Archives: JRT Articles

PLT: A Multi-Modal Therapy – Paul Hansen (Is.12)

by Paul Hansen, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.

 Over the years there has been much discussion about the basic philosophy of Past-life Therapy, what it is and what it should or can be. Is Past-life Therapy a therapeutic modality, a spiritual discipline, some combination of these or something else? Some of APRT’s senior members, Ron Jue, Roger Woolger, Hazel Denning, and Winafred Lucas have done much to help shape the philosophy of APRT and its members at this time.

Certainly, Dr. Lucas’ monumental work in her two volume Regression Therapy: A Handbook For Professionals will provide a substantial foundation for Past-life Therapy for many years to come. I wish to join the long line of those who congratulate her on her … Read the rest

PLT: Illumination and Transformation – George Schwimmer (Is.12)

by George Schwimmer, Ph.D.

From my first knowledge of past-life therapy (PLT) it became clear to me that there were two basic approaches to PLT: the metaphysical (or “spiritual It) and the clinical. The metaphysical view of past lives has been around for thousands of years, of course, and in this country it predated the clinical view by at least forty years.

I have no idea who the first clinician to use past-life recall was. What I do know is that past lives were brought to public view in the U.S. first by Edgar Cayce, then by A. R. Martin, then by Morey Bernstein, then by Dick Sutphen, and a host of lay writers. Although a few past-life therapists … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy Research Project – Part II – Rabia Clark (Is.12)

by Rabia Clark, M.A.

This article is a continuation of an article on page 97 of the December 1993 issue of The Journal of Regression Therapy. It gives additional findings from Rabia Clark’s research project on past-life therapy as it is practiced today.

Just what is past-life therapy? Is it a legitimate therapeutic technique–or is it more allied to spiritual healing? And, if it is a part of the psychological therapies, how can it be integrated into the “mainstream?” How can the spiritual views of the field be integrated with the more traditional cathartic methods? How has past-life therapy been researched so far?

Early studies on past-life therapy (PLT) were focused on the idea of proving the validity of … Read the rest

Past-Life Report: Therapy in the Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorders by Kardecist Healers In Brazil – Stanley Krippner (Is.12)

by Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.

Dr. Krippner originally presented this topic as the keynote speaker during the banquet at the October, 1993 convention of the Association for Past-Life Research and Therapy in San Francisco. The importance and scope of his address were such that we asked him to share his comments, observations, and research with our readers.

The emergence of past-life report therapy is one of many harbingers of what many philosophers have called the “postmodern age.” “Modernism” or “modernity” holds that the methods of “objective” natural science will reveal “the external world” and lead to unanimity of belief regarding “natural laws” and their implications. However, this glowing vision has never been actualized. The search for “objective” methods has revealed … Read the rest

Past-Life Therapy Research Project – Rabia Clark (Is.11)

by Rabia Clark

Rabia Clark has already made many important contributions to our field and to our association. Now, in pursuit of her doctorate, she has undertaken an extensive study of past-life therapists which, when completed, will provide us with significant insight into contemporary PLT practices as well as the underlying theoretical assumptions of its practitioners. The first phase of that undertaking—the preparation, distribution, and collection of a data questionnaire—has now been completed. While the data is still being processed and evaluated, we have asked her to prepare for this issue a brief preliminary report of what has been accomplished to date. What now follows is her response to that request: in essence, a brief summary of her first impressions Read the rest

Past-Life Induced Anorexia: A Case Study – Alfred Hoffmann (Is.11)

by Alfred Hoffmann, Ed.D.

Dr Hoffmann presents the reader with a successful case history addressing the possible relationship of present day anorexia nervosa (and possibly bulimia) when triggered by a subconscious past-life remembrance of a catastrophic previous life related happening. There are possible indicators that anorexia nervosa can be related to a phobic food aversion fear.

Decades ago very little was known of either the origin, the critical onset, or the psychological undergirdings of anorexia. It was thought to be an esoteric rarity mentioned in small print or in footnotes in the medical texts. The media has sometimes portrayed anorexia as only an adolescent fad, and at other times as a very mysterious killer.

The word “anorexia” means loss … Read the rest

Quantum Physics and its Application to Past-Life Regression and Future Life Progression Hypnotherapy – Bruce Goldberg (Is.11)

by Bruce Goldberg, D.D.S., M.S.

Time: is it linear or simultaneous? Is there a past, present, and future, as has been accepted by traditional thought? Does Quantum Physics suggest that perhaps the very concepts of time and space need to be reexamined and redefined? Dr. Goldberg, author, practitioner, and lecturer, places before our readers some thoughts and ideas on this controversial subject.

Throughout this article I will be referring to the work of Fred Alan Wolf, a quantum physicist. Although other physicists with specialties in quantum mechanics will be mentioned, most of my references will be to Wolf’s work. While Wolf doesn’t speak for all quantum physicists, I find his theories and conclusions particularly applicable to my work with … Read the rest

The Role of Neurological Differences in Facilitating Past-Life Experiences – David Ritchey (Is.11)

by David Ritchey, Ph.D.

In this paper, it is argued that a difference in neurological structuring, labeled “anomalous cerebral dominance” by neurologist Norman Geschwind, facilitates the experiencing of alternate states of consciousness and of other lives. It is suggested that all of reality, including the human brain, is organized holographically and that what quantum physicist David Bohm speaks of as the “implicate order” is the source of other-life experiences. Both this article and the Goldberg article which follows present some innovative theories linking the experiencing of past lives with the speculations of quantum physics.


Alternate states of consciousness (ASC’s) play a significant role in the experiencing of past lives, whether those experiences occur deliberately in the structured environment … Read the rest

The New Age, The Mythic, and Legitimization of Regression/Releasement Therapy – Carl Silver (Is.11)

by Carl Silver, Ph.D.

Belief systems and theories, together with empirical data, are foundation stones upon which thought leads to knowledge and understanding. Within the therapeutic setting, “beliefs” may be more important to achieving an outcome than “science.” Dr. Silver directs his thoughts towards an interesting and provocative exploration of this topic.

My readings in the area of past-life regression therapy et al reveal occasional reference to altered states and their relation to the mythic, but always as tangential to some other focus rather than as a central theme. I propose that a grasp of the following two conclusions are central to eventual acceptance of this therapy into the mainstream of psychotherapeutic intervention:

A personal mythology and its requisite … Read the rest

Listen To The Children: Working with Children’s Past-Life Memories – Carol Bowman (Is.11)

by Carol Bowman

This article invites therapists and researchers to explore children’s past-life memories. Cases and observations based on the author’s six years of research support findings that some children make excellent regression subjects, easily remembering past-life stories and quickly integrating these past-life experiences in ways that change their lives. Five cases illustrate the following: 1) how children access these memories; 2) processing techniques that both therapists and parents can use with children; and 3) benefits children derive from remembering these former lifetimes.

My findings from six years of working with children’s past-life memories show that children can be willing and able subjects for past-life regression and therapy. They remember their past lives easily, and rapidly process and integrate these … Read the rest