Archives: JRT Articles

Proxy Regression Therapy Grants Access to Healing for Contra-indicated Clients -Fisher, Tomlinson, Rogers (Is.30)

by Marit Fischer, Andy Tomlinson, and Bel Rogers

A handful of regression therapists worldwide have been exploring, with positive results, a new therapeutic approach that grants contra-indicated clients access to the benefits of regression therapy. This alternative therapy, proxy regression, requires two things: a willing partner, and full permission granted to that person to access the higher self or subconscious of the one who is seeking therapy. The therapist then works directly with the proxy with the express intent of healing or helping the client.

The applications of proxy regression are as different and numerous as the clients who may seek it out. Whether it’s for addiction, severe or terminal illness, mental or personality disorder, the deaf or Read the rest

Taking the Road Not Taken: How Parallel-Life Hypnotherapy Relieved a Client’s Decades-Old Pain – Joseph Mancini (Is.30)

by Joseph Mancini, Jr. Ph.D., CCHt.

Each person at some time in his or her life wonders what would have happened had he or she made a different choice; such wonder can frequently turn into sadness, regret, frustration, and even abiding anger.  Through a brief examination of Robert Frost’s iconic poem, “The Road Not Taken,” the author suggests that the primary obstacles to visiting the road not taken are insufficient courage and a metaphysics that does not embrace the fact of parallel lives.  He then looks for a moment at the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, which posits that every choice not made by an individual is in fact actualized in a parallel world that may or may Read the rest

In Search of the Mother Through Time: An Unusual Case of Healing Involving Past-Life Regression, Spirit Releasement, and the Love of a Mother – J. Mancini (Is.30)

by Joseph Mancini, Jr., Ph.D., CCHt

An exhausted mother comes to the hypnotherapist for help for her six-year-old son, who is beset with multiple physical symptoms and complains of something’s clinging to him at bedtime. The hypnotherapist suspects that the child is suffering from the consequences of an attached spirit, that is, a ghost who had not gone into the Light after death.  Though the hypnotherapist does not work with children, he intuits that the mother is somehow involved in the attachment.  And, indeed, she is; for when the hypnotized mother does a scan of the boy’s etheric body, she discovers that the spirit is another son, this one from a past-life, who has been looking for her for Read the rest

Hips and Horses – Heike Bettendorf (Is.30)

by Heike Bettendorf


In this case the author explores a combination of body work with regression therapy and applies personification[1] and energy work to include animals.

The client:  

In April 2015 a client came to me for body training after a hip replacement, which had been done on March 2015. The 51-year-old woman had decided to recover from her operation on the island of Fuerteventura.

She had been born with Perthes disease[2] (Orthoinfo, 2015). She was three years old when the diagnosis was made, and at first, she was not allowed to walk. At age four to five she had to wear an iron shell around the right leg and a five cm high special shoe on … Read the rest

Combining the Fast Phobia Technique with Regression Therapy – Tulin Etyemez Schimberg (Is.30)

by Tulin Etyemez Schimberg

“Fast Phobia” technique of NLP is one of the useful tools which can be combined with regression therapy. Past life regression therapy is used to go to the sources of the phobia, moreover, the technique is used for the reframing of the problem. Richard Bandler is the creator of the technique.

“Fast Phobia” is a well-known NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) technique from Richard Bandler (Bandler & Grinder, 1979). It is also called “movie technique”. This technique reframes negative memories. I find this technique quite useful for reframing after past life regression, especially when phobias are involved.

We may define a phobia as an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something. This article doesn’t discuss different types … Read the rest

An Essay on Emotions in Regression Therapy – Hans TenDam (Is.30)

by Hans TenDam

Regression therapists deal with mind states: negative mind-sets that are recurrent and persistent, or positive mind-sets that are rare and elusive. If negative mind-sets are rare and elusive, or positive mind-sets are recurrent and persistent, people don’t need therapists.

Our mind-sets are coloring and flavoring our experiences and our behavior through our emotions. They are focusing and structuring our experiences and our behavior by our mental programs. They influence our physical condition, and they are influenced by our physical condition. It is difficult to be happy or angry when we are weak. It is difficult to be curious when we are sleepy.

How many different mind states are there? How many flavors are there? How many colors … Read the rest

Effectiveness of Past Life Therapy in the Treatment of Phobias – Bibiana Bistrich (Is.30)

by Bibiana Bistrich, MD and Juan Alberto Etcheverry, MD

This paper outlines the effectiveness of a transpersonal therapy method in the treatment of phobic patients, focusing on the long-term results and the sustainability of the effect. This is a pilot prospective analytic study in which the authors have documented the substantial benefits of past life regression therapy in a small sample of phobia cases, setting a starting point for other studies in order to achieve a more accurate projection in regard to the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach.


According to our clinical experience, an increase of psychiatric pathologies in the general population was observed in the last few years. Higher stress levels created by the demands of life, … Read the rest

Using Depth Hypnosis to Treat Mood Disorders and Raise Well-Being: A Pilot Study (Is.30)

by Joanna Foote Adler, PsyD and Isa Gucciardi, PhD[1]

Depth Hypnosis is a manualized integrative spiritual counseling model that combines elements of transpersonal psychology, hypnotherapy, earth-based wisdom, Buddhist psychology and mindfulness, energy medicine, and exposure therapy. The study examined in this paper provides preliminary efficacy research for the use of Depth Hypnosis in the treatment of the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety, as well as the effects of treatment on well-being. Data were gathered pre-, mid-, and post-treatment from subjects engaging in eight sessions of Depth Hypnosis, as well as from a non-randomized wait list control group. Seventy-three participants consented to the study, including 40 in the experimental group and 33 in the Read the rest

Human and Non-Human Incarnations in Regression Therapy Sessions by Stopping the Internal Dialogue (Is.29)

by Pavel S.Gyngazov, MD


The paper discusses the author’s techniques of inducing an altered state of consciousness during regression therapy sessions. Analyzing the alternation of human and non-human incarnations in the sessions with the same patient, the author demonstrates its accidental character and concludes that incarnations in all physical bodies are axiomatically equal in terms of experience gained.

The author also notes that all non-human incarnations are more harmonious than human ones.

A regression therapy session usually begins by inducing an altered state of consciousness in the patient. Of all techniques to facilitate this state, I prefer stopping the internal dialogue, which can be briefly described in the following way: patients focus their eyes on what they see … Read the rest

Development of Life Quality by Past Life Regression Therapy together with an Integrated Psychological Approach (Is.29)

by Tayat Sriplung * and Thawatchai Krisanaprakornkit**


The purpose of this study was to determine whether past-life regression therapy can lead to better quality of life, more profound belief about moral consciousness, and better psychological well-being. This quasi-experimental research included a control group designed to test these hypotheses. Each experimental participant underwent three past life regression sessions facilitated by two qualified regression therapists, plus seven days of life improvement practice between each session. Participants in the experimental group had better scores in quality of life than those in the control group. Within the experimental group, scores on moral consciousness as well as quality of life and psychological well-being improved and was statistically significant. The roles of past life experiences Read the rest