Archives: JRT Articles

Conversation with Disease or Affected Organs – Neeta Sharma Kumar(Is.28)

by Neeta Sharma Kumar

Conversation with disease or the affected organs (CWD) is an evolutionary approach to regression and past life regression therapy. This regression technique addresses the disease directly and precisely, thus reducing the number of sessions needed for healing processes. It also provides important insights into the cause and remedy of disease and illness. The author has presented a paper on this technique and conducted her workshop at World Congress for Regression Therapy 5 in Porto, Portugal.

The Genesis

In the author’s view all living things are made up of cells. Each cell is conscious and has ability to communicate. These cells are miniature humans and have all the cellular organelles which are equivalent to organs and tissues … Read the rest

Eleusinian Mysteries and Regression Therapy: Relating the possible benefits of ancient initiation experiences to modern regression practices – Athanasios Komianos (Is.28)

by Athanasios Komianos, B.A., CHT, CRT

Two and a half thousand years ago I would have been put to death by any Greek city state for publishing this paper. Releasing, publishing, or revealing the truths of the mysteries to the uninitiated, faced the ultimate of penalties, namely that of death. Disclosing of the content of the Eleusinian mysteries was a disgraceful act and was unaccepted even in the democratic state of Athens. This is an attempt to break this old tradition and the code of conduct the initiates held and reveal what was taking place in one of the most important yearly initiation practices witnessed in human history. I do so to assert that today’s regression therapists did not Read the rest

The silence of the womb – Prenatal Death – Nicolette Lachmann (Is.28)

by Nicolette Lachmann, M.D. and Regression Therapist

Although many women have experienced the loss of a fetus or child during their pregnancy, it is a subject not many people are comfortable talking about. Death can be horrible. When you lose a child that hasn’t been born yet something else happens. Most of the time the mother is the only witness; she carried this child inside her womb. With this article the author hopes to widen awareness amongst her fellow therapists and other (para) medical professionals of the importance of recognizing this trauma. If you don’t ask about it, chances are they won’t tell. And that’s a shame because statistics show that 25% of all women have to deal with Read the rest

A New European Case of the Reincarnation Type – Dieter Hassler (Is.28)

by Dieter Hassler, Dipl.-Ing. TH *

When selection is restricted to solved cases not taking place in the same family, there remain only a very small number of cases of the reincarnation type (CORT) that have been reported for Europe. The case described in this paper belongs formally to this rare category and consequently deserves recording. A number of features of the case are described: a premonition experienced by the subject’s mother; three announcing dreams and their accuracy; the subject’s specific behavior, especially that relating to the opposite sex; a specific ailment affecting the subject; the subject’s special skills; and two incidents of a psychokinetic or poltergeist nature experienced by the previous personality’s mother after his death. Additionally, the Read the rest

Biased Evaluations of Regression Experiences: How reincarnation disbelievers subjectively interpret data – Jan Erik Sigdell (Is.28)

by Jan Erik Sigdell, Ph.D.

Several cases of past-life regression experiences have been investigated by various authors, some of them in a rather biased way. The apparent intent was to find errors and doubtful contents that could disprove the reality of the experience and classify it as cryptomnesia or even fantasy. A few such cases are reevaluated and other kinds of errors exposed, amounting to false conclusions, inadequate reasoning and improper analysis. The cases reviewed are the Matthew case of Jonathan Venn, the O’Malley and Dick Wonchalk cases of Edwin Zolik and the Dorothy case of Reima Kampman. The tendentious way of reasoning in the evaluation of these cases is based on the preconceived idea that reincarnation is impossible Read the rest

Brain Research, Meditation and Regression – Hans TenDam (Is.28)

by Hans TenDam, MA, CRT

The author discusses the research into the neurological correlates of meditation practices. There seem to be two general types of meditation, each with its own neurological signature. These are compared to regression therapy, which is hypothesized to be a third type. During meditation brain activity changes: in frequency, in location, in coherence. Meditation practices of the concentration-type eliminate all mental content, emptying the mind of everything besides the concentrating mind itself. Meditation practices of the mindfulness-type stay with the actual moment and all that entails, inside and outside. These practices focus on or contemplate what is present, while being as calm and complete as possible.

Regression seems a third road, though the results may Read the rest

The Potency of Regression Psychotherapy; illustrated with examples of sexual trauma – Vitor Rodrigues (Is.28)

by Vitor Rodrigues, Ph.D.


This article presents a scientific and clinical discussion of how memory is fundamental to our concepts, our experience and the workings of our mind, to explain – for readers concerned with possessing a body and a mind – how and why regression therapy works. After defining regression therapy, this article follows with a general perspective on how it is done, what are its pitfalls, and how to avoid them. It presents a theoretical perspective on how and why it works, and why it can overcome criticism based on studies about how memory can be biased, can be distorted and can be fabricated.

It is a well-established fact that trauma produces powerful behavioral consequences along Read the rest

Beyond the Millennium – New Age or Brave New World? – Chet Snow (Is.28)

by Chet B. Snow

From time immemorial humanity has had a special fascination with knowledge of the future. Sages and seers across the ages have used many different rituals in an attempt to know what tomorrow would bring. A rare few have become enshrined as the great prophets of major world religions. Others, like Nostradamus, still confound us with arcane predictions which seem to match crucial events centuries later.

Edgar Cayce, an American photographer who lived between 1877 and 1945, is among the most celebrated 20th century psychic predictors. Known widely as “The Sleeping Prophet,” he had phenomenal success at mental medical diagnosis and nontraditional therapy. Over 12,000 transcripts of his psychic readings, given while he slept in a self-hypnotic … Read the rest

Seven Visions of Past-Life Therapy Practice in Chile – Viviana Zenteno (Is.27)

Introduction by Viviana Zenteno, M.D.

This article reflects an overview of the experiences of seven Chilean therapists, each from a different professional field, in their journey of learning and healing through past-life therapy (PLT). All of them demonstrate important changes that have evolved in their therapeutic practices and in their personal lives as a result. Even though their individual conclusions come from the perspective of their original professions, they all agree that regressive therapy can be used as a tool for global evolution as the training of therapists in PLT spreads to others throughout the world and the beneficial results gained becomes common knowledge.

[Ed. – this article serves to introduce an organization in a charming and insightful way … Read the rest

Quantum Reality and Transpersonal Therapy – Richard Stammler (Is.27)

By Richard Stammler, Ph.D.

The theory of quantum physics has been around for nearly a century, although its principles have been used to measure our reality with unprecedented precision, the description of mass reality and personal reality is, seemingly, so bizarre that science has been slow to fully accept the implications. This is also true for transpersonal therapy. As the theory becomes increasingly mainstream in many disciplines, a more complete attempt is made to describe the theory and the impact on transpersonal therapy.

“Well, let me quote from Newton about this, even though we’re talking quantum physics. Literally, I feel like a child at a sea shore, when it comes to seeing where quantum physics is pointing. I feel … Read the rest