Archives: JRT Articles

Opening The Way For Healing – Ernest Pecci (Is.4)

by Ernest Pecci

Often the emotional state of a patient closes doors to allopathic and other forms of healing. Whatever is attempted to relieve or reverse physical distress will then fail. Expression and healing of the emotions change the energy field of the patient so that help with healing can come through. There is no sudden “cure,” no miracle, but conventional ways of healing open up that are effective. This emotional reframing can take place on any level—in examining current relationships, in looking into childhood or birth distress, or in living through other lifetimes. In the latter case the reframing of the emotional situation in other lives makes possible a more effective intervention in this one.

Les, a young man … Read the rest

Philosophical Assumptions Underlying Past-Life Therapy – Hazel Denning (Is.2)

by Hazel Denning

The effectiveness of past-life therapy grows out of its philosophical underpinnings as a plant grows out of rich and nourishing soil. To understand its potential for change and healing without grasping the significance of the underlying assumptions would be like trying to understand how psychoanalysis works without postulating the existence of unconscious motivation and psychic determinism. In a sense, past-life therapy is an extension of these principles: that which happens later depends on the groundwork set earlier with the enrichment of transpersonal and spiritual factors. Psychoanalysis subjected itself to grave limitations by its myopia regarding the spiritual nature of man. It limited itself by considering birth to be the cut-off point of psychic determinism. Past-life therapy remedies … Read the rest

Improvement of Diabetes in Conjunction with Regression Therapy – Lewis Mehl (Is.4)

by Lewis E. Mehl

Dr. Mehl feels that for accurate theorizing about health it is necessary to consider individual belief systems and help clients step outside these beliefs. The goal of the therapist is to help the patient in a journey toward the reconstitution of beliefs and a consequent embracing of life. Various techniques, including past-life recall, are used in this effort. He traces the process through the successful treatment of a diabetic young woman.

For accurate theorizing about health it is necessary to consider individual belief systems. These represent the formulae that individuals use to put together their conceptions of how things work and how to fit into the world. Therapy is a process that involves helping clients step … Read the rest

Dialogue with Cancer – Hazel Denning (Is.4)

by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.

This article documents the continuing case of a woman who, over ten years, released and healed several illnesses, including cancer, by regression work. The study is a classic example of past traumas being retained in the body tissue and the importance of treating symptoms as well as working on remote causes. It also illustrates how tenaciously a symptom is retained in spite of medical intervention if the psychological cause is not found and resolved.

This history began ten years ago when Ruth Larson became a participant in the research project designed to test the hypothesis that the mind can heal the body of illness[1]. She came because her entire body, except for … Read the rest

Aspects of Past-Life Bodywork: Understanding Subtle Energy Fields Part II: Practical Aspects – Roger Woolger (Is.4)

by Roger J. Woolger, PhD                                                                                                          

The author demonstrates the inter-relationship of the mental, emotional, and etheric levels as they operate across lifetimes. He illustrates the application of these levels in several case studies: of acute sinusitis, of sexual frigidity, and of panic attacks connected with public speaking. He demonstrates the importance of working with all levels of functioning involved with the symptom.

In the previous part of this article (Woolger, 1987a), which discussed theoretical aspects of bodywork in past-life therapy, I noted how the three subtle bodies or energy fields affected each other. Using this perspective it is often quite simple to see how a thought (from the mental field) can influence feelings (in the emotional field). “I’m a … Read the rest

Folk Healing Traditions and Past-Life Therapies – Stanley Krippner (Is.4)

by Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.                                                                                                               

The author describes four healing procedures that are shared by Western and native healing approaches: a world-view shared by practitioner and client, the personal qualities of the practitioner, client expectation, and variation in modalities of healing. He discusses the various sorts of karma associated with illness and the conviction of the folk-healer that body and mind are a unity and disease is a part of a larger energy field and cannot be treated in isolation.

Western and native healing procedures appear to agree on four essential healing principles. First, therapeutic communication between the practitioner and client is facilitated by a shared world view. Second, healing is enhanced by the personal qualities of the practitioner. Third, … Read the rest

Two Different Uses of Past-Life Report Therapy: Synopsis of a Master’s Thesis – Thelma Freedman (Is.3)

by Thelma B. Freedman

Two cases of past-life report therapy were closely examined in an attempt to test the hypothesis that this form of therapy can be effective with two very different types of presenting problems. The first was of a woman with a lifelong phobia for caterpillars; the second was of a dependent woman who suffered from severe attacks of anxiety and panic when confronted with a need to act independently. A number of sub-hypotheses were also tested. Based upon ten years of experience in past-life report therapy, I suspected that 1) no strong effect was necessary for successful outcome; 2) no therapist’s interpretation of reported events or themes was necessary as the reported events and themes would be … Read the rest

ONGOING RESEARCH. Restoration of Health Through Hypnosis – Hazel Denning (Is.3)

by Hazel Denning

In late summer of 1977 a concerned philanthropist determined to use some of his profits to mitigate the suffering he saw all around him in the lives of his friends and employees. He had been an avid student of hypnosis and was convinced that this could be used as a tool for therapy. He contacted the Parapsychology Association of Riverside and gave it over a quarter of a million dollar grant to design and administer a research project based on the hypothesis that the mind is capable of healing the body of illnesses.

Two criteria were established. Every participant had to have a physical symptom, and hypnosis was to be used as the method for achieving results. … Read the rest

Innovations in Theory and Treatment: The Analogue Regression Technique – Wayne Brown (Is.3)

The Analogue Regression Technique

by M. Wayne Brown 

It is my belief that after an injury the body heals itself up to a certain point, but unless there is removal of the traumatic emotional factors, residual physical effects may remain. If the trauma can be completely removed and it makes no difference if it is fifteen minutes or fifteen years later—the healing process will complete itself, in some cases even restoring damaged structures. The problem is to find a procedure which will make this possible.

I began my professional career as a psychologist, but after fifteen years of practicing conventional psychotherapy, I felt the need for a more complete armamentarium of holistic treatments, one that would take account of the … Read the rest

Healing the Effects of Negative Near-Death Experiences Through Progression Therapy -Joyce Strom Paikin (Is.3)

by Joyce Strom-Paikin, M.S., R.N.C.

The Negative Near-Death Experience (NDE), as we classified such at the first International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS) conference in February 1984, is an experience where the person feels fear, loneliness, isolation, and separation. The negative NDErs do not see the tunnel, the light, feel or see the presence of others, and do not have a positive after-effect feeling of the experience. Rather, they fear death and its impact.

We have been working with NDErs consistently since the IANDS conference. The percentage of negative experiences seems to equate to about two to five percent of all near-death experiences. Ring and Moody have also worked with the negative experiencers in attempting to research why some … Read the rest