactive. A thoughtful article that raises questions about the nature of time itself.

I have been fascinated by the enigma of time as much as the next person, maybe more. As a teenager I devoured every book on time travel and/or alternate pasts and futures that I could find. By the time I started experiencing past-life regressions as an adult, however, understanding the concept of time was not high on my agenda. But maybe that’s the nature of true discoveries ‑ … Read the rest

Anomalous Sensitivity: The HISS of the ASP – David Ritchey (Is.16)

David Ritchey, Ph.D.

David Ritchey is continuing his exploration of Anomalous Cerebral Dominance, which he now calls “Anomalous Cerebral Laterality (ACL),” that he began in his Journal article of 1993. “The role of neurological differences in facilitating past-life experiences.” In the paper below he presents the concept of the “Anomalously Sensitive Person (ASP).” Ritchey has developed a questionnaire, the “Holistic Inventory of Stimulus Sensitivities (HISS),” to identify the characteristics of “ASPs.” The HISS is now in its fourth and final round of testing, with over 500 participants. Here he shares with us his preliminary results from the 66 participants in the third round of testing.


In an article that appeared in Volume VII, No. 1 of … Read the rest

Recovery of Adult Female Incest Survivors: A Psychospiritual Perspective – Barbara Sinor (Is.16)

Barbara Sinor, Ph.D.

Dr. Sinor’s research clearly demonstrates the value of incorporating transpersonal/psychospiritual modalities into treatment plans for adult female survivors of incest. She presented this study in narrative form in the APRT Newsletter, 18 (2), Spring, 1998. Here we offer some of the “nuts and bolts.”

This research was designed to determine whether adult female incest survivors who utilized transpersonal/psychospiritual counseling interventions, including past-life therapy, during their recovery process felt them to be advantageous to their healing. The primary goal of the research was to present a measurable use-effective perspective to the therapeutic community at large of the benefits of psychospiritual treatment modalities for this population. It was the researcher’s hypothesis that the findings would indicate positive … Read the rest

PLT for Gilles De La Tourette’s Syndrome: A Research Study – Ronald van der Maesen (Is.16)

Ronald van der Maesen, M.A.

Ronald van der Maesen, of the Netherlands, is a newcomer to the Journal’s pages. Here he presents the results of his research on using past-life therapy for people suffering from Tourette’s Syndrome. Since Tourette’s has been thought to be a lifelong condition that usually has no cure, the results of van der Maesen’s study are exciting, both for past-life therapists and for the larger worlds of medicine and other psychotherapies.


Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (GTS) is a condition in which the sufferer experiences sudden involuntary and uncontrollable motor and/or vocal tics. It usually begins in childhood and is considered to be a lifelong affliction. It is one of the most socially disabling … Read the rest

Ancient Egyptian Mythology: A Model for Consciousness – Janet Cunningham (Is.16)

Janet Cunningham, Ph.D.

Drawing upon esoteric texts and her knowledge of ancient initiation rites, Dr. Cunningham discusses the diverse ways in which the ancient Egyptians conceptualized the “body.” As she shows us, they recognized not one but a number of interacting “bodies,” each having its unique purpose and necessary to the individual. She suggests that this model is of practical use to past-life therapists today.


 Esoteric teachings throughout time have referred to subtle bodies. The ancient Egyptians have given us clues, through writing, art, and symbols, of their belief in bodies that are separate and independent. This concept can be used as a model in exploring the various experiences of clients in past-life regression and other transpersonal and Read the rest

Energy, Information, and Past Lives Within Consciousness: An Integration – Daniel Weiss Miller (Is.16)

Daniel Weiss Miller, Ph.D.

Dr. Miller, Chairperson of the APRT’s Research Committee, is in the forefront of the field of Consciousness Studies and is developing new models of consciousness. Here he suggests a constantly changing, homeodynamic integration of energy, information, and memory (including past-life memories) that has survival value and that may work well or badly.

Definitions and Basic Dynamics

Reformulating our ideas about how information and energy contribute to the complex, dynamic activity of consciousness can help us to understand their relationship to current memory, past-life therapy and mind-body medicine. What follows may help to clarify how and why this three-legged stool — information, energy, and consciousness — fit so well together to explain the somewhat mysterious functioning … Read the rest